You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

463 lines
16 KiB

/* eslint-disable object-curly-newline */
import assert from 'assert';
4 years ago
import {
ObjectID, Cursor, FilterQuery, UpdateQuery, OnlyFieldsOfType,
4 years ago
} from 'mongodb';
import {
Pdoc, Ddoc, Drdoc, Tdoc, TrainingDoc, ProblemStatusDoc,
} from '../interface';
import { buildProjection } from '../utils';
import { NumberKeys, ArrayKeys, Projection } from '../typeutils';
import db from '../service/db';
import * as bus from '../service/bus';
import { Content } from '../loader';
type DocID = ObjectID | string | number;
export const coll = db.collection('document');
export const collStatus = db.collection('document.status');
export const TYPE_PROBLEM = 10;
export const TYPE_PROBLEM_SOLUTION = 11;
export const TYPE_PROBLEM_LIST = 12;
export const TYPE_DISCUSSION_NODE = 20;
export const TYPE_DISCUSSION = 21;
export const TYPE_DISCUSSION_REPLY = 22;
export const TYPE_CONTEST = 30;
export const TYPE_TRAINING = 40;
export const TYPE_HOMEWORK = 60;
export interface DocType {
[TYPE_TRAINING]: TrainingDoc,
4 years ago
export interface DocStatusType {
[TYPE_PROBLEM]: ProblemStatusDoc,
[key: number]: any
export async function add<T extends keyof DocType, K extends DocType[T]['docId']>(
domainId: string, content: Content, owner: number,
docType: T, docId: K,
parentType?: DocType[T]['parentType'], parentId?: DocType[T]['parentId'],
args?: Partial<DocType[T]>,
): Promise<K>;
export async function add<T extends keyof DocType>(
domainId: string, content: Content, owner: number,
docType: T, docId: null,
parentType?: DocType[T]['parentType'], parentId?: DocType[T]['parentId'],
args?: Partial<DocType[T]>,
): Promise<ObjectID>;
export async function add(
domainId: string, content: Content, owner: number,
docType: number, docId: DocID = null,
parentType: number | null = null, parentId: DocID = null,
args: any = {},
) {
const _id = new ObjectID();
const doc: any = {
docId: docId || _id,
if (parentType || parentId) {
assert(parentType && parentId);
doc.parentType = parentType;
doc.parentId = parentId;
await bus.serial('document/add', doc);
const res = await coll.insertOne(doc);
return docId || res.insertedId;
export async function get<K extends keyof DocType>(domainId: string, docType: K, docId: DocType[K]['docId'], projection?: Projection<DocType[K]>) {
let cursor = coll.find({ domainId, docType, docId }).limit(1);
if (projection) cursor = cursor.project(buildProjection(projection));
const result = await cursor.toArray();
if (result.length) return result[0];
return null;
export async function set<K extends keyof DocType>(
domainId: string, docType: K, docId: DocType[K]['docId'], $set?: Partial<DocType[K]>, $unset?: OnlyFieldsOfType<DocType[K], any, true | '' | 1>,
): Promise<DocType[K]> {
await bus.parallel('document/set', domainId, docType, docId, $set, $unset);
const update: UpdateQuery<DocType[K]> = {};
if ($set) update.$set = $set;
if ($unset) update.$unset = $unset;
const res = await coll.findOneAndUpdate(
{ domainId, docType, docId },
{ returnOriginal: false, upsert: true },
return res.value;
export function deleteOne<K extends keyof DocType>(
domainId: string, docType: K, docId: DocType[K]['docId'],
) {
return Promise.all([
collStatus.deleteMany({ domainId, docType, docId }),
coll.deleteOne({ domainId, docType, docId }),
export function deleteMulti<K extends keyof DocType>(
domainId: string, docType: K, query?: FilterQuery<DocType[K]>,
) {
return coll.deleteMany({ ...query, domainId, docType });
4 years ago
export function deleteMultiStatus<K extends keyof DocStatusType>(
domainId: string, docType: K, query?: FilterQuery<DocStatusType[K]>,
) {
return collStatus.deleteMany({ ...query, domainId, docType });
export function getMulti<K extends keyof DocType>(
domainId: string, docType: K, query?: FilterQuery<DocType[K]>, projection?: Projection<DocType[K]>,
): Cursor<DocType[K]> {
let cursor = coll.find({ ...query, docType, domainId });
if (projection) cursor = cursor.project(buildProjection(projection));
return cursor;
export async function inc<K extends keyof DocType>(
domainId: string, docType: K, docId: DocType[K]['docId'],
key: NumberKeys<DocType[K]>, value: number,
) {
const res = await coll.findOneAndUpdate(
{ domainId, docType, docId },
{ $inc: { [key]: value } },
{ returnOriginal: false },
return res.value;
export async function incAndSet<K extends keyof DocType>(
domainId: string, docType: K, docId: DocType[K]['docId'],
key: NumberKeys<DocType[K]>, value: number, args: Partial<DocType[K]>,
) {
const res = await coll.findOneAndUpdate(
{ domainId, docType, docId },
{ $inc: { [key]: value }, $set: args },
{ returnOriginal: false },
return res.value;
export function count<K extends keyof DocType>(
domainId: string, docType: K, query?: FilterQuery<DocType[K]>,
) {
return coll.find({ ...query, docType, domainId }).count();
export async function push<K extends keyof DocType>(
domainId: string, docType: K, docId: DocType[K]['docId'],
key: ArrayKeys<DocType[K]>, value: DocType[K][0],
): Promise<[DocType[K], ObjectID]>;
export async function push<K extends keyof DocType, T extends keyof DocType[K]>(
domainId: string, docType: K, docId: DocType[K]['docId'],
key: keyof DocType[K], content: string, owner: number, args?: DocType[K][T][0],
): Promise<[DocType[K], ObjectID]>;
export async function push(
domainId: string, docType: number, docId: DocID, key: string,
arg0: any, arg1?: any, arg2?: any,
) {
const _id = arg2?._id || arg0?._id || new ObjectID();
const v = arg1
? { _id, ...arg2, content: arg0, owner: arg1 }
: { _id, ...arg0 };
const doc = await coll.findOneAndUpdate(
{ domainId, docType, docId },
{ $push: { [key]: v } },
{ returnOriginal: false },
return [doc.value, _id];
export async function pull<K extends keyof DocType, T extends ArrayKeys<DocType[K]>>(
domainId: string, docType: K, docId: DocType[K]['docId'],
setKey: T, contents: FilterQuery<DocType[K][T][0]>,
): Promise<DocType[K]> {
const res = await coll.findOneAndUpdate(
{ domainId, docType, docId },
{ $pull: { [setKey]: { $in: contents } } },
{ returnOriginal: false },
return res.value;
export async function deleteSub<T extends keyof DocType, K extends ArrayKeys<DocType[T]>>(
domainId: string, docType: T, docId: DocType[T]['docId'],
key: K, subId: DocType[T][K][0]['_id'] | DocType[T][K][0]['_id'][],
): Promise<DocType[T]> {
subId = (subId instanceof Array) ? subId : [subId];
const res = await coll.findOneAndUpdate(
{ domainId, docType, docId },
{ $pull: { [key]: { _id: { $in: subId } } } },
{ returnOriginal: false },
return res.value;
4 years ago
export async function getSub<T extends keyof DocType, K extends ArrayKeys<DocType[T]>>(
domainId: string, docType: T, docId: DocType[T]['docId'],
key: K, subId: DocType[T][K][0]['_id'],
): Promise<[DocType[T], DocType[T][K][0]]> {
const doc = await coll.findOne({
[key]: { $elemMatch: { _id: subId } },
if (!doc) return [null, null];
for (const sdoc of doc[key] || []) {
if (sdoc._id === subId) return [doc, sdoc];
return [doc, null];
4 years ago
export async function setSub<T extends keyof DocType, K extends ArrayKeys<DocType[T]>>(
domainId: string, docType: T, docId: DocType[T]['docId'],
key: K, subId: DocType[T][K][0]['_id'], args: Partial<DocType[T][K][0]>,
4 years ago
): Promise<DocType[T]> {
const $set = {};
for (const k in args) {
$set[`${key}.$.${k}`] = args[k];
const res = await coll.findOneAndUpdate(
[key]: { $elemMatch: { _id: subId } },
{ $set },
{ returnOriginal: false },
return res.value;
4 years ago
export async function addToSet<T extends keyof DocType, K extends ArrayKeys<DocType[T], string>>(
domainId: string, docType: T, docId: DocType[T]['docId'],
setKey: K, content: string,
) {
const res = await coll.findOneAndUpdate(
{ domainId, docType, docId },
{ $addToSet: { [setKey]: content } },
{ returnOriginal: false },
return res.value;
export async function getStatus<K extends keyof DocStatusType>(
4 years ago
domainId: string, docType: K, docId: DocStatusType[K]['docId'], uid: number,
): Promise<DocStatusType[K]> {
return await collStatus.findOne({ domainId, docType, docId, uid });
4 years ago
export function getMultiStatus<K extends keyof DocStatusType>(
domainId: string, docType: K, args: FilterQuery<DocStatusType[K]>,
): Cursor<DocStatusType[K]> {
return collStatus.find({ ...args, docType, domainId });
4 years ago
export function getMultiStatusWithoutDomain<K extends keyof DocStatusType>(
docType: K, args: FilterQuery<DocStatusType[K]>,
): Cursor<DocStatusType[K]> {
return collStatus.find({ ...args, docType });
4 years ago
export async function setStatus<K extends keyof DocStatusType>(
domainId: string, docType: K, docId: DocStatusType[K]['docId'], uid: number, args: UpdateQuery<DocStatusType[K]>['$set'],
): Promise<DocStatusType[K]> {
const res = await collStatus.findOneAndUpdate(
{ domainId, docType, docId, uid },
{ $set: args },
{ upsert: true, returnOriginal: false },
return res.value;
export async function setMultiStatus<K extends keyof DocStatusType>(
domainId: string, docType: K, query: FilterQuery<DocStatusType[K]>, args: Partial<DocStatusType[K]>,
4 years ago
) {
return await collStatus.updateMany(
4 years ago
{ domainId, docType, ...query },
{ $set: args },
export async function setIfNotStatus<T extends keyof DocStatusType, K extends keyof DocStatusType[T]>(
domainId: string, docType: T, docId: DocStatusType[T]['docId'], uid: number,
key: K, value: DocStatusType[T][K], ifNot: DocStatusType[T][K], args: Partial<DocStatusType[T]>,
): Promise<DocStatusType[T]> {
const current = await collStatus.findOne({ domainId, docType, docId, uid }) || {};
if (current[key] === ifNot) return null;
const res = await collStatus.findOneAndUpdate(
{ domainId, docType, docId, uid },
{ $set: { [key]: value, ...args } },
{ upsert: true, returnOriginal: false },
return res.value;
export async function cappedIncStatus<T extends keyof DocStatusType>(
domainId: string, docType: T, docId: DocStatusType[T]['docId'], uid: number,
key: NumberKeys<DocStatusType[T]>, value: number, minValue = -1, maxValue = 1,
): Promise<DocStatusType[T]> {
assert(value !== 0);
const $not = value > 0 ? { $gte: maxValue } : { $lte: minValue };
const res = await collStatus.findOneAndUpdate(
{ domainId, docType, docId, uid, [key]: { $not } },
{ $inc: { [key]: value } },
{ upsert: true, returnOriginal: false },
return res.value;
export async function incStatus<T extends keyof DocStatusType>(
domainId: string, docType: T, docId: DocStatusType[T]['docId'], uid: number,
key: NumberKeys<DocStatusType[T]>, value: number,
): Promise<DocStatusType[T]> {
const res = await collStatus.findOneAndUpdate(
{ domainId, docType, docId, uid },
{ $inc: { [key]: value } },
{ upsert: true, returnOriginal: false },
return res.value;
export async function revPushStatus<T extends keyof DocStatusType>(
domainId: string, docType: T, docId: DocStatusType[T]['docId'], uid: number,
key: ArrayKeys<DocStatusType[T]>, value: any, id = '_id',
): Promise<DocStatusType[T]> {
let res = await collStatus.findOneAndUpdate(
{ domainId, docType, docId, uid, [`${key}.${id}`]: value[id] },
{ $set: { [`${key}.$`]: value }, $inc: { rev: 1 } },
{ returnOriginal: false },
if (!res.value) {
res = await collStatus.findOneAndUpdate(
{ domainId, docType, docId, uid },
{ $push: { [key]: value }, $inc: { rev: 1 } },
{ upsert: true, returnOriginal: false },
return res.value;
export async function revInitStatus<T extends keyof DocStatusType>(
domainId: string, docType: T, docId: DocStatusType[T]['docId'], uid: number,
): Promise<DocStatusType[T]> {
const res = await collStatus.findOneAndUpdate(
{ domainId, docType, docId, uid },
{ $inc: { rev: 1 } },
{ upsert: true, returnOriginal: false },
return res.value;
export async function revSetStatus<T extends keyof DocStatusType>(
domainId: string, docType: T, docId: DocStatusType[T]['docId'], uid: number,
rev: number, args: Partial<DocStatusType[T]>,
): Promise<any> {
const filter = { domainId, docType, docId, uid, rev };
const update = { $set: args, $inc: { rev: 1 } };
const res = await collStatus.findOneAndUpdate(filter, update, { returnOriginal: false });
return res.value;
async function ensureIndexes() {
const ic = coll.createIndex.bind(coll);
const is = collStatus.createIndex.bind(coll);
const u = { unique: true };
const s = { sparse: true };
await ic({ domainId: 1, docType: 1, docId: 1 }, u);
await ic({ domainId: 1, docType: 1, owner: 1, docId: -1 });
// For problem
await ic({ domainId: 1, docType: 1, search: 'text', title: 'text' }, s);
await ic({ domainId: 1, docType: 1, category: 1, docId: 1 }, s);
await ic({ domainId: 1, docType: 1, hidden: 1, category: 1, docId: 1 }, s);
await ic({ domainId: 1, docType: 1, tag: 1, docId: 1 }, s);
await ic({ domainId: 1, docType: 1, hidden: 1, tag: 1, docId: 1 }, s);
// For problem solution
await ic({ domainId: 1, docType: 1, parentType: 1, parentId: 1, vote: -1, docId: -1 }, s);
// For discussion
await ic({ domainId: 1, docType: 1, pin: -1, updateAt: -1, docId: -1 }, s);
await ic({ domainId: 1, docType: 1, parentType: 1, parentId: 1, updateAt: -1, docId: -1 }, s);
// Hidden doc
await ic({ domainId: 1, docType: 1, hidden: 1, docId: -1 }, s);
// For contest
await ic({ domainId: 1, docType: 1, pids: 1 }, s);
await ic({ domainId: 1, docType: 1, rule: 1, docId: -1 }, s);
// For training
await ic({ domainId: 1, docType: 1, 'dag.pids': 1 }, s);
await is({ domainId: 1, docType: 1, uid: 1, docId: 1 }, u);
// For rp system
await is({ domainId: 1, docType: 1, docId: 1, status: 1, rid: 1, rp: 1 }, s);
// For contest rule OI
await is({ domainId: 1, docType: 1, docId: 1, score: -1 }, s);
// For contest rule ACM
await is({ domainId: 1, docType: 1, docId: 1, accept: -1, time: 1 }, s);
// For training
await is({ domainId: 1, docType: 1, uid: 1, enroll: 1, docId: 1 }, s);
bus.once('app/started', ensureIndexes);
global.Hydro.model.document = {
4 years ago