You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

299 lines
13 KiB

4 years ago
import { ObjectID, FilterQuery } from 'mongodb';
import { Dictionary, escapeRegExp, pick } from 'lodash';
import { streamToBuffer } from '@hydrooj/utils/lib/utils';
import type { Readable } from 'stream';
import * as document from './document';
4 years ago
import { STATUS } from './builtin';
import storage from './storage';
import { buildProjection } from '../utils';
import type { ProblemStatusDoc, ProblemDict, Document } from '../interface';
4 years ago
import {
ArrayKeys, MaybeArray, NumberKeys, Projection,
} from '../typeutils';
import { ProblemNotFoundError, ValidationError } from '../error';
import * as bus from '../service/bus';
import { parseConfig } from '../lib/testdataConfig';
export interface ProblemDoc extends Document { }
export type Field = keyof ProblemDoc;
const fields: Field[] = [];
export type Getter = (docId?: number, pid?: string) => Partial<ProblemDoc>;
const getters: Getter[] = [];
export class ProblemModel {
static PROJECTION_LIST: Field[] = [
'_id', 'domainId', 'docType', 'docId', 'pid',
'owner', 'title', 'nSubmit', 'nAccept', 'difficulty',
'tag', 'hidden', 'stats',
static PROJECTION_PUBLIC: Field[] = [
'content', 'html', 'data', 'config', 'additional_file',
static extend(getter: Getter) {
fields.push(...Object.keys(getter(0, '0')) as any);
static create(docId?: number, pid?: string) {
const result = {} as ProblemDoc;
for (const getter of getters) {
Object.assign(result, getter(docId, pid));
return result;
static async add(
domainId: string, pid: string = null, title: string, content: string, owner: number,
tag: string[] = [], hidden = false,
) {
const [doc] = await ProblemModel.getMulti(domainId, {})
.sort({ docId: -1 }).limit(1).project({ docId: 1 })
const result = await ProblemModel.addWithId(domainId, (doc?.docId || 0) + 1, pid, title, content, owner, tag, hidden);
return result;
static async addWithId(
domainId: string, docId: number, pid: string = null, title: string,
content: string, owner: number, tag: string[] = [], hidden = false,
) {
const args: Partial<ProblemDoc> = {
title, tag, hidden, nSubmit: 0, nAccept: 0,
if (pid) = pid;
await bus.serial('problem/before-add', args);
const result = await document.add(domainId, content, owner, document.TYPE_PROBLEM, docId, null, null, args);
args.content = content;
args.owner = owner;
args.docType = document.TYPE_PROBLEM;
await bus.emit('problem/add', args, result);
return result;
static async get(
domainId: string, pid: string | number,
projection: Projection<ProblemDoc> = ProblemModel.PROJECTION_PUBLIC,
): Promise<ProblemDoc> {
if (typeof pid !== 'number') {
if (Number.isSafeInteger(parseInt(pid, 10))) pid = parseInt(pid, 10);
const res = typeof pid === 'number'
? await document.get(domainId, document.TYPE_PROBLEM, pid, projection)
: (await document.getMulti(domainId, document.TYPE_PROBLEM, { pid }).toArray())[0];
if (!res) return null;
try {
res.config = await parseConfig(res.config);
} catch (e) {
res.config = `Cannot parse: ${e.message}`;
return res;
static getMulti(domainId: string, query: FilterQuery<ProblemDoc>, projection = ProblemModel.PROJECTION_LIST) {
return document.getMulti(domainId, document.TYPE_PROBLEM, query, projection);
static getStatus(domainId: string, docId: number, uid: number) {
return document.getStatus(domainId, document.TYPE_PROBLEM, docId, uid);
static getMultiStatus(domainId: string, query: FilterQuery<ProblemDoc>) {
return document.getMultiStatus(domainId, document.TYPE_PROBLEM, query);
static async edit(domainId: string, _id: number, $set: Partial<ProblemDoc>): Promise<ProblemDoc> {
const delpid = $ === '';
if (delpid) delete $;
await bus.serial('problem/before-edit', $set);
const result = await document.set(domainId, document.TYPE_PROBLEM, _id, $set, delpid ? { pid: '' } : undefined);
await bus.emit('problem/edit', result);
return result;
static push<T extends ArrayKeys<ProblemDoc>>(domainId: string, _id: number, key: ArrayKeys<ProblemDoc>, value: ProblemDoc[T][0]) {
return document.push(domainId, document.TYPE_PROBLEM, _id, key, value);
static pull<T extends ArrayKeys<ProblemDoc>>(domainId: string, pid: number, key: ArrayKeys<ProblemDoc>, values: ProblemDoc[T][0][]) {
return document.deleteSub(domainId, document.TYPE_PROBLEM, pid, key, values);
static inc(domainId: string, _id: number, field: NumberKeys<ProblemDoc> | string, n: number): Promise<ProblemDoc> {
3 years ago
return, document.TYPE_PROBLEM, _id, field as any, n);
static count(domainId: string, query: FilterQuery<ProblemDoc>) {
return document.count(domainId, document.TYPE_PROBLEM, query);
static async del(domainId: string, docId: number) {
await bus.serial('problem/before-del', domainId, docId);
const res = await Promise.all([
document.deleteOne(domainId, document.TYPE_PROBLEM, docId),
document.deleteMultiStatus(domainId, document.TYPE_PROBLEM, { docId }),
storage.list(`problem/${domainId}/${docId}/`).then((items) => storage.del( => item.prefix +,
bus.parallel('problem/delete', domainId, docId),
await bus.emit('problem/del', domainId, docId);
return res;
static async addTestdata(domainId: string, pid: number, name: string, f: Readable | Buffer | string) {
if (!name) throw new ValidationError('name');
const [[, fileinfo]] = await Promise.all([
document.getSub(domainId, document.TYPE_PROBLEM, pid, 'data', name),
storage.put(`problem/${domainId}/${pid}/testdata/${name}`, f),
const meta = await storage.getMeta(`problem/${domainId}/${pid}/testdata/${name}`);
if (!meta) throw new Error('Upload failed');
const payload = { name, ...pick(meta, ['size', 'lastModified', 'etag']) };
if (!fileinfo) await ProblemModel.push(domainId, pid, 'data', { _id: name, ...payload });
else await document.setSub(domainId, document.TYPE_PROBLEM, pid, 'data', name, payload);
await bus.emit('problem/addTestdata', domainId, pid, name, payload);
static async delTestdata(domainId: string, pid: number, name: string | string[]) {
const names = (name instanceof Array) ? name : [name];
await storage.del( => `problem/${domainId}/${pid}/testdata/${t}`));
await ProblemModel.pull(domainId, pid, 'data', names);
4 years ago
await bus.emit('problem/delTestdata', domainId, pid, names);
static async addAdditionalFile(domainId: string, pid: number, name: string, f: Readable | Buffer | string) {
const [[, fileinfo]] = await Promise.all([
document.getSub(domainId, document.TYPE_PROBLEM, pid, 'additional_file', name),
storage.put(`problem/${domainId}/${pid}/additional_file/${name}`, f),
const meta = await storage.getMeta(`problem/${domainId}/${pid}/additional_file/${name}`);
const payload = { name, ...pick(meta, ['size', 'lastModified', 'etag']) };
if (!fileinfo) await ProblemModel.push(domainId, pid, 'additional_file', { _id: name, ...payload });
else await document.setSub(domainId, document.TYPE_PROBLEM, pid, 'additional_file', name, payload);
await bus.emit('problem/addAdditionalFile', domainId, pid, name, payload);
4 years ago
static async delAdditionalFile(domainId: string, pid: number, name: MaybeArray<string>) {
const names = (name instanceof Array) ? name : [name];
await storage.del( => `problem/${domainId}/${pid}/additional_file/${t}`));
await ProblemModel.pull(domainId, pid, 'additional_file', names);
4 years ago
await bus.emit('problem/delAdditionalFile', domainId, pid, names);
static async random(domainId: string, query: FilterQuery<ProblemDoc>): Promise<string | number | null> {
const cursor = document.getMulti(domainId, document.TYPE_PROBLEM, query);
const pcount = await cursor.count();
if (pcount) {
const pdoc = await cursor.skip(Math.floor(Math.random() * pcount)).limit(1).toArray();
return pdoc[0].pid || pdoc[0].docId;
} return null;
static async getList(
domainId: string, pids: Array<number | string>,
getHidden = false, doThrow = true, projection = ProblemModel.PROJECTION_PUBLIC,
): Promise<ProblemDict> {
pids = Array.from(new Set(pids)).map((i) => (+i ? +i : i));
const r = {};
const l = {};
const q: any = { $or: [{ docId: { $in: pids } }, { pid: { $in: pids } }] };
if (!getHidden) q.hidden = false;
const pdocs = await document.getMulti(domainId, document.TYPE_PROBLEM, q)
for (const pdoc of pdocs) {
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
pdoc.config = await parseConfig(pdoc.config as string);
} catch (e) {
pdoc.config = `Cannot parse: ${e.message}`;
r[pdoc.docId] = pdoc;
l[] = pdoc;
// TODO enhance
if (pdocs.length !== pids.length) {
for (const pid of pids) {
if (!(r[pid] || l[pid])) {
if (doThrow) throw new ProblemNotFoundError(domainId, pid);
else r[pid] = ProblemModel.create(undefined, pid.toString());
return Object.assign(r, l);
static async getPrefixList(domainId: string, prefix: string) {
prefix = prefix.toLowerCase();
const $regex = new RegExp(`\\A${escapeRegExp(prefix)}`, 'gmi');
const filter = { $or: [{ pid: { $regex } }, { title: { $regex } }] };
return await document.getMulti(domainId, document.TYPE_PROBLEM, filter, ['domainId', 'docId', 'pid', 'title']).toArray();
static async getListStatus(domainId: string, uid: number, pids: number[]) {
const psdocs = await ProblemModel.getMultiStatus(
domainId, { uid, docId: { $in: Array.from(new Set(pids)) } },
const r: Dictionary<ProblemStatusDoc> = {};
for (const psdoc of psdocs) r[psdoc.docId] = psdoc;
return r;
static async updateStatus(
domainId: string, pid: number, uid: number,
rid: ObjectID, status: number, score: number,
) {
4 years ago
const filter: FilterQuery<ProblemStatusDoc> = { rid: { $ne: rid }, status: STATUS.STATUS_ACCEPTED };
const res = await document.setStatusIfNotCondition(
domainId, document.TYPE_PROBLEM, pid, uid,
filter, { rid, status, score },
return !!res;
static async incStatus(
domainId: string, pid: number, uid: number,
key: NumberKeys<ProblemStatusDoc>, count: number,
) {
return await document.incStatus(domainId, document.TYPE_PROBLEM, pid, uid, key, count);
static setStar(domainId: string, pid: number, uid: number, star: boolean) {
return document.setStatus(domainId, document.TYPE_PROBLEM, pid, uid, { star });
bus.on('problem/addTestdata', async (domainId, docId, name) => {
if (!['config.yaml', 'config.yml', 'Config.yaml', 'Config.yml'].includes(name)) return;
const buf = await storage.get(`problem/${domainId}/${docId}/testdata/${name}`);
await ProblemModel.edit(domainId, docId, { config: (await streamToBuffer(buf)).toString() });
bus.on('problem/delTestdata', async (domainId, docId, names) => {
if (!names.includes('config.yaml')) return;
await ProblemModel.edit(domainId, docId, { config: '' });
ProblemModel.extend((docId, pid) => ({
_id: new ObjectID(),
domainId: 'system',
docType: document.TYPE_PROBLEM,
docId: docId || -1,
pid: pid || docId.toString(),
owner: 1,
title: '*',
content: '',
html: false,
nSubmit: 0,
nAccept: 0,
tag: [],
data: [],
additional_file: [],
stats: {},
hidden: true,
4 years ago
config: '',
difficulty: 0,
global.Hydro.model.problem = ProblemModel;
export default ProblemModel;