You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

163 lines
7.3 KiB

{% import "components/user.html" as user with context %}
{% macro action(tooltip, operation, type, data, icon) %}
<a href="javascript:;"
{% if tooltip %} data-tooltip="{{ tooltip }}"{% endif %}
data-op="{{ operation }}" data-type="{{ type }}"
{% if data %} data-form="{{ data|json }}"{% endif %}>
<span class="icon icon-{{ icon }}"></span>
{% endmacro %}
{% macro render(
view, docs, udict,
comment_placeholder = 'Write Your Comment',
comment_post_op = 'reply',
comment_edit_op = 'edit_reply',
comment_post_text = 'Comment',
comment_edit_text = 'Update',
reply_post_op = 'tail_reply',
reply_post_text = 'Reply',
reply_edit_op = 'edit_tail_reply',
reply_edit_text = 'Update',
comment_delete_op = 'delete_reply',
reply_delete_op = 'delete_tail_reply',
reactions = {},
ddoc = {}
) %}
<ul class="dczcomments__list view--discussion">
{% if handler.user.hasPerm(comment_post_perm) %}
<li class="dczcomments__item">
<div class="media">
<div class="media__left top">
<img src="{{ avatarUrl(handler.user.avatar, 60) }}" width="60" height="60" class="medium user-profile-avatar">
<div class="media__body top">
{% if ddoc.lock %}
<textarea class="textbox" name="dczcomments__dummy-box" readonly placeholder="{{ _('The discussion is locked, you can not reply anymore.') }}"></textarea>
{% else %}
<div class="hasjs--hide">
<form method="post" class="dczcomments__box" name="dczcomments__box__form" data-hotkey="ctrl+enter:submit,esc:vjCommentBoxCancel">
<textarea name="content" class="textbox" data-markdown required></textarea>
<input type="submit" class="rounded primary button dczcomments__box__submit" value="{{ _(comment_post_text) }} (Ctrl+Enter)" data-value-reply="{{ _(reply_post_text) }} (Ctrl+Enter)" data-value-comment="{{ _(comment_post_text) }} (Ctrl+Enter)" data-value-comment-update="{{ _(comment_edit_text) }} (Ctrl+Enter)" data-value-reply-update="{{ _(reply_edit_text) }} (Ctrl+Enter)">
<input type="button" class="rounded button nojs--hide" name="dczcomments__box__cancel" value="{{ _('Cancel') }} (Esc)">
<input type="hidden" name="operation" value="{{ comment_post_op }}">
<input type="hidden" name="csrfToken" value="{{ handler.csrfToken }}">
<div class="nojs--hide">
<textarea class="textbox" name="dczcomments__dummy-box" readonly data-form="{{ {operation: comment_post_op}|json }}" placeholder="{{ _(comment_placeholder) }}"></textarea>
<div class="commentbox-placeholder"></div>
<ul style="display:none">
<li class="dczcomments__reply commentbox-container">
<div class="media">
<div class="media__left top">
<img src="{{ avatarUrl(handler.user.avatar, 50) }}" width="50" height="50" class="medium user-profile-avatar">
<div class="media__body top">
<div class="commentbox-placeholder"></div>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{%- for doc in docs -%}
{% set udoc = udict[doc.owner] %}
<li class="dczcomments__item">
<div class="media">
<div class="media__left top">
<img src="{{ avatarUrl(udoc.avatar, 60) }}" width="60" height="60" class="medium user-profile-avatar">
<div class="media__body top" id="comment-{{ doc.docId }}">
<div class="clearfix">
<div class="supplementary dczcomments__supplementary">
{{ user.render_inline(udoc, avatar=false) }}
@ {{ datetimeSpan(doc['_id'])|safe }}
<div class="dczcomments__operations nojs--hide">
{% if handler.user.hasPerm(reply_post_perm) %}
{{ action(_('Reply'), 'reply', 'comment', {operation: reply_post_op, drid: doc._id}, 'reply') }}
{% endif %}
{% if (handler.user.hasPerm(comment_edit_self_perm) and handler.user.own(doc)) or handler.user.hasPerm(comment_edit_perm) %}
{{ action(_('Edit'), 'edit', 'comment', {operation: comment_edit_op, drid: doc._id}, 'edit') }}
{% endif %}
{% if (handler.user.hasPerm(comment_delete_self_perm) and handler.user.own(doc)) or handler.user.hasPerm(comment_delete_perm) %}
{{ action(_('Delete'), 'delete', 'comment', {operation: comment_delete_op, drid: doc._id}, 'delete') }}
{% endif %}
{% if (handler.user.hasPerm(perm.PERM_ADD_REACTION)) %}
{{ action('', 'react', 'comment', {operation: 'reaction', type:'drid', id: doc._id}, 'emoji') }}
{% endif %}
<div class="typo" data-emoji-enabled data-drid="{{ doc.docId }}" data-raw-url="{{ url('discussion_reply_raw', did=doc.parentId, drid=doc._id) }}">
{{ doc['content']|markdown|safe }}
<div class="reactions list" data-type="drid" data-drid="{{ doc._id }}">
{% for e in Object.entries(doc.react or {})|sort(true, false, 1)|selectattr(1) %}
<div class="reaction{% if reactions[doc.docId][e[0]] %} active{% endif %}"><span class="emoji">{{ e[0] }}</span> {{ e[1] }}</div>
{% endfor %}
<div class="commentbox-edit-target"></div>
<ul class="dczcomments__replies commentbox-reply-target">
{%- for rdoc in doc['reply'] -%}
{% set udoc = udict[rdoc.owner] %}
<li class="dczcomments__reply">
<div class="media">
<div class="media__left top">
<img src="{{ avatarUrl(udoc.avatar, 50) }}" width="50" height="50" class="medium user-profile-avatar">
<div class="media__body top">
<div class="clearfix">
<div class="supplementary dczcomments__supplementary">
{{ user.render_inline(udoc, avatar=false) }}
@ {{ datetimeSpan(rdoc._id)|safe }}
<div class="dczcomments__operations nojs--hide">
{% if handler.user.hasPerm(reply_post_perm) %}
{{ action(_('Reply'), 'reply', 'reply', {}, 'reply') }}
{% endif %}
{% if handler.user.own(doc) or handler.user.hasPerm(reply_edit_perm) %}
{{ action(_('Edit'), 'edit', 'reply', {operation: reply_edit_op, drid: doc._id, drrid: rdoc._id}, 'edit') }}
{% endif %}
{% if handler.user.own(doc) or handler.user.hasPerm(reply_delete_perm) %}
{{ action(_('Delete'), 'delete', 'reply', {operation: reply_delete_op, drid: doc._id, drrid: rdoc._id}, 'delete') }}
{% endif %}
<div class="typo" data-emoji-enabled data-raw-url="{{ url('discussion_tail_reply_raw', did=doc.parentId, drid=doc._id, drrid=rdoc._id) }}">
{{ rdoc.content|markdown|safe }}
<div class="commentbox-edit-target"></div>
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{% endmacro %}