You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

185 lines
7.8 KiB

/* eslint-disable max-len */
/* eslint-disable prefer-destructuring */
4 years ago
const { randomUUID } = require('crypto');
const { escapeHtml } = require('markdown-it/lib/common/utils');
4 years ago
/* eslint-disable no-restricted-properties */
const ytRegex = /^.*((\/)|(v\/)|(\/u\/\w\/)|(embed\/)|(watch\?))\??v?=?([^#&?]*).*/;
function youtubeParser(url) {
const match = url.match(ytRegex);
return match && match[7].length === 11 ? match[7] : url;
const vimeoRegex = /https?:\/\/(?:www\.|player\.)?\/(?:channels\/(?:\w+\/)?|groups\/([^/]*)\/videos\/|album\/(\d+)\/video\/|)(\d+)(?:$|\/|\?)/;
function vimeoParser(url) {
const match = url.match(vimeoRegex);
return match && typeof match[3] === 'string' ? match[3] : url;
const vineRegex = /^http(?:s?):\/\/(?:www\.)?vine\.co\/v\/([a-zA-Z0-9]{1,13}).*/;
function vineParser(url) {
const match = url.match(vineRegex);
return match && match[1].length === 11 ? match[1] : url;
const preziRegex = /^https:\/\/\/(.[^/]+)/;
function preziParser(url) {
const match = url.match(preziRegex);
return match ? match[1] : url;
// TODO: Write regex for staging and local servers.
const mfrRegex = /^http(?:s?):\/\/(?:www\.)?mfr\.osf\.io\/render\?url=http(?:s?):\/\/osf\.io\/([a-zA-Z0-9]{1,5})\/\?action=download/;
function mfrParser(url) {
const match = url.match(mfrRegex);
return match ? match[1] : url;
const EMBED_REGEX = /@\[([a-zA-Z].+?)]\((.*?)[)]/im;
function extractVideoParameters(url) {
const parameterMap = new Map();
const params = url.replace(/&/gi, '&').split(/[#?&]/);
if (params.length > 1) {
for (let i = 1; i < params.length; i += 1) {
const keyValue = params[i].split('=');
if (keyValue.length > 1) parameterMap.set(keyValue[0], keyValue[1]);
return parameterMap;
function videoUrl(service, videoID, url, options) {
switch (service) {
4 years ago
case 'youtube': {
const parameters = extractVideoParameters(url);
if ( {
Object.keys( => {
4 years ago
const timeParameter = parameters.get('t');
if (timeParameter !== undefined) {
let startTime = 0;
const timeParts = timeParameter.match(/[0-9]+/g);
let j = 0;
while (timeParts.length > 0) {
startTime += Number(timeParts.pop()) * Math.pow(60, j);
j += 1;
parameters.set('start', startTime);
const parameterArray = Array.from(parameters, (p) => p.join('='));
const parameterPos = videoID.indexOf('?');
let finalUrl = '';
if ( || url.indexOf('') > -1) finalUrl += '-nocookie';
finalUrl += `.com/embed/${parameterPos > -1 ? videoID.substr(0, parameterPos) : videoID}`;
if (parameterArray.length > 0) finalUrl += `?${parameterArray.join('&')}`;
return finalUrl;
4 years ago
case 'vimeo':
return `${videoID}`;
case 'vine':
return `${videoID}/embed/${options.vine.embed}`;
case 'prezi':
return `${videoID
+ 'landing_sign=1kD6c0N6aYpMUS0wxnQjxzSqZlEB8qNFdxtdjYhwSuI';
4 years ago
case 'osf':
return `${videoID}/?action=download`;
return videoID;
module.exports = function videoPlugin(md) {
const options = {
url: videoUrl,
video: videoUrl,
youtube: { width: 640, height: 390, nocookie: false },
vimeo: { width: 500, height: 281 },
vine: { width: 600, height: 600, embed: 'simple' },
prezi: { width: 550, height: 400 },
osf: { width: '100%', height: '100%' },
pdf: videoUrl,
}; = function tokenizeReturn(tokens, idx) {
let videoID = md.utils.escapeHtml(tokens[idx].videoID);
const service = md.utils.escapeHtml(tokens[idx].service).toLowerCase();
const checkUrl = /http(?:s?):\/\/(?:www\.)?[a-zA-Z0-9-:.]{1,}\/render(?:\/)?[a-zA-Z0-9.&;?=:%]{1,}url=http(?:s?):\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9 -:.]{1,}\/[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,5}\/\?[a-zA-Z0-9.=:%]{1,}/;
let num;
if (service === 'osf' && videoID) {
num = Math.random() * 0x10000;
if (videoID.match(checkUrl)) {
return `<div id="${num}" class="mfr mfr-file"></div><script>`
+ `$(document).ready(function () {new mfr.Render("${num}", "${videoID}");`
+ ' }); </script>';
return `<div id="${num}" class="mfr mfr-file"></div><script>`
+ `$(document).ready(function () {new mfr.Render("${num}", "`
+ `render?url=${videoID}/?action=download%26mode=render");`
+ ' }); </script>';
if (service === 'pdf') {
if (videoID.startsWith('file://')) videoID += videoID.includes('?') ? '&noDisposition=1' : '?noDisposition=1';
return `\
<object classid="clsid:${randomUUID().toUpperCase()}">
<param name="SRC" value="${videoID}" >
<embed width="100%" style="min-height: 100vh;border: none;" fullscreen="yes" src="${videoID}">
if (['url', 'video'].includes(service)) {
return `\
<video width="100%" controls>
<source src="${videoID}" type="${videoID.endsWith('ogg') ? 'video/ogg' : 'video/mp4'}">
Your browser doesn't support video tag.
if (options[service]?.width) {
return `<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">
<iframe class="embed-responsive-item ${service}-player" type="text/html" width="${options[service].width || 640
}" height="${options[service].height || 390
4 years ago
}" src="${options.url(service, videoID, tokens[idx].url, options)
}" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe></div>`;
return `<div data-${service}>${escapeHtml(videoID)}</div>`;
md.inline.ruler.before('emphasis', 'video', (state, silent) => {
let token;
let videoID;
const theState = state;
const oldPos = state.pos;
if (state.src.charCodeAt(oldPos) !== 0x40
||/* @ */ state.src.charCodeAt(oldPos + 1) !== 0x5B/* [ */) {
return false;
const match = EMBED_REGEX.exec(state.src.slice(state.pos, state.src.length));
if (!match || match.length < 3) return false;
const service = match[1];
videoID = match[2];
const serviceLower = service.toLowerCase();
if (serviceLower === 'youtube') videoID = youtubeParser(videoID);
else if (serviceLower === 'vimeo') videoID = vimeoParser(videoID);
else if (serviceLower === 'vine') videoID = vineParser(videoID);
else if (serviceLower === 'prezi') videoID = preziParser(videoID);
else if (serviceLower === 'osf') videoID = mfrParser(videoID);
if (videoID === ')') videoID = '';
const serviceStart = oldPos + 2;
const serviceEnd = md.helpers.parseLinkLabel(state, oldPos + 1, false);
if (!silent) {
theState.pos = serviceStart;
theState.service = theState.src.slice(serviceStart, serviceEnd);
const newState = new,, theState.env, []);;
token = theState.push('video', '');
token.videoID = videoID;
token.service = service;
token.url = match[2];
token.level = theState.level;
theState.pos += theState.src.indexOf(')', theState.pos);
return true;