You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

564 lines
19 KiB

4 years ago
/* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */
// @ts-nocheck
4 years ago
import {
Rdoc, TestCase, Mdoc, Drrdoc, TrainingNode,
4 years ago
} from 'hydrooj';
import fs from 'fs';
import os from 'os';
import path from 'path';
import yaml from 'js-yaml';
import mongodb, { ObjectID, Db, Cursor } from 'mongodb';
const dst = global.Hydro.service.db;
const { file, discussion, document } = global.Hydro.model;
const { testdataConfig } = global.Hydro.lib;
// TODO handle usage_userfile
4 years ago
// TODO output enhancement
const map = {};
const pid = (id) => {
if (map[id.toString()]) return map[id.toString()];
return id;
const tasks = {
user: async (doc) => ({
_id: doc._id,
uname: doc.uname,
unameLower: doc.uname_lower,
salt: doc.salt,
hash: doc.hash.split('|')[1],
hashType: doc.hash.split('|')[0] === 'vj4' ? 'hydro' : doc.hash.split('|')[0],
priv: doc.priv,
gravatar: doc.gravatar,
mail: doc.mail,
mailLower: doc.mail_lower,
regat: doc.regat,
regip: doc.regip,
loginat: doc.loginat,
loginip: doc.loginip,
codeLang: doc.code_lang,
codeTemplate: doc.code_template,
timezone: doc.timezone,
viewLang: doc.viewLang,
gender: doc.gender,
qq: doc.qq,
document: {
_id: '_id',
doc_id: 'docId',
doc_type: 'docType',
num_submit: 'nSubmit',
num_accept: 'nAccept',
difficulty: 'difficulty',
difficulty_admin: null,
difficulty_algo: 'difficultyAlgo',
difficulty_setting: 'difficultySetting',
pname: 'pid',
title: 'title',
content: 'content',
owner_uid: 'owner',
category: 'category',
hidden: 'hidden',
data: 'data',
tag: 'tag',
vote: 'vote',
reply: {
field: 'reply',
processer: (reply) => {
const res = [];
for (const r of reply) {
const drrdoc: Drrdoc = {
_id: r._id,
content: r.content,
owner: r.owner_uid,
ip: r.ip,
history: [],
4 years ago
return res;
ac_msg: 'acMsg',
parent_doc_id: {
field: 'parentId',
processer: (parentId, doc) => {
if (doc.parent_doc_type === global.Hydro.model.document.TYPE_PROBLEM) {
return pid(parentId);
return parentId;
parent_doc_type: 'parentType',
num_replies: 'nReply',
views: 'views',
highlight: 'highlight',
ip: 'ip',
domain_id: 'domainId',
update_at: 'updateAt',
begin_at: 'beginAt',
end_at: 'endAt',
penalty_since: 'penaltySince',
penalty_rules: {
field: 'penaltyRules',
processer: (rule) => {
const n = {};
for (const key in rule) {
n[parseInt(key, 10) / 3600] = rule;
return n;
rule: {
field: 'rule',
processer: (rule: number) => {
const rules = {
2: 'oi',
3: 'acm',
11: 'homework',
return rules[rule];
pids: {
field: 'pids',
processer: (pids) => => pid(p)),
attend: 'attend',
desc: 'description',
enroll: 'attend',
4 years ago
rated: 'rated',
dag: {
field: 'dag',
processer: (dag) => {
const r: TrainingNode[] = [];
4 years ago
for (const t of dag) {
_id: t._id,
title: t.title,
requireNids: t.require_nids,
pids: => pid(id)),
return r;
'document.status': {
_id: '_id',
doc_id: 'docId',
doc_type: 'docType',
uid: 'uid',
domain_id: 'domainId',
num_accept: 'nAccept',
num_submit: 'nSubmit',
status: 'status',
accept: 'accept',
vote: 'vote',
star: 'star',
enroll: 'enroll',
rid: 'rid',
rev: 'rev',
attend: 'attend',
journal: {
field: 'journal',
processer: (journal) => {
const r = [];
for (const i of journal) {
r.push({ ...i, pid: pid( });
return r;
penalty_score: 'penaltyScore',
detail: {
field: 'detail',
processer: (detail) => {
const r = [];
for (const i of detail) {
r.push({ ...i, pid: pid( });
return r;
score: 'score',
time: 'time',
done: 'done',
done_nids: 'doneNids',
done_pids: {
field: 'donePids',
processer: (pids) => => pid(id)),
rp: null,
'domain.user': {
_id: '_id',
domain_id: 'domainId',
uid: 'uid',
num_problems: 'nProblem',
num_submit: 'nSubmit',
num_accept: 'nAccept',
num_liked: 'nLike',
level: 'level',
role: 'role',
join_at: 'joinAt',
display_name: 'displayName',
rp: null,
rank: null,
userfile_usage: null,
4 years ago
record: async (doc) => {
const testCases: TestCase[] = [];
for (const c of doc.cases || []) {
status: c.status,
time: c.time_ms || c.time,
memory: c.memory_kb || c.memory,
message: (c.judge_text || '') + (c.message || ''),
const rdoc: Rdoc = {
_id: doc._id,
status: doc.status,
score: doc.score,
time: doc.time_ms,
memory: doc.memory_kb,
code: doc.code,
lang: doc.lang,
uid: doc.uid,
pid: pid(,
domainId: doc.domain_id,
judger: doc.judge_uid || 1,
judgeAt: doc.judge_at || new Date(),
judgeTexts: doc.judge_texts || [],
compilerTexts: doc.compiler_texts || [],
hidden: !!doc.hidden,
rejudged: !!doc.rejudged,
if (doc.rejudged) rdoc.rejudged = true;
if (doc.tid) {
rdoc.contest = {
type: doc.ttype || document.TYPE_CONTEST,
tid: doc.tid,
return rdoc;
domain: {
_id: '_id',
doc_id: 'docId',
doc_type: 'docType',
owner_uid: 'owner',
4 years ago
owner: 'owner',
4 years ago
name: 'name',
roles: {
field: 'roles',
processer: (roles) => {
const res = {};
for (const role in roles) {
res[role] = roles[role].toString();
return res;
gravatar: 'gravatar',
bulletin: 'bulletin',
pid_counter: 'pidCounter',
'fs.files': async (doc) => doc,
'fs.chunks': async (doc) => doc,
file: async (doc) => ({
_id: doc._id,
count: 0,
secret: doc.metadata.secret,
size: doc.length,
md5: doc.md5,
type CursorGetter = (s: Db) => Cursor<any>;
const cursor: NodeJS.Dict<CursorGetter> = {
user: (s) => s.collection('user').find(),
document: (s) => s.collection('document').find({ doc_type: { $ne: 20 } }),
'document.status': (s) => s.collection('document.status').find(),
'domain.user': (s) => s.collection('domain.user').find(),
record: (s) => s.collection('record').find(),
domain: (s) => s.collection('domain').find(),
'fs.files': (s) => s.collection('fs.files').find(),
'fs.chunks': (s) => s.collection('fs.chunks').find(),
file: (s) => s.collection('fs.files').find(),
async function discussionNode(src: Db, report: Function) {
const count = await src.collection('document').find({ doc_type: 20 }).count();
await report({ progress: 1, message: `discussion.node: ${count}` });
const total = Math.floor(count / 5);
for (let i = 0; i <= total; i++) {
const docs = await src.collection('document')
.find({ doc_type: 20 }).skip(i * 5).limit(5)
for (const doc of docs) {
const t = [];
for (const item of doc.content || []) {
const category = item[0];
const nodes = item[1];
for (const node of nodes || []) {
if (node.pic) {
doc.domain_id,, category, { pic: node.pic },
} else {
t.push(discussion.addNode(doc.domain_id,, category, {}));
await Promise.all(t).catch((e) => e);
await report({ progress: Math.round(100 * ((i + 1) / (total + 1))) });
function addSpace(content: string) {
const lines = content.split('\r\n');
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-continue
if (lines[i].endsWith('|')) continue; // Markdown table;
if (!lines[i].endsWith(' ')) lines[i] = `${lines[i]} `;
return lines.join('\n');
async function fix(doc) {
await dst.collection('document').updateOne(
{ _id: doc._id },
{ $set: { pid: || doc.docId.toString(), content: addSpace(doc.content) } },
if ( && instanceof ObjectID) {
const r = await file.get(;
const p = path.resolve(os.tmpdir(), 'hydro', `migrate.vijos.${doc._id}.zip`);
const w = fs.createWriteStream(p);
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
w.on('finish', resolve);
w.on('error', reject);
const config = yaml.safeLoad(await testdataConfig.readConfig(p));
await dst.collection('document').updateOne(
{ _id: doc._id },
{ $set: { config } },
async function fixProblem(report: Function) {
const count = await dst.collection('document').find({ docType: 10 }).count();
await report({ progress: 1, message: `Fix pid: ${count}` });
const total = Math.floor(count / 50);
for (let i = 0; i <= total; i++) {
const docs = await dst.collection('document')
.find({ docType: 10 }).skip(i * 50).limit(50)
for (const doc of docs) {
await fix(doc).catch((e) => report({ message: `${e.toString()}\n${e.stack}` }));
await report({ progress: Math.round(100 * ((i + 1) / (total + 1))) });
function objid(ts: Date) {
const p = Math.floor(ts.getTime() / 1000).toString(16);
const id = new mongodb.ObjectID();
return new mongodb.ObjectID(p + id.toHexString().slice(8, 8 + 6 + 4 + 6));
// FIXME this seems not working
async function message(src: Db, report: Function) {
const count = await src.collection('message').find().count();
await report({ progress: 1, message: `Messages: ${count}` });
const total = Math.floor(count / 50);
for (let i = 0; i <= total; i++) {
const docs = await src.collection('message')
.find().skip(i * 50).limit(50)
for (const doc of docs) {
for (const msg of doc.reply) {
const mdoc: Mdoc = {
_id: objid(,
from: msg.sender_uid,
to: msg.sender_uid === doc.sender_uid ? doc.sendee_uid : doc.sender_uid,
content: msg.content,
// Mark all as read
flag: 0,
await dst.collection('message').insertOne(mdoc);
await report({ progress: Math.round(100 * ((i + 1) / (total + 1))) });
async function removeInvalidPid(report: Function) {
const count = await dst.collection('document').find({ docType: 10 }).count();
const bulk = dst.collection('document').initializeUnorderedBulkOp();
await report({ progress: 1, message: `Remove pid: ${count}` });
const total = Math.floor(count / 50);
for (let i = 0; i <= total; i++) {
const docs = await dst.collection('document')
.find({ docType: 10 }).skip(i * 50).limit(50)
for (const doc of docs) {
const id = parseInt(, 10);
if (Number.isSafeInteger(id)) {
bulk.find({ _id: doc._id }).updateOne({ $unset: { pid: '' } });
await bulk.execute();
async function userfileUsage(src: Db, report: Function) {
const count = await src.collection('domain.user').find().count();
await report({ progress: 1, message: `userfileUsage: ${count}` });
const total = Math.floor(count / 50);
for (let i = 0; i <= total; i++) {
const docs = await src.collection('domain.user')
.find().skip(i * 50).limit(50)
const t = [];
for (const doc of docs) {
if (doc.userfile_usage) {
t.push(dst.collection('user').updateOne({ _id: doc.uid }, { $set: { usage: doc.userfile_usage } }));
await Promise.all(t);
4 years ago
async function task(name: any, src: Db, report: Function) {
4 years ago
const count = await cursor[name](src).count();
await report({ progress: 1, message: `${name}: ${count}` });
const total = Math.floor(count / 50);
let lastProgress = -1;
for (let i = 0; i <= total; i++) {
const docs = await cursor[name](src).skip(i * 50).limit(50).toArray();
const res = [];
for (const doc of docs) {
let d: any = {};
if (typeof tasks[name].call === 'function') {
d = await tasks[name](doc);
} else {
const mapper = tasks[name];
for (const key in doc) {
if (typeof mapper[key] === 'string') {
d[mapper[key]] = doc[key];
} else if (mapper[key] === null) {
// Ignore this key
} else if (typeof mapper[key] === 'object') {
d[mapper[key].field] = mapper[key].processer(doc[key], doc);
} else {
await report({ message: `Unknown key ${key} in collection ${name}` });
if (d) {
if (d.rule) d.rated = true; // Hack contest rated field
const docWithoutId = {};
const docWithoutDid = {};
for (const key in d) {
if (key !== '_id') {
if (key !== 'domainId' && key !== 'docId' && key !== 'docType' && key !== 'uid') {
docWithoutDid[key] = d[key];
docWithoutId[key] = d[key];
if (d.domainId && d.docId && d.docType) {
const query: any = { domainId: d.domainId, docId: d.docId, docType: d.docType };
if (d.uid) query.uid = d.uid;
res.push((async () => {
const data = await dst.collection(name).findOne(query);
if (data) {
await dst.collection(name).updateOne(query, { $set: docWithoutDid });
} else if (d._id) {
const dat = await dst.collection(name).findOne({ _id: d._id });
if (dat) {
await dst.collection(name).updateOne({
_id: d._id,
}, { $set: docWithoutId });
} else {
await dst.collection(name).insertOne(d);
} else {
await dst.collection(name).insertOne(d);
} else if (d._id) {
_id: d._id,
}, { $set: docWithoutId }, { upsert: true }));
} else res.push(dst.collection(name).insertOne(d));
await Promise.all(res).catch((e) => report({ message: `${e}\n${e.stack}` }));
const progress = Math.round(100 * ((i + 1) / (total + 1)));
if (progress > lastProgress) {
await report({ progress });
lastProgress = progress;
export async function run({
host = 'localhost', port = 27017, name = 'vijos4', username, password,
}, report: Function) {
let mongourl = 'mongodb://';
if (username) mongourl += `${username}:${password}@`;
mongourl += `${host}:${port}/${name}`;
const Database = await mongodb.MongoClient.connect(mongourl, {
useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true,
const src = Database.db(name);
await report({ progress: 0, message: 'Database connected.' });
const userCounter = await src.collection('system').findOne({ _id: 'user_counter' });
if (!userCounter) {
report({ message: 'No valid installation found' });
return false;
await dst.collection('system').updateOne(
{ _id: 'user' },
4 years ago
{ $set: { value: userCounter.value } },
4 years ago
{ upsert: true },
await report({ progress: 1, message: 'Collection:system done.' });
if (!await dst.collection('system').findOne({ _id: 'migrateVijosFs' })) {
4 years ago
const f = ['fs.files', 'fs.chunks'] as any;
4 years ago
for (const i of f) {
await dst.collection(i).deleteMany({});
await task(i, src, report);
4 years ago
await dst.collection('system').insertOne({ _id: 'migrateVijosFs', value: 1 });
4 years ago
await dst.collection('user').deleteMany({ _id: { $nin: [0, 1] } });
await dst.collection('message').deleteMany({});
const d = ['domain', 'user', 'document', 'document.status', 'domain.user', 'record', 'file'];
for (const i of d) await task(i, src, report);
await fixProblem(report);
await discussionNode(src, report);
await message(src, report);
await userfileUsage(src, report);
await removeInvalidPid(report);
4 years ago
return true;
export const description = 'migrate from vijos';
export const validate = {
host: 'string', port: 'number', name: 'string', username: 'string', password: 'string',
global.Hydro.script.migrateVijos = { run, description, validate };