You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

436 lines
11 KiB

// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
import { ObjectID, GridFSBucket } from 'mongodb';
import fs from 'fs';
import { Dictionary, NumericDictionary } from 'lodash';
export interface Setting {
family: string,
key: string,
range: Array<[string, string]> | Dictionary<string>,
value: any,
type: string,
name: string,
desc: string,
flag: number,
export interface Udoc extends Dictionary<any> {
_id: number,
mail: string,
mailLower: string,
uname: string,
unameLower: string,
salt: string,
hash: string,
hashType: string,
priv: number,
regat: Date,
loginat: Date,
regip: string,
loginip: string,
export interface User extends Dictionary<any> {
udoc: () => any,
dudoc: () => any,
_id: number,
mail: string,
uname: string,
salt: () => string,
hash: () => string,
hashType: string,
priv: number,
regat: Date,
loginat: Date,
perm: () => bigint,
role: string,
regip: () => string,
loginip: () => string,
hasPerm: (perm: bigint) => boolean,
hasPriv: (priv: number) => boolean,
checkPassword: (password: string) => void,
export type Udict = NumericDictionary<User>;
4 years ago
export interface ProblemDataSource {
host?: string, // Empty for local
domainId: string,
pid: number,
// ObjectID for built-in files, ProblemDataSource for other source (RemoteJudge, etc.)
export type ProblemData = ObjectID | ProblemDataSource;
export interface TestCaseConfig {
input: string,
output: string,
time?: number,
memory?: number,
export enum LocalProblemType {
Default = 'default',
SubmitAnswer = 'submit_answer',
Interactive = 'interactive',
export enum RemoteProblemType {
RemoteJudge = 'remotejudge',
export enum RemoteServerType {
vj4 = 'vj4',
syzoj = 'syzoj',
export enum SubtaskType {
min = 'min',
max = 'max',
sum = 'sum',
export interface SubtaskConfig {
time?: number,
memory?: number,
score?: number,
type?: SubtaskType,
cases?: TestCaseConfig[],
export interface LocalProblemConfig {
type?: LocalProblemType,
score?: number,
time?: number,
memory?: number,
checker_type?: string,
checker?: string,
interactor?: string,
user_extra_files?: string[],
judge_extra_files?: string[],
cases?: TestCaseConfig[],
subtasks?: SubtaskConfig[],
export interface RemoteProblemConfig {
type?: RemoteProblemType,
server_type?: RemoteServerType,
url?: string,
// TODO handle username&password storage
pid?: string,
export type ProblemConfig = LocalProblemConfig | RemoteProblemConfig;
export interface Pdoc {
_id: ObjectID,
domainId: string,
docType: number,
docId: number,
pid: string,
owner: number,
title: string,
content: string,
nSubmit: number,
nAccept: number,
tag: string[],
category: string[],
4 years ago
difficulty: number,
4 years ago
data?: ProblemData,
hidden: boolean,
config: ProblemConfig,
acMsg?: string,
export type Pdict = NumericDictionary<Pdoc>;
export interface ProblemStatusDoc {
_id: ObjectID,
docId: number,
docType: number,
domainId: string,
uid: number,
rid?: ObjectID,
status?: number,
star?: boolean,
export interface TestCase {
time: number,
memory: number,
status: number,
message: string,
export interface PretestConfig {
time?: number,
memory?: number,
input: string,
export interface ContestInfo {
type: number,
tid: ObjectID,
export interface Rdoc {
_id: ObjectID,
domainId: string,
pid: number
uid: number,
lang: string,
code: string,
score: number,
memory: number,
time: number,
judgeTexts: string[],
compilerTexts: string[],
testCases: TestCase[],
rejudged: boolean,
judger: string,
judgeAt: Date,
status: number,
hidden: boolean,
config?: PretestConfig,
contest?: ContestInfo,
export interface ScoreboardNode {
type: string,
value: string,
raw?: any,
export type PenaltyRules = Dictionary<number>;
export interface Tdoc {
_id: ObjectID,
domainId: string,
docId: ObjectID,
docType: number,
owner: number,
beginAt: Date,
endAt: Date,
attend: number,
title: string,
content: string,
rule: string,
pids: number[],
// For homework
penaltySince?: Date,
penaltyRules?: PenaltyRules,
// For training
dag: any
export interface DomainDoc extends Dictionary<any> {
_id: string,
owner: number,
roles: Dictionary<string>,
gravatar: string,
bulletin: string,
pidCounter: number,
// Message
export interface Mdoc {
_id: ObjectID,
from: number,
to: number,
content: string,
flag: number,
// Userfile
export interface Ufdoc {
_id: ObjectID,
secret: string,
md5: string,
owner: number,
size: number,
// Blacklist
export interface Bdoc {
_id: string, // ip
expireAt: Date,
// Discussion
export interface Ddoc {
_id: ObjectID,
docType: number,
docId: ObjectID,
parentType: number,
parentId: ObjectID | number,
owner: number,
title: string,
content: string,
ip: string,
pin: boolean,
highlight: boolean,
// Discussion reply
export interface Drdoc {
_id: ObjectID,
docType: number,
docId: ObjectID,
parentType: number,
parentId: ObjectID,
owner: number,
ip: string,
content: string,
reply: Drrdoc[],
// Discussion Tail Reply
export interface Drrdoc {
_id: ObjectID,
owner: number,
content: string,
ip: string,
4 years ago
export interface TokenDoc {
_id: string,
tokenType: number,
createAt: Date,
updateAt: Date,
expireAt: Date,
[key: string]: any,
export interface ContestStat extends Dictionary<any> {
detail: any,
export interface ContestRule {
TEXT: string,
check: (args: any) => any,
statusSort: any,
showScoreboard: (tdoc: Tdoc, now: Date) => boolean,
showRecord: (tdoc: Tdoc, now: Date) => boolean,
stat: (tdoc: Tdoc, journal: any[]) => ContestStat,
scoreboard: (
isExport: boolean, _: (s: string) => string,
tdoc: Tdoc, rankedTsdocs: any[] | Generator<any>, udict: Udict, pdict: Pdict
) => ScoreboardNode[][],
rank: (tsdocs: any[]) => any[] | Generator<any>,
export type ContestRules = Dictionary<ContestRule>;
export type ProblemImporter = (url: string, handler: any) =>
Promise<[Pdoc, fs.ReadStream?]> | [Pdoc, fs.ReadStream?];
export interface Script {
run: (args: any, report: Function) => any,
description: string,
validate: any,
export interface JudgeResultBody {
domainId: string,
rid: ObjectID,
judger?: number,
progress?: number
case?: {
status: number,
time: number,
memory: number,
message?: string,
status?: number,
score?: number,
time?: number,
memory?: number,
message?: string,
compilerText?: string,
// For pretest
stdout?: string,
stderr?: string,
export type PathComponent = [string, string, any?, boolean?];
declare global {
namespace NodeJS {
interface Global {
Hydro: {
model: {
blacklist: typeof import('./model/blacklist'),
builtin: typeof import('./model/builtin'),
contest: typeof import('./model/contest'),
discussion: typeof import('./model/discussion'),
document: typeof import('./model/document'),
domain: typeof import('./model/domain'),
file: typeof import('./model/file'),
message: typeof import('./model/message'),
opcount: typeof import('./model/opcount'),
problem: typeof import('./model/problem'),
record: typeof import('./model/record'),
setting: typeof import('./model/setting'),
solution: typeof import('./model/solution'),
system: typeof import('./model/system'),
task: typeof import('./model/task'),
token: typeof import('./model/token'),
training: typeof import('./model/training'),
user: typeof import('./model/user'),
[key: string]: any,
handler: { [key: string]: Function },
script: { [key: string]: Script },
service: {
bus: typeof import('./service/bus'),
db: typeof import('./service/db'),
gridfs: GridFSBucket,
monitor: typeof import('./service/monitor'),
server: typeof import('./service/server'),
[key: string]: any,
lib: {
download: typeof import('./lib/download').default,
'hash.hydro': typeof import('./lib/hash.hydro').default,
i18n: typeof import('./lib/i18n').default,
'import.syzoj': typeof import('./lib/import.syzoj').syzoj,
jwt: typeof import('./lib/jwt'),
logger: typeof import('./lib/logger').default,
mail: typeof import('./lib/mail'),
md5: typeof import('./lib/md5').default,
misc: typeof import('./lib/misc'),
nav: typeof import('./lib/nav').default,
paginate: typeof import('./lib/paginate').default,
rank: typeof import('./lib/rank').default,
rating: typeof import('./lib/rating').default,
testdataConfig: typeof import('./lib/testdataConfig'),
sha1: typeof import('./lib/sha1').default,
sysinfo: typeof import('./lib/sysinfo'),
'testdata.convert.ini': typeof import('./lib/testdata.convert.ini').default,
useragent: typeof import('./lib/useragent'),
validator: typeof import('./lib/validator'),
[key: string]: any
stat: any,
ui: {
manifest: Dict<string>,
nav: any,
template: { [key: string]: string },
error: typeof import('./error'),
locales: Dict<Dict<string>>,
postInit: Array<() => Promise<any>>,
onDestory: Array<() => void | Promise<void>>,
4 years ago
addons: string[],
declare module 'cluster' {
let isFirstWorker: boolean;