You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

147 lines
5.5 KiB

{ ContestNotLiveError, ValidationError, ProblemNotFoundError } = require('../error'),
{ constants } = require('../options'),
paginate = require('../lib/paginate'),
contest = require('../model/contest'),
problem = require('../model/problem'),
record = require('../model/record'),
user = require('../model/user'),
{ Route, Handler } = require('../service/server');
class ContestHandler extends Handler {
canViewHiddenScoreboard() {
canShowRecord(tdoc, allowPermOverride = true) {
if (contest.RULES[tdoc.rule].showRecordFunc(tdoc, new Date())) return true;
if (allowPermOverride && this.canViewHiddenScoreboard(tdoc)) return true;
return false;
canShowScoreboard(tdoc, allowPermOverride = true) {
if (contest.RULES[tdoc.rule].showScoreboardFunc(tdoc, new Date())) return true;
if (allowPermOverride && this.canViewHiddenScoreboard(tdoc)) return true;
return false;
async verifyProblems(pids) {
let pdocs = await problem.getMulti({ _id: { $in: pids } }).sort({ doc_id: 1 }).toArray();
if (pids.length != pdocs.length)
for (let pid of pids) {
let p = false;
for (let pdoc of pdocs)
if (pid == pdoc._id) {
p = true;
if (!p) throw new ProblemNotFoundError(pid);
return pids;
class ContestListHandler extends ContestHandler {
async get({ rule = 0, page = 1 }) {
this.response.template = 'contest_main.html';
let tdocs, qs, tpcount;
if (!rule) {
tdocs = contest.getMulti();
qs = '';
} else {
if (!contest.CONTEST_RULES.includes(rule)) throw new ValidationError('rule');
tdocs = contest.getMulti({ rule });
qs = 'rule={0}'.format(rule);
[tdocs, tpcount] = await paginate(tdocs, page, constants.CONTEST_PER_PAGE);
let tids = [];
for (let tdoc of tdocs) tids.push(tdoc._id);
let tsdict = await contest.getListStatus(this.uid, tids);
this.response.body = {
page, tpcount, qs, rule, tdocs, tsdict
class ContestDetailHandler extends ContestHandler {
async _prepare({ tid }) {
this.tdoc = await contest.get(tid);
async get({ page = 1 }) {
this.response.template = 'contest_detail.html';
let [tsdoc, pdict] = await Promise.all([
contest.getStatus(this.tdoc._id, this.uid),
let psdict = {}, rdict = {}, attended;
if (tsdoc) {
attended = tsdoc.attend == 1;
for (let pdetail in tsdoc.detail || [])
psdict[pdetail['pid']] = pdetail;
if (this.canShowRecord(this.tdoc)) {
let q = [];
for (let i in psdict) q.push(psdict[i].rid);
rdict = await record.getList(q, { getHidden: true });
} else
for (let i in psdict)
rdict[psdict[i].rid] = { _id: psdict[i].rid };
} else attended = false;
let udict = await user.get_dict([this.tdoc.owner]);
let path = [
['contest_main', '/c'],
[this.tdoc['title'], null, true]
this.response.body = {
path, tdoc: this.tdoc, tsdoc, attended, udict, pdict, psdict, rdict, page
async post_attend() {
if (contest.isDone(this.tdoc)) throw new ContestNotLiveError(this.tdoc._id);
await contest.attend(this.tdoc._id, this.uid);
class ContestProblemHandler extends ContestDetailHandler {
constructor(ctx) {
this.response.template = '';
class ContestCreateHandler extends ContestHandler {
async prepare() {
async get() {
this.response.template = 'contest_edit.html';
let rules = {};
for (let i in contest.RULES)
rules[i] = contest.RULES[i].TEXT;
let now = new Date();
let ts = now.getTime();
ts = ts - ts % (15 * 60 * 1000) + 15 * 60 * 1000;
let dt = new Date(ts);
this.response.body = {
rules, page_name: 'contest_create',
date_text: `${dt.getFullYear()}-${dt.getMonth()}-${dt.getDate()}`,
time_text: `${dt.getHours()}-${dt.getMinutes()}`,
pids: '1000, 1001'
async post({ title, content, rule, beginAtDate, beginAtTime, duration, pids }) {
let beginAt, endAt;
try {
beginAt = Date.parse(`${beginAtDate}T${beginAtTime}+8:00`);
} catch (e) {
throw new ValidationError('beginAtDate', 'beginAtTime');
endAt = new Date(beginAt + duration * 3600 * 1000);
if (beginAt >= endAt) throw new ValidationError('duration');
await this.verifyProblems(pids);
let tid = await contest.add(title, content, this.user._id, rule, beginAt, endAt, pids);
this.response.body = { tid };
this.response.redirect = `/c/${tid}`;
Route('/c', ContestListHandler);
Route('/c/:cid', ContestDetailHandler);
Route('/c/:cid/p/:pid', ContestProblemHandler);
Route('/contest/create', ContestCreateHandler);