You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

450 lines
17 KiB

5 years ago
user = require('./user'),
problem = require('./problem'),
{ ValidationError, ContestNotFoundError, ContestAlreadyAttendedError,
ContestNotAttendedError, ProblemNotFoundError, ContestScoreboardHiddenError } = require('../error'),
{ PERM_VIEW_CONTEST_HIDDEN_SCOREBOARD } = require('../permission'),
validator = require('../lib/validator'),
5 years ago
db = require('../service/db'),
coll = db.collection('contest'),
coll_status = db.collection('contest.status');
const RULES = {
homework: require('../module/contest/homework'),
oi: require('../module/contest/oi'),
acm: require('../module/contest/acm')
* @typedef {import('bson').ObjectID} ObjectID
* @typedef {import('../interface').Tdoc} Tdoc
* @param {string} title
* @param {string} content
* @param {number} owner
* @param {string} rule
* @param {Date} beginAt
* @param {Date} endAt
* @param {ObjectID[]} pids
* @param {object} data
* @returns {ObjectID} tid
async function add(title, content, owner, rule,
beginAt = new Date(), endAt = new Date(), pids = [], data = {}) {
if (!this.RULES[rule]) throw new ValidationError('rule');
if (beginAt >= endAt) throw new ValidationError('beginAt', 'endAt');
Object.assign(data, { content, owner, title, rule, beginAt, endAt, pids, attend: 0 });
let res = await coll.insertOne(data);
return res.insertedId;
* @param {ObjectID} tid
* @param {object} $set
* @returns {Tdoc} tdoc after modification
async function edit(tid, $set) {
if ($set.title) validator.checkTitle($set.title);
if ($set.content) validator.checkIntro($set.content);
if ($set.rule)
if (!this.RULES[$set.rule]) throw new ValidationError('rule');
if ($set.beginAt && $set.endAt)
if ($set.beginAt >= $set.endAt) throw new ValidationError('beginAt', 'endAt');
let tdoc = await coll.findOne({ tid });
if (!tdoc) throw new ContestNotFoundError(tid);
this.RULES[$set.rule || tdoc.rule].check(Object.assign(tdoc, $set));
await coll.findOneAndUpdate({ tid }, { $set });
return tdoc;
* @param {ObjectID} tid
* @returns {Tdoc}
async function get(tid) {
let tdoc = await coll.findOne({ _id: tid });
if (!tdoc) throw new ContestNotFoundError(tid);
return tdoc;
5 years ago
async function updateStatus(tid, uid, rid, pid, accept, score) {
let tdoc = await get(tid);
let tsdoc = await coll_status.findOneAndUpdate({ tid: tdoc._id, uid }, {
$push: { journal: { rid, pid, accept, score } },
$inc: { rev: 1 }
}, { upsert: true });
if (!tsdoc.value.attend) throw new ContestNotAttendedError(tid, uid);
async function getListStatus(uid, tids) {
let r = {};
for (let tid of tids) r[tid] = await this.getStatus(tid, uid);
return r;
async function attend(tid, uid) {
try {
await coll_status.insertOne({ tid, uid, attend: 1 });
} catch (e) {
throw new ContestAlreadyAttendedError(tid, uid);
await coll.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: tid }, { $inc: { attend: 1 } });
5 years ago
function getMultiStatus(query) {
return coll_status.find(query);
function is_new(tdoc, days = 1) {
let now = new Date().getTime();
let readyAt = tdoc.beginAt.getTime();
return (now < readyAt - days * 24 * 3600 * 1000);
function is_upcoming(tdoc, days = 1) {
let now = new Date().getTime();
let readyAt = tdoc.beginAt.getTime();
return (now > readyAt - days * 24 * 3600 * 1000 && now < tdoc.beginAt);
function is_not_started(tdoc) {
return (new Date()) < tdoc.beginAt;
function is_ongoing(tdoc) {
let now = new Date();
return (tdoc.beginAt <= now && now < tdoc.endAt);
function is_done(tdoc) {
return tdoc.endAt <= new Date();
5 years ago
const ContestHandlerMixin = c => class extends c {
canViewHiddenScoreboard() {
canShowRecord(tdoc, allowPermOverride = true) {
if (RULES[tdoc.rule].showRecord(tdoc, new Date())) return true;
if (allowPermOverride && this.canViewHiddenScoreboard(tdoc)) return true;
return false;
canShowScoreboard(tdoc, allowPermOverride = true) {
if (RULES[tdoc.rule].showScoreboard(tdoc, new Date())) return true;
if (allowPermOverride && this.canViewHiddenScoreboard(tdoc)) return true;
return false;
async getScoreboard(tid, isExport = false) {
let tdoc = await get(tid);
if (!this.canShowScoreboard(tdoc)) throw new ContestScoreboardHiddenError(tid);
let tsdocs = await getMultiStatus(tid).sort(RULES[tdoc.rule].statusSort).toArray();
let uids = [];
for (let tsdoc of tsdocs) uids.push(tsdoc.uid);
let [udict, pdict] = await Promise.all([user.getList(uids), problem.getList(tdoc['pids'])]);
let ranked_tsdocs = RULES[tdoc.rule].rank(tsdocs);
let rows = RULES[tdoc.rule].scoreboard(isExport, str => str ? str.toString().translate(this.user.language) : '', tdoc, ranked_tsdocs, udict, pdict);
return [tdoc, rows, udict];
async verifyProblems(pids) {
let r = [];
for (let pid of pids) {
let res = await problem.get(pid);
if (res) r.push(res._id);
else throw new ProblemNotFoundError(pid);
return r;
module.exports = {
5 years ago
RULES, ContestHandlerMixin, add, getListStatus, attend, edit, get, updateStatus,
count: query => coll.find(query).count(),
getMulti: query => coll.find(query),
getStatus: (tid, uid) => coll_status.findOne({ tid, uid }),
setStatus: (tid, uid, $set) => coll_status.findOneAndUpdate({ tid, uid }, { $set }),
is_new, is_upcoming, is_not_started, is_ongoing, is_done,
status_text: tdoc =>
? 'New'
: is_upcoming(tdoc)
? 'Ready (☆▽☆)'
: is_ongoing(tdoc)
? 'Live...'
: 'Done',
get_status: tdoc =>
? 'not_started'
: is_ongoing(tdoc)
? 'ongoing'
: 'finished',
journal_key_func = lambda j: j['rid']
Rule = collections.namedtuple('Rule', ['show_record_func',
def _oi_equ_func(a, b):
return a.get('score', 0) == b.get('score', 0)
constant.contest.RULE_OI: Rule(lambda tdoc, now: now > tdoc['end_at'],
lambda tdoc, now: now > tdoc['end_at'],
[('score', -1)],
functools.partial(rank.ranked, equ_func=_oi_equ_func),
constant.contest.RULE_ACM: Rule(lambda tdoc, now: now >= tdoc['begin_at'],
lambda tdoc, now: now >= tdoc['begin_at'],
[('accept', -1), ('time', 1)],
functools.partial(enumerate, start=1),
constant.contest.RULE_ASSIGNMENT: Rule(lambda tdoc, now: now >= tdoc['begin_at'],
lambda tdoc, now: False, # TODO: show scoreboard according to assignment preference
[('penalty_score', -1), ('time', 1)],
functools.partial(enumerate, start=1),
def get_multi(domainId: str, doc_type: int, fields=None, **kwargs):
# TODO(twd2): projection.
if doc_type not in [document.TYPE_CONTEST, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK]:
raise error.InvalidArgumentError('doc_type')
return document.get_multi(domainId=domainId,
**kwargs) \
.sort([('doc_id', -1)])
async def attend(domainId: str, doc_type: int, cid: objeccid.Objeccid, uid: int):
# TODO(iceboy): check time.
if doc_type not in [document.TYPE_CONTEST, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK]:
raise error.InvalidArgumentError('doc_type')
await document.capped_inc_status(domainId, doc_type, cid,
uid, 'attend', 1, 0, 1)
except errors.DuplicateKeyError:
if doc_type == document.TYPE_CONTEST:
raise error.ContestAlreadyAttendedError(domainId, cid, uid) from None
elif doc_type == document.TYPE_HOMEWORK:
raise error.HomeworkAlreadyAttendedError(domainId, cid, uid) from None
return await, doc_type, cid, 'attend', 1)
async def get_status(domainId: str, doc_type: int, cid: objeccid.Objeccid, uid: int, fields=None):
if doc_type not in [document.TYPE_CONTEST, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK]:
raise error.InvalidArgumentError('doc_type')
return await document.get_status(domainId, doc_type, doc_id=cid,
uid=uid, fields=fields)
def get_multi_status(doc_type: int, *, fields=None, **kwargs):
if doc_type not in [document.TYPE_CONTEST, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK]:
raise error.InvalidArgumentError('doc_type')
return document.get_multi_status(doc_type=doc_type,
fields=fields, **kwargs)
async def get_dict_status(domainId, uid, doc_type, cids, *, fields=None):
if doc_type not in [document.TYPE_CONTEST, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK]:
raise error.InvalidArgumentError('doc_type')
result = dict()
async for tsdoc in get_multi_status(domainId=domainId,
doc_id={'$in': list(set(cids))},
result[tsdoc['doc_id']] = tsdoc
return result
async def get_and_list_status(domainId: str, doc_type: int, cid: objeccid.Objeccid, fields=None):
# TODO(iceboy): projection, pagination.
if doc_type not in [document.TYPE_CONTEST, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK]:
raise error.InvalidArgumentError('doc_type')
tdoc = await get(domainId, doc_type, cid)
tsdocs = await document.get_multi_status(domainId=domainId,
fields=fields) \
.sort(RULES[tdoc['rule']].status_sort) \
return tdoc, tsdocs
def _get_status_journal(tsdoc):
# Sort and uniquify journal of the contest status document, by rid.
return [list(g)[-1] for _, g in itertools.groupby(sorted(tsdoc['journal'], key=journal_key_func),
async def update_status(domainId: str, doc_type: int, cid: objeccid.Objeccid, uid: int,
rid: objeccid.Objeccid, pid: document.convert_doc_id,
accept: bool, score: int):
"""This method returns None when the modification has been superseded by a parallel operation."""
if doc_type not in [document.TYPE_CONTEST, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK]:
raise error.InvalidArgumentError('doc_type')
tdoc = await document.get(domainId, doc_type, cid)
tsdoc = await document.rev_push_status(
domainId, tdoc['doc_type'], tdoc['doc_id'], uid,
'journal', {'rid': rid, 'pid': pid, 'accept': accept, 'score': score})
if 'attend' not in tsdoc or not tsdoc['attend']:
if tdoc['doc_type'] == document.TYPE_CONTEST:
raise error.ContestNotAttendedError(domainId, cid, uid)
elif tdoc['doc_type'] == document.TYPE_HOMEWORK:
raise error.HomeworkNotAttendedError(domainId, cid, uid)
raise error.InvalidArgumentError('doc_type')
journal = _get_status_journal(tsdoc)
stats = RULES[tdoc['rule']].stat_func(tdoc, journal)
tsdoc = await document.rev_set_status(domainId, tdoc['doc_type'], cid, uid, tsdoc['rev'],
journal=journal, **stats)
return tsdoc
async def recalc_status(domainId: str, doc_type: int, cid: objeccid.Objeccid):
if doc_type not in [document.TYPE_CONTEST, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK]:
raise error.InvalidArgumentError('doc_type')
tdoc = await document.get(domainId, doc_type, cid)
async with document.get_multi_status(domainId=domainId,
doc_id=tdoc['doc_id']) as tsdocs:
async for tsdoc in tsdocs:
if 'journal' not in tsdoc or not tsdoc['journal']:
journal = _get_status_journal(tsdoc)
stats = RULES[tdoc['rule']].stat_func(tdoc, journal)
await document.rev_set_status(domainId, doc_type, cid, tsdoc['uid'], tsdoc['rev'],
return_doc=False, journal=journal, **stats)
def _parse_pids(pids_str):
pids = misc.dedupe(map(document.convert_doc_id, pids_str.split(',')))
return pids
def _format_pids(pids_list):
return ','.join([str(pid) for pid in pids_list])
class ContestStatusMixin(object):
def now(self):
# TODO(iceboy): This does not work on multi-machine environment.
return datetime.datetime.utcnow()
def is_new(self, tdoc):
ready_at = tdoc['begin_at'] - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
return < ready_at
def is_upcoming(self, tdoc):
ready_at = tdoc['begin_at'] - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
return ready_at <= < tdoc['begin_at']
def is_not_started(self, tdoc):
return < tdoc['begin_at']
def is_ongoing(self, tdoc):
return tdoc['begin_at'] <= < tdoc['end_at']
def is_done(self, tdoc):
return tdoc['end_at'] <=
def is_homework_extended(self, tdoc):
return tdoc['penalty_since'] <= < tdoc['end_at']
def status_text(self, tdoc):
if self.is_new(tdoc):
return 'New'
elif self.is_upcoming(tdoc):
return 'Ready (☆▽☆)'
elif self.is_ongoing(tdoc):
return 'Live...'
return 'Done'
def get_status(self, tdoc):
if self.is_not_started(tdoc):
return 'not_started'
elif self.is_ongoing(tdoc):
return 'ongoing'
return 'finished'
class ContestVisibilityMixin(object):
def can_view_hidden_scoreboard(self, tdoc):
if self.domainId != tdoc['domainId']:
return False
if tdoc['doc_type'] == document.TYPE_CONTEST:
return self.hasPerm(builtin.PERM_VIEW_CONTEST_HIDDEN_SCOREBOARD)
elif tdoc['doc_type'] == document.TYPE_HOMEWORK:
return False
def can_show_record(self, tdoc, allow_perm_override=True):
if RULES[tdoc['rule']].show_record_func(tdoc, datetime.datetime.utcnow()):
return True
if allow_perm_override and self.can_view_hidden_scoreboard(tdoc):
return True
return False
def can_show_scoreboard(self, tdoc, allow_perm_override=True):
if RULES[tdoc['rule']].show_scoreboard_func(tdoc, datetime.datetime.utcnow()):
return True
if allow_perm_override and self.can_view_hidden_scoreboard(tdoc):
return True
return False
class ContestCommonOperationMixin(object):
async def get_scoreboard(self, doc_type: int, cid: objeccid.Objeccid, is_export: bool=False):
if doc_type not in [document.TYPE_CONTEST, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK]:
raise error.InvalidArgumentError('doc_type')
tdoc, tsdocs = await get_and_list_status(self.domainId, doc_type, cid)
if not self.can_show_scoreboard(tdoc):
if doc_type == document.TYPE_CONTEST:
raise error.ContestScoreboardHiddenError(self.domainId, cid)
elif doc_type == document.TYPE_HOMEWORK:
raise error.HomeworkScoreboardHiddenError(self.domainId, cid)
udict, dudict, pdict = await asyncio.gather(
user.get_dict([tsdoc['uid'] for tsdoc in tsdocs]),
domain.get_dict_user_by_uid(self.domainId, [tsdoc['uid'] for tsdoc in tsdocs]),
problem.get_dict(self.domainId, tdoc['pids']))
ranked_tsdocs = RULES[tdoc['rule']].rank_func(tsdocs)
rows = RULES[tdoc['rule']].scoreboard_func(is_export, self.translate, tdoc,
ranked_tsdocs, udict, dudict, pdict)
return tdoc, rows, udict
async def verify_problems(self, pids):
pdocs = await problem.get_multi(domainId=self.domainId, doc_id={'$in': pids},
fields={'doc_id': 1}) \
.sort('doc_id', 1) \
exist_pids = [pdoc['_id'] for pdoc in pdocs]
if len(pids) != len(exist_pids):
for pid in pids:
if pid not in exist_pids:
raise error.ProblemNotFoundError(self.domainId, pid)
return pids
async def hide_problems(self, pids):
await asyncio.gather(*[problem.set_hidden(self.domainId, pid, True) for pid in pids])
class ContestMixin(ContestStatusMixin, ContestVisibilityMixin, ContestCommonOperationMixin):