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import type { Readable } from 'stream';
import { escapeRegExp } from 'lodash';
import { ItemBucketMetadata } from 'minio';
import moment from 'moment';
import storage from '../service/storage';
import * as bus from '../service/bus';
import db from '../service/db';
export class StorageModel {
static coll = db.collection('storage');
static async put(path: string, file: string | Buffer | Readable, meta: ItemBucketMetadata = {}) {
const [current, place] = await Promise.all([
StorageModel.coll.findOne({ path }),
StorageModel.coll.findOne({ _id: path }),
if (current) {
await storage.put(current._id, file, meta);
const { metaData, size, etag } = await storage.getMeta(current._id);
await StorageModel.coll.updateOne({ path }, {
$set: {
meta: metaData, size, etag, lastModified: new Date(),
return path;
const target = place ? path + Math.random().toString(16) : path;
await storage.put(target, file, meta);
const { metaData, size, etag } = await storage.getMeta(target);
await StorageModel.coll.insertOne({
_id: target, meta: metaData, path, size, etag, lastModified: new Date(),
return path;
static async get(path: string, savePath?: string) {
const { value } = await StorageModel.coll.findOneAndUpdate({ path }, { $set: { lastUsage: new Date() } }, { returnOriginal: false });
if (value) return await storage.get(value._id, savePath);
return await storage.get(path, savePath);
static async rename(path: string, newPath: string) {
return await StorageModel.coll.updateOne({ path }, { $set: { path: newPath } });
static async del(path: string[]) {
const autoDelete = moment().add(7, 'day').toDate();
await StorageModel.coll.updateMany({ path: { $in: path } }, { $set: { autoDelete } });
static async list(target: string, recursive = true) {
if (target.includes('..') || target.includes('//')) throw new Error('Invalid path');
if (target.length && !target.endsWith('/')) target += '/';
const results = recursive
? await StorageModel.coll.find({ path: { $regex: new RegExp(`^${escapeRegExp(target)}`, 'i') } }).toArray()
: await StorageModel.coll.find({ path: { $regex: new RegExp(`^${escapeRegExp(target)}[^/]+$`) } }).toArray();
return => ({
...i, name: i.path, prefix: i.path.split(target)[1],
static async getMeta(path: string) {
const { value } = await StorageModel.coll.findOneAndUpdate({ path }, { $set: { lastUsage: new Date() } }, { returnOriginal: false });
if (!value) return null;
return {
size: value.size,
lastModified: value.lastModified,
etag: value.etag,
static async signDownloadLink(target: string, filename?: string, noExpire = false, useAlternativeEndpointFor?: 'user' | 'judge') {
await StorageModel.coll.updateOne({ path: target }, { $set: { lastUsage: new Date() } });
return await storage.signDownloadLink(target, filename, noExpire, useAlternativeEndpointFor);
bus.on('app/started', () => StorageModel.coll.createIndex({ path: 1 }, { unique: true })); = StorageModel;
export default StorageModel;