You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

175 lines
6.3 KiB

import _ from 'lodash';
import Clipboard from 'clipboard';
import { NamedPage } from 'vj/misc/Page';
import Notification from 'vj/components/notification';
import { ConfirmDialog, Dialog } from 'vj/components/dialog/index';
import request from 'vj/utils/request';
import pjax from 'vj/utils/pjax';
import tpl from 'vj/utils/tpl';
import i18n from 'vj/utils/i18n';
function onBeforeUnload(e) {
3 years ago
e.returnValue = '';
const page = new NamedPage('home_files', () => {
3 years ago
function ensureAndGetSelectedFiles() {
const files =
$('.home-files tbody [data-checkbox-group="user_files"]:checked'),
(ch) => $(ch).closest('tr').attr('data-filename'),
if (files.length === 0) {
Notification.error(i18n('Please select at least one file to perform this operation.'));
return null;
3 years ago
return files;
3 years ago
async function handleClickUpload(files) {
if (!files) {
const input = document.createElement('input');
input.type = 'file';
input.multiple = true;;
await new Promise((resolve) => { input.onchange = resolve; });
files = input.files;
if (!files.length) {
Notification.warn(i18n('No file selected.'));
const dialog = new Dialog({
$body: `
<div class="file-label" style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 5px; color: gray; font-size: small;"></div>
<div class="bp3-progress-bar bp3-intent-primary bp3-no-stripes">
<div class="file-progress bp3-progress-meter" style="width: 0"></div>
<div class="upload-label" style="text-align: center; margin: 5px 0; color: gray; font-size: small;"></div>
<div class="bp3-progress-bar bp3-intent-primary bp3-no-stripes">
<div class="upload-progress bp3-progress-meter" style="width: 0"></div>
3 years ago
try {'Uploading files...'));
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', onBeforeUnload);;
const $uploadLabel = dialog.$dom.find('.dialog__body .upload-label');
const $uploadProgress = dialog.$dom.find('.dialog__body .upload-progress');
const $fileLabel = dialog.$dom.find('.dialog__body .file-label');
const $fileProgress = dialog.$dom.find('.dialog__body .file-progress');
for (const i in files) {
if (Number.isNaN(+i)) continue;
const file = files[i];
const data = new FormData();
data.append('file', file);
data.append('operation', 'upload_file');
await request.postFile('', data, {
xhr() {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.upload.addEventListener('loadstart', () => {
$fileLabel.text(`[${+i + 1}/${files.length}] ${}`);
$fileProgress.width(`${Math.round((+i + 1) / files.length * 100)}%`);
$uploadLabel.text(i18n('Uploading... ({0}%)', 0));
xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', (e) => {
if (e.lengthComputable) {
const percentComplete = Math.round((e.loaded / * 100);
if (percentComplete === 100) $uploadLabel.text(i18n('Processing...'));
else $uploadLabel.text(i18n('Uploading... ({0}%)', percentComplete));
}, false);
return xhr;
3 years ago
window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', onBeforeUnload);
Notification.success(i18n('File uploaded successfully.'));
await pjax.request({ push: false });
} catch (e) {
Notification.error(i18n('File upload failed: {0}', e.toString()));
} finally {
3 years ago
3 years ago
async function handleClickRemoveSelected() {
const selectedFiles = ensureAndGetSelectedFiles();
if (selectedFiles === null) return;
const action = await new ConfirmDialog({
$body: tpl`
<div class="typo">
<p>${i18n('Confirm to delete the selected files?')}</p>
3 years ago
if (action !== 'yes') return;
try {
await'', {
operation: 'delete_files',
files: selectedFiles,
Notification.success(i18n('Selected files have been deleted.'));
await pjax.request({ push: false });
} catch (error) {
3 years ago
3 years ago
* @param {JQuery.DragOverEvent<HTMLElement, undefined, HTMLElement, HTMLElement>} ev
3 years ago
function handleDragOver(ev) {
// TODO display a drag-drop allowed hint
3 years ago
* @param {JQuery.DropEvent<HTMLElement, undefined, HTMLElement, HTMLElement>} ev
3 years ago
function handleDrop(ev) {
if (!$('[name="upload_testdata"]').length) {
Notification.error(i18n("You don't have permission to upload file."));
ev = ev.originalEvent;
const files = [];
if (ev.dataTransfer.items) {
for (let i = 0; i < ev.dataTransfer.items.length; i++) {
if (ev.dataTransfer.items[i].kind === 'file') {
const file = ev.dataTransfer.items[i].getAsFile();
3 years ago
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < ev.dataTransfer.files.length; i++) {
3 years ago
3 years ago
const clip = new Clipboard('.home-files .col--name', {
text: (trigger) => {
const filename = trigger.closest('[data-filename]').getAttribute('data-filename');
return new URL(`/file/${UserContext._id}/${filename}`, window.location.href).toString();
clip.on('success', () => {
Notification.success(i18n('Download link copied to clipboard!'), 1000);
clip.on('error', () => {
Notification.error(i18n('Copy failed :('));
$(document).on('click', '.home-files .col--name', (ev) => ev.preventDefault());
$(document).on('click', '[name="upload_file"]', () => handleClickUpload());
$(document).on('click', '[name="remove_selected"]', () => handleClickRemoveSelected());
$(document).on('dragover', '.home-files', (ev) => handleDragOver(ev));
$(document).on('drop', '.home-files', (ev) => handleDrop(ev));
export default page;