You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

93 lines
2.1 KiB

const Xss = require('xss');
const xss = new Xss.FilterXSS({
whiteList: {
a: ['target', 'href', 'title'],
abbr: ['title'],
address: [],
area: ['shape', 'coords', 'href', 'alt'],
article: [],
aside: [],
audio: ['autoplay', 'controls', 'loop', 'preload', 'src'],
b: [],
bdi: ['dir'],
bdo: ['dir'],
big: [],
blockquote: ['cite', 'class'],
br: [],
caption: [],
center: [],
cite: [],
code: ['class'],
col: ['align', 'valign', 'span', 'width'],
colgroup: ['align', 'valign', 'span', 'width'],
dd: [],
del: ['datetime'],
details: ['open'],
div: ['class'],
dl: [],
dt: [],
em: [],
font: ['color', 'size', 'face'],
h1: [],
h2: ['class'],
h3: [],
h4: [],
h5: [],
h6: [],
header: [],
hr: [],
i: [],
img: ['src', 'alt', 'title', 'width', 'height'],
ins: ['datetime'],
li: [],
mark: [],
ol: [],
p: [],
pre: [],
s: [],
section: [],
small: [],
span: ['class'],
sub: [],
summary: [],
sup: [],
strong: [],
table: ['width', 'border', 'align', 'valign'],
tbody: ['align', 'valign'],
td: ['width', 'rowspan', 'colspan', 'align', 'valign', 'bgcolor'],
tfoot: ['align', 'valign'],
th: ['width', 'rowspan', 'colspan', 'align', 'valign'],
thead: ['align', 'valign'],
tr: ['rowspan', 'align', 'valign'],
tt: [],
u: [],
ul: [],
var: [],
video: ['autoplay', 'controls', 'loop', 'preload', 'src', 'height', 'width'],
function xssProtector(md) {
function protector(state) {
for (let i = 0; i < state.tokens.length; i++) {
const cur = state.tokens[i];
if (cur.type === 'html_block') {
cur.content = xss.process(cur.content);
if (cur.type === 'inline') {
const inlineTokens = cur.children;
for (let ii = 0; ii < inlineTokens.length; ii++) {
if (inlineTokens[ii].type === 'html_inline') {
inlineTokens[ii].content = xss.process(inlineTokens[ii].content);
md.core.ruler.after('linkify', 'xss', protector);
module.exports = { xss, xssProtector };