You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

217 lines
6.4 KiB

const acorn = require('acorn');
const stage3 = require('acorn-stage3');
const walk = require('acorn-walk');
const astring = require('astring');
const path = require('path');
const fsp = require('fs').promises;
const dirWatchers = {};
const parser = acorn.Parser.extend(stage3);
async function requireContext(filePath) {
const source = await fsp.readFile(filePath, 'utf8');
if (!/\brequire\s*\.\s*context\s*\(/.test(source)) {
delete dirWatchers[filePath];
return null;
const ast = parser.parse(source,
{ sourceType: 'module', ecmaVersion: 'latest', locations: true });
const base = path.dirname(path.resolve(filePath));
const nodes = [];
walk.simple(ast, {
CallExpression(node) {
const { callee } = node;
const args = node.arguments;
if (callee.type !== 'MemberExpression') return;
if ( !== 'require') return;
if ( !== 'context') return;
if (args.length === 0) return;
if (!args.every((arg) => arg.type === 'Literal')) return;
if (args.length > 2 && !args[2].regex) return;
if (nodes.length === 0) {
delete dirWatchers[filePath];
return null;
const imports = [];
const dirs = [];
await Promise.all( (node) => {
const args = node.arguments;
const directory = path.resolve(base, args[0].value);
const recurse = args[1] && args[1].value;
const regExp = args[2] && new RegExp(args[2].regex.pattern, args[2].regex.flags);
async function getFiles(dir, recurse, pattern) {
try {
const dirents = await fsp.readdir(dir, { withFileTypes: true });
const files = await Promise.all( => {
const res = path.resolve(dir,;
if (dirent.isDirectory()) {
return (recurse !== false) && getFiles(res);
return (!pattern || pattern.test(res)) ? res : null;
return Array.prototype.concat(...files);
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === 'ENOENT') return [];
throw error;
const files = (await getFiles(directory, recurse, regExp))
.filter((file) => file).map((file) => {
file = path.relative(base, file);
if (!file.startsWith('/') && !file.startsWith('.')) file = `./${file}`;
return file;
const modules = => Math.random().toString(36).slice(2).replace(/\d/g, '') + file.split('/').pop().split('.')[0]
.replace(/^\w/, (c) => c.toUpperCase())
.replace(/[-_]\w/g, (c) => c[1].toUpperCase()).replace(/\W/g, '$'));
files.forEach((file, i) => {
type: 'ImportDeclaration',
specifiers: [
type: 'ImportDefaultSpecifier',
local: { type: 'Identifier', name: modules[i] },
source: { type: 'Literal', value: file, raw: JSON.stringify(file) },
const keys = => `./${path.relative(directory, path.resolve(base, file))}`);
const contextKeys = {
type: 'ArrayExpression',
elements: => (
{ type: 'Literal', value: file, raw: JSON.stringify(file) }
const contextMap = {
type: 'ObjectExpression',
properties:, i) => ({
type: 'Property',
method: false,
shorthand: false,
computed: false,
key: { type: 'Literal', value: key, raw: JSON.stringify(key) },
value: {
type: 'ObjectExpression',
properties: [{
type: 'Property',
method: false,
shorthand: false,
computed: false,
key: { type: 'Identifier', name: 'default' },
value: { type: 'Identifier', name: modules[i] },
kind: 'init',
kind: 'init',
const contextFn = {
type: 'VariableDeclaration',
declarations: [
type: 'VariableDeclarator',
id: { type: 'Identifier', name: 'context' },
init: {
type: 'ArrowFunctionExpression',
id: null,
expression: true,
generator: false,
async: false,
params: [{ type: 'Identifier', name: 'id' }],
body: {
type: 'MemberExpression',
object: contextMap,
property: { type: 'Identifier', name: 'id' },
computed: true,
optional: false,
kind: 'let',
const keyFn = {
type: 'ExpressionStatement',
expression: {
type: 'AssignmentExpression',
operator: '=',
left: {
type: 'MemberExpression',
object: { type: 'Identifier', name: 'context' },
property: { type: 'Identifier', name: 'keys' },
computed: false,
optional: false,
right: {
type: 'ArrowFunctionExpression',
id: null,
expression: true,
generator: false,
async: false,
params: [],
body: contextKeys,
const contextExpr = {
type: 'CallExpression',
callee: {
type: 'ArrowFunctionExpression',
id: null,
expression: false,
generator: false,
async: false,
params: [],
body: {
type: 'BlockStatement',
body: [
type: 'ReturnStatement',
argument: {
type: 'Identifier',
name: 'context',
arguments: [],
optional: false,
delete node.callee;
delete node.arguments;
delete node.optional;
Object.assign(node, contextExpr);
dirWatchers[filePath] = dirs;
return astring.generate(ast);
module.exports = function (snowpackConfig, pluginOptions) {
return {
name: 'require-context-plugin',
resolve: {
input: Array.from(pluginOptions.input || ['.js']),
output: ['.js'],
onChange({ filePath }) {
for (const [source, dirs] of Object.entries(dirWatchers)) {
if (dirs.some((dir) => filePath.startsWith(dir))) {
load({ filePath }) {
return requireContext(filePath);