You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

207 lines
6.2 KiB

import _ from 'lodash';
import DOMAttachedObject from 'vj/components/DOMAttachedObject';
export const config = {
toolbar: [
'emoji', 'headings', 'bold', 'italic', 'strike', 'link', '|',
'list', 'ordered-list', 'check', 'outdent', 'indent', '|',
'quote', 'line', 'code', 'inline-code', 'table', '|',
'upload', 'edit-mode', 'fullscreen', 'export',
mode: UserContext.preferredEditorType || 'ir',
toolbarConfig: {
pin: true,
cdn: `${UiContext.cdn_prefix}vditor`,
counter: {
enable: true,
max: 65536,
4 years ago
preview: {
math: {
inlineDigit: true,
interface MonacoOptions {
language?: string;
onChange?: (val: string) => any;
theme?: string;
model?: string;
autoResize?: boolean;
autoLayout?: boolean;
value?: string;
interface VditorOptions {
theme?: 'classic' | 'dark'
type Options = MonacoOptions & VditorOptions;
export default class Editor extends DOMAttachedObject {
static DOMAttachKey = 'vjEditorInstance';
model: import('../monaco').default.editor.IModel;
editor: import('../monaco').default.editor.IStandaloneCodeEditor;
vditor: import('vditor').default;
isValid: boolean;
constructor($dom, public options: Options = {}) {
if (UserContext.preferredEditorType === 'monaco') this.initMonaco();
else if (options.language && options.language !== 'markdown') this.initMonaco();
else this.initVditor();
async initMonaco() {
const { load } = await import('vj/components/monaco/loader');
const { monaco, registerAction } = await load(['markdown']);
const {
onChange, language = 'markdown',
theme = UserContext.monacoTheme || 'vs-light',
model = `file://model-${Math.random().toString(16)}`,
autoResize = true, autoLayout = true,
} = this.options;
const { $dom } = this;
const hasFocus = $':focus') || $dom.hasClass('autofocus');
const origin = $dom.get(0);
const ele = document.createElement('div');
if (!autoResize && $dom.height()) $(ele).height($dom.height());
const value = this.options.value || $dom.val();
// eslint-disable-next-line no-nested-ternary
this.model = typeof model === 'string'
? monaco.editor.getModel(monaco.Uri.parse(model))
|| monaco.editor.createModel(value, language, monaco.Uri.parse(model))
: model;
const cfg: import('../monaco').default.editor.IStandaloneEditorConstructionOptions = {
lineNumbers: 'on',
glyphMargin: true,
lightbulb: { enabled: true },
model: this.model,
minimap: { enabled: false },
hideCursorInOverviewRuler: true,
overviewRulerLanes: 0,
overviewRulerBorder: false,
if (autoLayout) cfg.automaticLayout = true;
let prevHeight = 0;
const updateEditorHeight = () => {
const editorElement = this.editor.getDomNode();
if (!editorElement) return;
const lineHeight = this.editor.getOption(monaco.editor.EditorOption.lineHeight);
const lineCount = this.editor.getModel()?.getLineCount() || 1;
let height = this.editor.getTopForLineNumber(lineCount + 1) + lineHeight;
if (prevHeight !== height) {
if (window.innerHeight * 1.5 < height) {
height = window.innerHeight;
scrollbar: {
vertical: 'auto',
horizontal: 'auto',
handleMouseWheel: true,
} else {
scrollbar: {
vertical: 'hidden',
horizontal: 'hidden',
handleMouseWheel: false,
prevHeight = height; = `${height}px`;
if (autoResize) {
cfg.wordWrap = 'bounded';
cfg.scrollBeyondLastLine = false;
this.editor = monaco.editor.create(ele, cfg);
registerAction(this.editor, this.model, this.$dom);
if (autoResize) {
this.editor.onDidChangeModelDecorations(() => {
updateEditorHeight(); // typing
requestAnimationFrame(updateEditorHeight); // folding
this.editor.onDidChangeModelContent(() => {
const val = this.editor.getValue();
if (onChange) onChange(val);
this.isValid = true;
if (hasFocus) this.focus();
if (autoResize) updateEditorHeight();
// @ts-ignore
window.model = this.model;
// @ts-ignore
window.editor = this.editor;
async initVditor() {
const { default: Vditor } = await import('vditor');
const { $dom } = this;
const hasFocus = $':focus') || $dom.hasClass('autofocus');
const origin = $dom.get(0);
const ele = document.createElement('div');
const value = $dom.val();
const { onChange } = this.options;
await new Promise((resolve) => {
this.vditor = new Vditor(ele, {
after: () => resolve(null),
input(v) {
if (onChange) onChange(v);
cache: { id: Math.random().toString() },
this.isValid = true;
if (hasFocus) this.focus();
destory() {
if (this.vditor?.destroy) this.vditor.destroy();
else if (this.editor?.dispose) this.editor.dispose();
ensureValid() {
if (!this.isValid) throw new Error('Editor is not loaded');
* @param {string?} val
* @returns {string}
value(val) {
if (typeof val === 'string') return (this.editor || this.vditor).setValue(val);
return (this.editor || this.vditor).getValue();
focus() {
const range = this.model.getFullModelRange();
this.editor.setPosition({ lineNumber: range.endLineNumber, column: range.endColumn });
_.assign(Editor, DOMAttachedObject);