You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

81 lines
2.8 KiB

import db from 'hydrooj/dist/service/db';
import {
Handler, param, post, Route, Types,
} from 'hydrooj/dist/service/server';
import { RemoteOnlineJudgeError } from 'hydrooj/dist/error';
import crypto from 'crypto';
import yaml from 'js-yaml';
import superagent from 'superagent';
function decrypt(encrypted: string) {
if (!encrypted) throw new Error();
const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv('des-ecb', 'hydro-oj', '');
let decrypted = decipher.update(encrypted, 'hex', 'utf8');
decrypted +='utf8');
return decrypted;
declare module 'hydrooj/dist/interface' {
interface Collections {
dataReport: any;
const coll = db.collection('dataReport');
class DataReportHandler extends Handler {
noCheckPermView = true;
3 years ago
@post('installId', Types.String)
@post('payload', Types.String)
3 years ago
async post(domainId: string, installId: string, _payload: string) {
const payload: any = yaml.load(decrypt(_payload));
3 years ago
await coll.updateOne({ _id: installId }, {
$set: {
version: payload.version,
url: payload.url,
addons: payload.addons,
mem: payload.memory,
osinfo: payload.osinfo,
cpu: payload.cpu,
ip: this.request.ip,
flags: payload.flags,
update: new Date(),
domainCount: payload.domainCount,
userCount: payload.userCount,
problemCount: payload.problemCount,
discussionCount: payload.discussionCount,
recordCount: payload.recordCount,
}, { upsert: true });
this.response.body = 'success';
class ProxySendRequestHandler extends Handler {
@param('endpoint', Types.String)
@param('domainId', Types.String)
@param('url', Types.String)
@param('tokenId', Types.String)
@param('expire', Types.UnsignedInt)
async post(_d: string, endpoint: string, domainId: string, url: string, tokenId: string, expire: number) {
let res = await`${url}d/${domainId}/problem/send`)
.send({ operation: 'info', token: tokenId })
.catch((e) => e);
if (res instanceof Error) throw new RemoteOnlineJudgeError(res.message);
res = await`${endpoint}/problem/receive`).send({
operation: 'request', url: `${url}d/${domainId}/problem/send`, tokenId, expire,
}).catch((e) => e);
if (res instanceof Error) throw new RemoteOnlineJudgeError(res.message);
this.response.body = { code: 0 };
export function apply() {
Route('data_report', '/center/report', DataReportHandler);
Route('proxy_send', '/center/send', ProxySendRequestHandler);
} = apply;