ui: add experimental lazy module loader

undefined 2 years ago
parent 6cc0cd4e95
commit 46eb761079

@ -12,11 +12,25 @@ export { default as React } from 'react';
export { default as ReactDOM } from 'react-dom/client';
export * from './misc/Page';
const lazyModules = {};
export default async function load(name: string) {
if (window.node_modules[name]) return window.node_modules[name];
if (name === 'echarts') return import('echarts');
if (name === 'moment') return import('moment');
throw new Error(`Module ${name} not found`);
if (!window.lazyloadMetadata?.[`${name}.lazy.js`]) throw new Error(`Module ${name} not found`);
if (lazyModules[name]) return lazyModules[name];
const tag = document.createElement('script');
tag.src = `/lazy/${window.lazyloadMetadata[`${name}.lazy.js`]}/${name}.lazy.js`;
lazyModules[name] = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
tag.onerror = reject;
const timeout = setTimeout(reject, 30000);
window.lazyModuleResolver[name] = (item) => {
return lazyModules[name];
import AutoComplete from './components/autocomplete';
@ -35,6 +49,8 @@ export function addPage(page: import('./misc/Page').Page | (() => Promise<void>
declare global {
interface Window {
LANGS: Record<string, any>;
lazyloadMetadata: Record<string, string>;
lazyModuleResolver: Record<string, any>;
let UserContext: Record<string, any>;

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
import esbuild from 'esbuild';
import {
Context, fs, Handler, Logger, NotFoundError, param, SettingModel, sha1,
size, SystemModel, Types, UiContextBase,
} from 'hydrooj';
import { debounce } from 'lodash';
import { tmpdir } from 'os';
import {
basename, join, relative, resolve,
} from 'path';
declare module 'hydrooj' {
interface UI {
esbuildPlugins?: esbuild.Plugin[]
interface SystemKeys {
'ui-default.nav_logo_dark': string;
interface UiContextBase {
nav_logo_dark?: string;
constantVersion?: string;
function updateLogo() {
UiContextBase.nav_logo_dark = SystemModel.get('ui-default.nav_logo_dark');
const vfs: Record<string, string> = {};
const hashes: Record<string, string> = {};
const logger = new Logger('ui');
const tmp = tmpdir();
const federationPlugin: esbuild.Plugin = {
name: 'federation',
setup(b) {
b.onResolve({ filter: /^@hydrooj\/ui-default/ }, () => ({
path: 'api',
namespace: 'ui-default',
b.onLoad({ filter: /.*/, namespace: 'ui-default' }, () => ({
contents: 'module.exports = window.HydroExports;',
loader: 'tsx',
const build = async (contents: string) => {
const res = await esbuild.build({
format: 'iife' as 'iife',
bundle: true,
outdir: tmp,
splitting: false,
write: false,
target: ['chrome60'],
plugins: [
...(global.Hydro.ui.esbuildPlugins || []),
minify: !process.env.DEV,
stdin: {
sourcefile: 'stdin.ts',
resolveDir: tmp,
loader: 'ts',
if (res.errors.length) console.error(res.errors);
if (res.warnings.length) console.warn(res.warnings);
return res;
export async function buildUI() {
const start = Date.now();
let totalSize = 0;
const entryPoints: string[] = [];
const lazyModules: string[] = [];
const newFiles = ['entry.js'];
for (const addon of global.addons) {
const publicPath = resolve(addon, 'public');
if (!fs.existsSync(publicPath)) continue;
const targets = fs.readdirSync(publicPath);
for (const target of targets) {
if (/\.page\.[jt]sx?$/.test(target)) entryPoints.push(join(publicPath, target));
if (/\.lazy\.[jt]sx?$/.test(target)) lazyModules.push(join(publicPath, target));
for (const m of lazyModules) {
const name = basename(m).split('.')[0];
const { outputFiles } = await build(`window.lazyModuleResolver['${name}'](require('${relative(tmp, m)}'))`);
for (const file of outputFiles) {
const key = basename(m).replace(/\.[tj]sx?$/, '.js');
vfs[key] = file.text;
hashes[key] = sha1(file.text).substring(0, 8);
logger.info('+ %s-%s: %s', key.split('.lazy.')[0], hashes[key].substring(0, 6), size(file.text.length));
totalSize += file.text.length;
const entry = await build([
`window.lazyloadMetadata = ${JSON.stringify(hashes)};`,
...entryPoints.map((i) => `import '${relative(tmp, i)}';`),
const pages = entry.outputFiles.map((i) => i.text);
const payload = [`window.LANGS=${JSON.stringify(SettingModel.langs)};`, ...pages];
const str = JSON.stringify(payload);
vfs['entry.js'] = str;
UiContextBase.constantVersion = hashes['entry.js'] = sha1(str).substring(0, 8);
logger.info('+ %s-%s: %s', 'entry', hashes['entry.js'].substring(0, 6), size(str.length));
totalSize += str.length;
for (const key in vfs) {
if (newFiles.includes(key)) continue;
delete vfs[key];
delete hashes[key];
logger.success('UI addons built in %d ms (%s)', Date.now() - start, size(totalSize));
class UiConstantsHandler extends Handler {
noCheckPermView = true;
@param('name', Types.String, true)
async all(domainId: string, name: string) {
this.response.type = name ? 'application/javascript' : 'application/json';
name ||= 'entry.js';
console.log([name, vfs[name], vfs]);
if (!vfs[name]) throw new NotFoundError(name);
this.response.addHeader('ETag', hashes[name]);
this.response.body = vfs[name];
this.response.addHeader('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=86400');
export async function apply(ctx: Context) {
ctx.Route('constant', '/constant/:version', UiConstantsHandler);
ctx.Route('constant', '/lazy/:version/:name', UiConstantsHandler);
ctx.on('app/started', updateLogo);
ctx.on('app/started', buildUI);
const debouncedBuildUI = debounce(buildUI, 2000, { trailing: true });
const triggerHotUpdate = (path?: string) => {
if (path && !path.includes('/ui-default/') && !path.includes('/public/')) return;
ctx.on('system/setting', () => triggerHotUpdate());
ctx.on('app/watch/change', triggerHotUpdate);
ctx.on('app/watch/unlink', triggerHotUpdate);

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ window.Hydro = {
window.externalModules = {};
window.lazyModuleResolver = {};

@ -1,90 +1,11 @@
/* eslint-disable no-return-await */
/* eslint-disable camelcase */
import crypto from 'crypto';
import esbuild from 'esbuild';
/* eslint-disable global-require */
import {
ContestModel, Context, fs, Handler, Logger, ObjectID, param, PERM, PRIV, ProblemModel, Schema,
SettingModel, size, SystemModel, SystemSettings, Types, UiContextBase, UserModel,
ContestModel, Context, Handler, ObjectID, param, PERM, PRIV, ProblemModel, Schema,
SettingModel, SystemModel, SystemSettings, Types, UserModel,
} from 'hydrooj';
import { debounce } from 'lodash';
import { tmpdir } from 'os';
import { join, resolve } from 'path';
import convert from 'schemastery-jsonschema';
import markdown from './backendlib/markdown';
declare module 'hydrooj' {
interface UI {
esbuildPlugins?: esbuild.Plugin[]
interface SystemKeys {
'ui-default.nav_logo_dark': string;
interface UiContextBase {
nav_logo_dark?: string;
constantVersion?: string;
let constant = '';
let hash = '';
const logger = new Logger('ui');
export async function buildUI() {
const start = Date.now();
const entryPoints: string[] = [];
for (const addon of global.addons) {
const publicPath = resolve(addon, 'public');
if (fs.existsSync(publicPath)) {
const targets = fs.readdirSync(publicPath);
for (const target of targets) {
if (/\.page\.[jt]sx?$/.test(target)) entryPoints.push(join(publicPath, target));
const build = await esbuild.build({
format: 'iife',
bundle: true,
outdir: tmpdir(),
splitting: false,
write: false,
target: [
plugins: [
...(global.Hydro.ui.esbuildPlugins || []),
name: 'federation',
setup(b) {
b.onResolve({ filter: /^@hydrooj\/ui-default/ }, () => ({
path: 'api',
namespace: 'ui-default',
b.onLoad({ filter: /.*/, namespace: 'ui-default' }, () => ({
contents: 'module.exports = window.HydroExports;',
loader: 'tsx',
minify: !process.env.DEV,
if (build.errors.length) console.error(build.errors);
if (build.warnings.length) console.warn(build.warnings);
const pages = build.outputFiles.map((i) => i.text);
const payload = [`window.LANGS=${JSON.stringify(SettingModel.langs)};`, ...pages];
const c = crypto.createHash('sha1');
const version = c.digest('hex');
constant = JSON.stringify(payload);
UiContextBase.constantVersion = hash = version;
logger.success('UI addons built in %d ms (%s)', Date.now() - start, size(constant.length));
function updateLogo() {
UiContextBase.nav_logo_dark = SystemModel.get('ui-default.nav_logo_dark');
class WikiHelpHandler extends Handler {
noCheckPermView = true;
@ -165,14 +86,6 @@ class ResourceHandler extends Handler {
class UiConstantsHandler extends ResourceHandler {
async all() {
this.response.addHeader('ETag', hash);
this.response.body = constant;
this.response.type = 'application/json';
class LanguageHandler extends ResourceHandler {
async all({ lang }) {
if (!global.Hydro.locales[lang]) lang = SystemModel.get('server.language');
@ -252,29 +165,19 @@ class RichMediaHandler extends Handler {
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export function apply(ctx: Context) {
if (process.env.HYDRO_CLI) return;
ctx.Route('wiki_help', '/wiki/help', WikiHelpHandler);
ctx.Route('wiki_about', '/wiki/about', WikiAboutHandler);
ctx.Route('set_theme', '/set_theme/:theme', SetThemeHandler);
ctx.Route('set_legacy', '/legacy', LegacyModeHandler);
ctx.Route('constant', '/constant/:version', UiConstantsHandler);
ctx.Route('markdown', '/markdown', MarkdownHandler);
ctx.Route('config_schema', '/manage/config/schema.json', SystemConfigSchemaHandler, PRIV.PRIV_EDIT_SYSTEM);
ctx.Route('lang', '/l/:lang', LanguageHandler);
ctx.Route('sw_config', '/sw-config', SWConfigHandler);
ctx.Route('media', '/media', RichMediaHandler);
ctx.on('app/started', buildUI);
ctx.on('app/started', updateLogo);
const debouncedBuildUI = debounce(buildUI, 1000);
const triggerHotUpdate = (path?: string) => {
if (path && !path.includes('/ui-default/') && !path.includes('/public/')) return;
ctx.on('system/setting', () => triggerHotUpdate());
ctx.on('app/watch/change', triggerHotUpdate);
ctx.on('app/watch/unlink', triggerHotUpdate);
ctx.on('handler/after/DiscussionRaw', async (that) => {
if (that.args.render && that.response.type === 'text/markdown') {
that.response.type = 'text/html';

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
"jsx": "react",
"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
"target": "ESNext",
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"baseUrl": ".",
"module": "ESNext",
"lib": [
