homepage: type: yaml desc: Homepage Config default: - width: 9 bulletin: true contest: 5 homework: 10 training: 10 ranking: 10 discussion: 20 - width: 3 hitokoto: true starred_problems: 50 recent_problems: 10 discussion_nodes: true suggestion: true langs: type: yaml desc: Code language settings default: __hint__: - ~ All keys starting with _ will be ignored - ~ Entries named like [foo], [foo].[bar] [foo].[baz] - will be merged into one category. - ~ A entry named [foo].[bar] will inhert all options - defined in entry [foo] if not overwritten - ~ code_file option defaults to foo.[name] - ~ highlight option defaults to [name] - ~ if highlight option was set, monaco option defaults - to [highlight], otherwise defaults to [name] - ~ Compiling be be ignored if compile option wasn't set - ~ Key marked with a ? means the option is optional - (name): disabled?: whether to disable this language compile?: Compile Command code_file?: Where to write code file when compiling, defaults to `foo.[name]` execute: Command to execute the program highlight?: PrismJS highlight mode monaco?: Monaco editor mode time_limit_rate?: Time limit rate target?: Compiler output file, defaults to `foo` display: Display name compile_time_limit?: Compile time limit, in milliseconds address_space_limit?: Enable address space memory limit as CCF did process_limit?: Limit the number of thread bash: display: Bash code_file: foo.sh execute: /bin/bash foo.sh highlight: bash c: compile: /usr/bin/gcc -Wall --std=c99 -o foo foo.c -lm highlight: c monaco: c display: C cc: compile: /usr/bin/g++ -Wall -std=c++14 -o foo foo.cc -lm -I/include code_file: foo.cc highlight: cpp monaco: cpp display: C++ address_space_limit: true process_limit: 1 cc.cc98: compile: /usr/bin/g++ -Wall -std=c++98 -o foo foo.cc -lm -I/include display: C++98 cc.cc98o2: compile: /usr/bin/g++ -Wall -std=c++98 -o foo foo.cc -lm -O2 -I/include display: C++98(O2) cc.cc11: compile: /usr/bin/g++ -Wall -std=c++11 -o foo foo.cc -lm -I/include display: C++11 cc.cc11o2: compile: /usr/bin/g++ -Wall -std=c++11 -o foo foo.cc -lm -O2 -I/include display: C++11(O2) cc.cc14: display: C++14 cc.cc14o2: compile: /usr/bin/g++ -Wall -std=c++14 -o foo foo.cc -lm -O2 -I/include display: C++14(O2) cc.cc17: compile: /usr/bin/g++ -Wall -std=c++17 -o foo foo.cc -lm -I/include display: C++17 cc.cc17o2: compile: /usr/bin/g++ -Wall -std=c++17 -o foo foo.cc -lm -O2 -I/include display: C++17(O2) pas: compile: /usr/bin/fpc -O2 -o/w/foo foo.pas highlight: pascal display: Pascal java: compile: /usr/bin/bash -c "javac -d /w -encoding utf8 ./Main.java && jar cvf Main.jar *.class >/dev/null" code_file: Main.java target: Main.jar execute: /usr/bin/java -cp Main.jar Main time_limit_rate: 2 highlight: java astyle-java monaco: java display: Java compile_time_limit: 30000 kt: compile: echo "Invalid language selection" code_file: foo.kt execute: echo "Invalid language selection" time_limit_rate: 2 highlight: kotlin monaco: kotlin display: Kotlin kt.jvm: compile: kotlinc -include-runtime -d foo.jar foo.kt target: foo.jar execute: /usr/bin/java -jar foo.jar display: Kotlin/JVM compile_time_limit: 30000 py: compile: /usr/bin/python -c "import py_compile; py_compile.compile('/w/foo.py', '/w/foo', doraise=True)" code_file: foo.py execute: /usr/bin/python foo highlight: python display: Python py.py2: display: Python 2 disabled: true py.py3: compile: /usr/bin/python3 -c "import py_compile; py_compile.compile('/w/foo.py', '/w/foo', doraise=True)" execute: /usr/bin/python3 foo display: Python 3 py.pypy3: compile: /bin/bash -c "/usr/bin/pypy3 -c \"import py_compile; py_compile.compile('/w/foo.py', '/w/foo', doraise=True)\" && mv foo.py foo" execute: /bin/bash -c 'mv foo foo.py && /usr/bin/pypy3 -B foo.py' display: PyPy3 php: execute: /usr/bin/php foo.php display: PHP rs: compile: /usr/bin/rustc -O -o /w/foo /w/foo.rs highlight: rust display: Rust hs: compile: /usr/bin/ghc -O -outputdir /tmp -o foo foo.hs highlight: haskell display: Haskell js: execute: /usr/bin/node /w/foo.js highlight: javascript display: NodeJS go: compile: /usr/bin/go build -o foo foo.go display: Golang rb: execute: /usr/bin/ruby foo.rb highlight: ruby display: Ruby cs: compile: /usr/bin/mcs -optimize+ -out:/w/foo /w/foo.cs execute: /usr/bin/mono foo highlight: csharp monaco: csharp display: 'C#'