import { FilterQuery, ObjectID } from 'mongodb'; import problem from './problem'; import * as contest from './contest'; import * as training from './training'; import * as document from './document'; import { DocumentNotFoundError } from '../error'; import { Drdoc, Drrdoc, Document } from '../interface'; import { buildProjection } from '../utils'; import * as bus from '../service/bus'; export interface Ddoc extends Document { } export namespace Ddoc { export type Field = keyof Ddoc; export const fields: Field[] = []; type Getter = () => Partial; const getters: Getter[] = []; export function extend(getter: Getter) { getters.push(getter); fields.push(...Object.keys(getter()) as any); } extend(() => ({ _id: new ObjectID(), domainId: 'system', docType: document.TYPE_DISCUSSION, docId: new ObjectID(), owner: 1, title: '*', content: '', parentId: new ObjectID(), ip: '', pin: false, highlight: false, updateAt: new Date(), nReply: 0, views: 0, history: [], })); export function create() { const result = {} as Ddoc; for (const getter of getters) { Object.assign(result, getter()); } return result; } } export const PROJECTION_LIST: Ddoc.Field[] = [ '_id', 'domainId', 'docType', 'docId', 'highlight', 'nReply', 'views', 'pin', 'updateAt', 'owner', 'parentId', 'parentType', 'title', ]; export const PROJECTION_PUBLIC: Ddoc.Field[] = [ ...PROJECTION_LIST, 'content', 'history', ]; export const typeDisplay = { [document.TYPE_PROBLEM]: 'problem', [document.TYPE_CONTEST]: 'contest', [document.TYPE_DISCUSSION_NODE]: 'node', [document.TYPE_TRAINING]: 'training', [document.TYPE_HOMEWORK]: 'homework', }; export function add( domainId: string, parentType: number, parentId: ObjectID | number | string, owner: number, title: string, content: string, ip: string | null = null, highlight: boolean, pin: boolean, ): Promise { return document.add( domainId, content, owner, document.TYPE_DISCUSSION, null, parentType, parentId, { title, ip, nReply: 0, highlight, pin, updateAt: new Date(), views: 0, }, ); } // FIXME typings doesn't work export function get(domainId: string, did: ObjectID, projection: T[] = PROJECTION_PUBLIC as any): Promise> { return document.get(domainId, document.TYPE_DISCUSSION, did, projection); } export function edit( domainId: string, did: ObjectID, title: string, content: string, highlight: boolean, pin: boolean, ): Promise { return document.set(domainId, document.TYPE_DISCUSSION, did, { title, content, highlight, pin, }); } export function del(domainId: string, did: ObjectID): Promise { return Promise.all([ document.deleteOne(domainId, document.TYPE_DISCUSSION, did), document.deleteMulti(domainId, document.TYPE_DISCUSSION_REPLY, { parentType: document.TYPE_DISCUSSION, parentId: did, }), document.deleteMultiStatus(domainId, document.TYPE_DISCUSSION, { docId: did }), ]) as any; } export function count(domainId: string, query: FilterQuery) { return document.count(domainId, document.TYPE_DISCUSSION, query); } export function getMulti(domainId: string, query: FilterQuery = {}, projection = PROJECTION_LIST) { return document.getMulti(domainId, document.TYPE_DISCUSSION, query) .sort({ pin: -1, updateAt: -1 }) .project(buildProjection(projection)); } export async function addReply( domainId: string, did: ObjectID, owner: number, content: string, ip: string, ): Promise { const [drid] = await Promise.all([ document.add( domainId, content, owner, document.TYPE_DISCUSSION_REPLY, null, document.TYPE_DISCUSSION, did, { ip }, ), document.incAndSet(domainId, document.TYPE_DISCUSSION, did, 'nReply', 1, { updateAt: new Date() }), ]); return drid; } export function getReply(domainId: string, drid: ObjectID): Promise { return document.get(domainId, document.TYPE_DISCUSSION_REPLY, drid); } export async function editReply( domainId: string, drid: ObjectID, content: string, ): Promise { return document.set(domainId, document.TYPE_DISCUSSION_REPLY, drid, { content }); } export async function delReply(domainId: string, drid: ObjectID) { const drdoc = await getReply(domainId, drid); if (!drdoc) throw new DocumentNotFoundError(drid); return await Promise.all([ document.deleteOne(domainId, document.TYPE_DISCUSSION_REPLY, drid),, document.TYPE_DISCUSSION, drdoc.parentId, 'nReply', -1), ]); } export function getMultiReply(domainId: string, did: ObjectID) { return document.getMulti( domainId, document.TYPE_DISCUSSION_REPLY, { parentType: document.TYPE_DISCUSSION, parentId: did }, ).sort('_id', -1); } export function getListReply(domainId: string, did: ObjectID): Promise { return getMultiReply(domainId, did).toArray(); } export async function addTailReply( domainId: string, drid: ObjectID, owner: number, content: string, ip: string, ): Promise<[Drdoc, ObjectID]> { const [drdoc, subId] = await document.push( domainId, document.TYPE_DISCUSSION_REPLY, drid, 'reply', content, owner, { ip }, ); await document.set( domainId, document.TYPE_DISCUSSION, drdoc.parentId, { updateAt: new Date() }, ); return [drdoc, subId]; } export function getTailReply( domainId: string, drid: ObjectID, drrid: ObjectID, ): Promise<[Drdoc, Drrdoc] | [null, null]> { // @ts-ignore return document.getSub(domainId, document.TYPE_DISCUSSION_REPLY, drid, 'reply', drrid); } export function editTailReply( domainId: string, drid: ObjectID, drrid: ObjectID, content: string, ): Promise { return document.setSub(domainId, document.TYPE_DISCUSSION_REPLY, drid, 'reply', drrid, { content }); } export async function delTailReply(domainId: string, drid: ObjectID, drrid: ObjectID) { return document.deleteSub(domainId, document.TYPE_DISCUSSION_REPLY, drid, 'reply', drrid); } export function setStar(domainId: string, did: ObjectID, uid: number, star: boolean) { return document.setStatus(domainId, document.TYPE_DISCUSSION, did, uid, { star }); } export function getStatus(domainId: string, did: ObjectID, uid: number) { return document.getStatus(domainId, document.TYPE_DISCUSSION, did, uid); } export function addNode(domainId: string, _id: string, category: string, args: any = {}) { return document.add( domainId, category, 1, document.TYPE_DISCUSSION_NODE, _id, null, null, args, ); } export function getNode(domainId: string, _id: string) { return document.get(domainId, document.TYPE_DISCUSSION_NODE, _id); } export async function getVnode(domainId: string, type: number, id: string) { if (type === document.TYPE_PROBLEM) { // @ts-ignore if (Number.isSafeInteger(parseInt(id, 10))) id = parseInt(id, 10); const pdoc = await problem.get(domainId, id); if (!pdoc) return null; return { ...pdoc, type, id }; } if (type === document.TYPE_CONTEST) { const tdoc = await contest.get(domainId, new ObjectID(id)); return { ...tdoc, type, id }; } if (type === document.TYPE_DISCUSSION_NODE) { const ndoc = await getNode(domainId, id); return { ...ndoc, title: id, type, id, }; } if (type === document.TYPE_TRAINING) { const tdoc = await training.get(domainId, new ObjectID(id)); return { ...tdoc, type, id }; } if (type === document.TYPE_HOMEWORK) { const tdoc = await contest.get(domainId, new ObjectID(id), document.TYPE_HOMEWORK); return { ...tdoc, type, id }; } return { title: 'Missing Node', type: 'Unknown', id: new ObjectID(), }; } export function getNodes(domainId: string) { return document.getMulti(domainId, document.TYPE_DISCUSSION_NODE).toArray(); } export async function getListVnodes(domainId: string, ddocs: any, getHidden: boolean) { const tasks = []; const res = {}; async function task(ddoc: Ddoc) { const vnode = await getVnode(domainId, ddoc.parentType, ddoc.parentId.toString()); if (!res[ddoc.parentType]) res[ddoc.parentType] = {}; if (vnode.hidden && !getHidden) return; res[ddoc.parentType][ddoc.parentId] = vnode; } for (const ddoc of ddocs) tasks.push(task(ddoc)); await Promise.all(tasks); return res; } bus.on('problem/delete', async (domainId, docId) => { const dids = await document.getMulti( domainId, document.TYPE_DISCUSSION, { parentType: document.TYPE_PROBLEM, parentId: docId }, ).project({ docId: 1 }).map((ddoc) => ddoc.docId).toArray(); const drids = await document.getMulti( domainId, document.TYPE_DISCUSSION_REPLY, { parentType: document.TYPE_DISCUSSION, parentId: { $in: dids } }, ).project({ docId: 1 }).map((drdoc) => drdoc.docId).toArray(); return await Promise.all([ document.deleteMultiStatus(domainId, document.TYPE_DISCUSSION, { docId: { $in: dids } }), document.deleteMulti(domainId, document.TYPE_DISCUSSION, { docId: { $in: dids } }), document.deleteMulti(domainId, document.TYPE_DISCUSSION_REPLY, { docId: { $in: drids } }), ]); }); global.Hydro.model.discussion = { typeDisplay, Ddoc, PROJECTION_LIST, PROJECTION_PUBLIC, add, get, edit, del, count, getMulti, addReply, getReply, editReply, delReply, getMultiReply, getListReply, addTailReply, getTailReply, editTailReply, delTailReply, setStar, getStatus, addNode, getNode, getNodes, getVnode, getListVnodes, };