{% extends "layout/basic.html" %} {% import "components/contest.html" as contest with context %} {% import "components/record.html" as record with context %} {% import "components/problem.html" as problem with context %} {% block content %}
{{ tdoc['content']|markdown }} {% if handler.is_ongoing(tdoc) %}

{{ _('We will check code similarity after this contest.') }}

{% endif %}
{% if handler.is_ongoing(tdoc) or handler.is_done(tdoc) %}

{{ _('Problem') }}

{% if attended or handler.is_done(tdoc) %}
{% if handler.has_perm(perm.PERM_LOGGEDIN) %} {% endif %} {% if handler.has_perm(perm.PERM_LOGGEDIN) %} {% endif %} {% for pid in tdoc['pids'] %} {% if handler.has_perm(perm.PERM_LOGGEDIN) %} {% if psdict[pid] and psdict[pid]['rid'] %} {% with rdoc=rdict[psdict[pid]['rid']] %} {% if handler.can_show_record(tdoc) %} {{ record.render_status_td(rdoc) }} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endwith %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{{ _('Status') }} {{ _('Last Submit At') }}{{ _('Problem') }}
{{ _('Submitted') }}{{ datetime_span(rdoc['_id'].generationTime) }}{{ _('No Submissions') }} - #{{ loop.index }}: {{ problem.render_problem_title(pdict[pid], tdoc=tdoc, show_invisible_flag=false, show_tags=false) }}
{% else %} {{ nothing.render('Please attend contest to see the problems.') }} {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% with owner_udoc=udict[tdoc['owner_uid']], owner_dudoc=dudict[tdoc['owner_uid']] %} {% include "partials/contest_sidebar.html" %} {% endwith %}
{% endblock %}