import { Readable } from 'stream'; import { URL } from 'url'; import { createReadStream } from 'fs-extra'; import { BucketItem, Client, ItemBucketMetadata } from 'minio'; import { Logger } from '../logger'; import * as system from '../model/system'; const logger = new Logger('storage'); interface StorageOptions { endPoint: string; accessKey: string; secretKey: string; bucket: string; region?: string; pathStyle: boolean; endPointForUser?: string; endPointForJudge?: string; } interface MinioEndpointConfig { endPoint: string; port: number; useSSL: boolean; } function parseMainEndpointUrl(endpoint: string): MinioEndpointConfig { if (!endpoint) throw new Error('Empty endpoint'); const url = new URL(endpoint); const result: Partial = {}; if (url.pathname !== '/') throw new Error('Main MinIO endpoint URL of a sub-directory is not supported.'); if (url.username || url.password || url.hash || { throw new Error('Authorization, search parameters and hash are not supported for main MinIO endpoint URL.'); } if (url.protocol === 'http:') result.useSSL = false; else if (url.protocol === 'https:') result.useSSL = true; else { throw new Error( `Invalid protocol "${url.protocol}" for main MinIO endpoint URL. Only HTTP and HTTPS are supported.`, ); } result.endPoint = url.hostname; result.port = url.port ? Number(url.port) : result.useSSL ? 443 : 80; return result as MinioEndpointConfig; } function parseAlternativeEndpointUrl(endpoint: string): (originalUrl: string) => string { if (!endpoint) return (originalUrl) => originalUrl; const pathonly = endpoint.startsWith('/'); if (pathonly) endpoint = `https://localhost${endpoint}`; const url = new URL(endpoint); if (url.hash || throw new Error('Search parameters and hash are not supported for alternative MinIO endpoint URL.'); if (!url.pathname.endsWith('/')) throw new Error("Alternative MinIO endpoint URL's pathname must ends with '/'."); return (originalUrl) => { const parsedOriginUrl = new URL(originalUrl); const replaced = new URL(parsedOriginUrl.pathname.slice(1) + + parsedOriginUrl.hash, url).toString(); return pathonly ? replaced.replace('https://localhost', '') : replaced; }; } // function encodeRFC5987ValueChars(str: string) { return ( encodeURIComponent(str) // Note that although RFC3986 reserves "!", RFC5987 does not, // so we do not need to escape it .replace(/['()]/g, escape) // i.e., %27 %28 %29 .replace(/\*/g, '%2A') // The following are not required for percent-encoding per RFC5987, // so we can allow for a little better readability over the wire: |`^ .replace(/%(?:7C|60|5E)/g, unescape) ); } class StorageService { public client: Client; public error = ''; public opts: StorageOptions; private replaceWithAlternativeUrlFor: Record<'user' | 'judge', (originalUrl: string) => string>; async start() { try { const [ endPoint, accessKey, secretKey, bucket, region, pathStyle, endPointForUser, endPointForJudge, ] = system.getMany([ 'file.endPoint', 'file.accessKey', 'file.secretKey', 'file.bucket', 'file.region', 'file.pathStyle', 'file.endPointForUser', 'file.endPointForJudge', ]); this.opts = { endPoint, accessKey, secretKey, bucket, region, pathStyle, endPointForUser, endPointForJudge, }; if (process.env.MINIO_ACCESS_KEY) {'Using MinIO key from environment variables'); this.opts.accessKey = process.env.MINIO_ACCESS_KEY; this.opts.secretKey = process.env.MINIO_SECRET_KEY; } this.client = new Client({ ...parseMainEndpointUrl(this.opts.endPoint), pathStyle: this.opts.pathStyle, accessKey: this.opts.accessKey, secretKey: this.opts.secretKey, }); const exists = await this.client.bucketExists(this.opts.bucket); if (!exists) await this.client.makeBucket(this.opts.bucket, this.opts.region); this.replaceWithAlternativeUrlFor = { user: parseAlternativeEndpointUrl(this.opts.endPointForUser), judge: parseAlternativeEndpointUrl(this.opts.endPointForJudge), }; logger.success('Storage connected.'); this.error = null; } catch (e) { logger.warn('Storage init fail. will retry later.'); if (process.env.DEV) logger.warn(e); this.error = e.toString(); setTimeout(() => this.start(), 10000); } } async put(target: string, file: string | Buffer | Readable, meta: ItemBucketMetadata = {}) { if (target.includes('..') || target.includes('//')) throw new Error('Invalid path'); if (typeof file === 'string') file = createReadStream(file); try { return await this.client.putObject(this.opts.bucket, target, file, meta); } catch (e) { e.stack = new Error().stack; throw e; } } async get(target: string, path?: string) { if (target.includes('..') || target.includes('//')) throw new Error('Invalid path'); try { if (path) return await this.client.fGetObject(this.opts.bucket, target, path); return await this.client.getObject(this.opts.bucket, target); } catch (e) { e.stack = new Error().stack; throw e; } } async del(target: string | string[]) { if (typeof target === 'string') { if (target.includes('..') || target.includes('//')) throw new Error('Invalid path'); } else { for (const t of target) { if (t.includes('..') || t.includes('//')) throw new Error('Invalid path'); } } try { if (typeof target === 'string') return await this.client.removeObject(this.opts.bucket, target); return await this.client.removeObjects(this.opts.bucket, target); } catch (e) { e.stack = new Error().stack; throw e; } } /** @deprecated use StorageModel.list instead. */ async list(target: string, recursive = true) { if (target.includes('..') || target.includes('//')) throw new Error('Invalid path'); try { const stream = this.client.listObjects(this.opts.bucket, target, recursive); return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const results: BucketItem[] = []; stream.on('data', (result) => { if (result.size) { results.push({ ...result, prefix: target, name:[1], }); } }); stream.on('end', () => resolve(results)); stream.on('error', reject); }); } catch (e) { e.stack = new Error().stack; throw e; } } async getMeta(target: string) { if (target.includes('..') || target.includes('//')) throw new Error('Invalid path'); try { const result = await this.client.statObject(this.opts.bucket, target); return { ...result.metaData, ...result }; } catch (e) { e.stack = new Error().stack; throw e; } } async signDownloadLink(target: string, filename?: string, noExpire = false, useAlternativeEndpointFor?: 'user' | 'judge'): Promise { if (target.includes('..') || target.includes('//')) throw new Error('Invalid path'); try { const headers: Record = {}; if (filename) headers['response-content-disposition'] = `attachment; filename="${encodeRFC5987ValueChars(filename)}"`; const url = await this.client.presignedGetObject( this.opts.bucket, target, noExpire ? 24 * 60 * 60 * 7 : 10 * 60, headers, ); if (useAlternativeEndpointFor) return this.replaceWithAlternativeUrlFor[useAlternativeEndpointFor](url); return url; } catch (e) { e.stack = new Error().stack; throw e; } } async signUpload(target: string, size: number) { const policy = this.client.newPostPolicy(); policy.setBucket(this.opts.bucket); policy.setKey(target); policy.setExpires(new Date( + 30 * 60 * 1000)); if (size) policy.setContentLengthRange(size - 50, size + 50); const policyResult = await this.client.presignedPostPolicy(policy); return { url: this.replaceWithAlternativeUrlFor.user(policyResult.postURL), extraFormData: policyResult.formData, }; } } const service = new StorageService(); = service; export = service;