/* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */ import decodeHTML from 'decode-html'; import { filter } from 'lodash'; import xml2js from 'xml2js'; import { AdmZip, buildContent, ContentNode, Context, FileTooLargeError, fs, Handler, PERM, ProblemConfigFile, ProblemModel, SolutionModel, ValidationError, } from 'hydrooj'; class FpsProblemImportHandler extends Handler { async get() { this.response.template = 'problem_import.html'; } async run(domainId: string, result: any) { for (const p of result.fps.item) { const content: ContentNode[] = []; if (p.description?.[0]) { content.push({ type: 'Text', subType: 'html', sectionTitle: this.translate('Description'), text: p.description[0], }); } if (p.input?.[0]) { content.push({ type: 'Text', subType: 'html', sectionTitle: this.translate('Input Format'), text: p.input[0], }); } if (p.output?.[0]) { content.push({ type: 'Text', subType: 'html', sectionTitle: this.translate('Output Format'), text: p.output[0], }); } if (p.sample_input?.length) { content.push(...p.sample_input.map((input, i) => ({ type: 'Sample', sectionTitle: this.translate('Sample'), payload: [input, p.sample_output[i]], }))); } if (p.hint?.[0]) { content.push({ type: 'Text', subType: 'html', sectionTitle: this.translate('Hint'), text: p.hint[0], }); } const config: ProblemConfigFile = { time: p.time_limit[0]._ + p.time_limit[0].$.unit, memory: p.memory_limit[0]._ + p.memory_limit[0].$.unit, }; const title = decodeHTML(p.title.join(' ')); const tags = filter(p.source, (i: string) => i.trim()); const pid = await ProblemModel.add(domainId, null, title, buildContent(content, 'html'), this.user._id, tags); await ProblemModel.addTestdata(domainId, pid, 'config.yaml', Buffer.from(`time: ${config.time}\nmemory: ${config.memory}`)); if (p.test_output) { for (let i = 0; i < p.test_input.length; i++) { const input = typeof p.test_input[i]?._ === 'string' ? p.test_input[i]?._ : typeof p.test_input[i] === 'string' ? p.test_input[i] : ''; const output = typeof p.test_output[i]?._ === 'string' ? p.test_output[i]?._ : typeof p.test_output[i] === 'string' ? p.test_output[i] : ''; await ProblemModel.addTestdata(domainId, pid, `${i + 1}.in`, Buffer.from(input)); await ProblemModel.addTestdata(domainId, pid, `${i + 1}.out`, Buffer.from(output)); } } else if (p.test_input) { for (let i = 0; i < p.test_input.length / 2; i++) { await ProblemModel.addTestdata(domainId, pid, `${i + 1}.in`, Buffer.from(p.test_input[2 * i])); await ProblemModel.addTestdata(domainId, pid, `${i + 1}.out`, Buffer.from(p.test_input[2 * i + 1])); } } await ProblemModel.edit(domainId, pid, { html: true }); if (p.solution) { let s = ''; for (const sol of p.solution) { s += `**${sol.$.language}** : \n\`\`\`\n${sol._}\n\`\`\`\n`; } await SolutionModel.add(domainId, pid, this.user._id, s); } } } async post({ domainId }) { if (!this.request.files.file) throw new ValidationError('file'); const tasks = []; try { const file = await fs.stat(this.request.files.file.filepath); if (file.size > 64 * 1024 * 1024) throw new FileTooLargeError('64m'); const content = fs.readFileSync(this.request.files.file.filepath, 'utf-8'); const result = await xml2js.parseStringPromise(content); tasks.push(result); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof FileTooLargeError) throw e; console.log(e); let zip: AdmZip; try { zip = new AdmZip(this.request.files.file.filepath); } catch (err) { throw new ValidationError('zip', null, err.message); } for (const entry of zip.getEntries()) { try { const buf = entry.getData(); if (buf.byteLength > 64 * 1024 * 1024) throw new FileTooLargeError('64m'); const content = buf.toString(); const result = await xml2js.parseStringPromise(content); tasks.push(result); } catch { } } } if (!tasks.length) throw new ValidationError('file', null, 'No valid fps format file found'); for (const task of tasks) await this.run(domainId, task); this.response.redirect = this.url('problem_main'); } } export const sideEffect = true; export async function apply(ctx: Context) { ctx.Route('problem_import_fps', '/problem/import/fps', FpsProblemImportHandler, PERM.PERM_CREATE_PROBLEM); ctx.inject('ProblemAdd', 'problem_import_fps', { icon: 'copy', text: 'From FPS File' }); }