{% extends "domain_base.html" %} {% block domain_content %} {% if joinSettings %}

{{ _('Information') }}

{{ _('User can join this domain by visiting the following URL') }}:

{{ url_prefix|safe }}domain/join?domainId={{ handler.args.domainId }}
{% if joinSettings['method'] == model.domain.JOIN_METHOD_CODE %}

{{ _('Or, with automatically filled invitation code') }}:

{{ url_prefix|safe }}domain/join?domainId={{ handler.args.domainId }}&code={{ joinSettings.code|urlencode }}
{% endif %} {% if joinSettings.expire %}
{{ (_('The link will be expired at {0}').format(datetimeSpan(joinSettings.expire, relative=false)))|safe }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

{{ _('Settings') }}

{% if rolesWithText.length == 1 %}

{{ _("The 'default' role applies to ALL REGISTERED USER.")|safe }}

{{ _("You may want to create a new role in 'Manage Role' page.")|safe }}

{% endif %}
{{ form.form_select({ options:model.domain.JOIN_METHOD_RANGE, label:'Method', name:'method', value:joinSettings['method']|default(model.domain.JOIN_METHOD_NONE) }) }} {{ form.form_select({ options:rolesWithText, label:'Role Assignment', name:'role', help_text:'The role to assign when user joining the domain.', value:joinSettings['role']|default('') }) }} {{ form.form_select({ options:expirations, label:'Expire', name:'expire', help_text:'User will no longer be allowed to join the domain after expiration.' }) }} {{ form.form_text({ label:'Invitation Code', name:'invitationCode', help_text:'The invitation code to enter to successfully join the domain. You can only use letters and numbers in the code and it should not be longer than 64 characters.', value:joinSettings['code']|default('') }) }}
{% endblock %}