import { normalizeSubtasks, readSubtasksFromFiles } from '@hydrooj/utils/lib/common'; import type { SubtaskType } from 'hydrooj/src/interface'; import $ from 'jquery'; import yaml from 'js-yaml'; import React from 'react'; import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client'; import { ConfirmDialog } from 'vj/components/dialog/index'; import Notification from 'vj/components/notification'; import { configYamlFormat } from 'vj/components/problemconfig/ProblemConfigEditor'; import uploadFiles from 'vj/components/upload'; import download from 'vj/components/zipDownloader'; import { NamedPage } from 'vj/misc/Page'; import { i18n, loadReactRedux, pjax, request, tpl, } from 'vj/utils'; const page = new NamedPage('problem_config', () => { let reduxStore; async function handleClickUpload() { const input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = 'file'; input.multiple = true;; await new Promise((resolve) => { input.onchange = resolve; }); await uploadFiles('./files', input.files, { type: 'testdata', sidebar: true, pjax: true, singleFileUploadCallback: (file) => { reduxStore.dispatch({ type: 'CONFIG_ADD_TESTDATA', value: { _id:, name:, size: file.size, }, }); }, }); } async function handleClickRemove(ev: JQuery.ClickEvent) { const file = [$(ev.currentTarget).parent().parent().attr('data-filename')]; const action = await new ConfirmDialog({ $body: tpl.typoMsg(i18n('Confirm to delete the file?')), }).open(); if (action !== 'yes') return; try { await'./files', { operation: 'delete_files', files: file, type: 'testdata', }); Notification.success(i18n('File have been deleted.')); reduxStore.dispatch({ type: 'CONFIG_DELETE_TESTDATA', value: file, }); await pjax.request({ url: './files?d=testdata&sidebar=true', push: false }); } catch (error) { Notification.error(error.message); } } async function handleClickDownloadAll() { const files = reduxStore.getState() =>; const { links, pdoc } = await'./files', { operation: 'get_links', files, type: 'testdata' }); const targets: { filename: string, url: string }[] = []; for (const filename of Object.keys(links)) targets.push({ filename, url: links[filename] }); await download(`${pdoc.docId} ${pdoc.title}.zip`, targets); } async function uploadConfig(config: object) { const configYaml = yaml.dump(configYamlFormat(config));'Saving file...')); const data = new FormData(); data.append('filename', 'config.yaml'); data.append('file', new Blob([configYaml], { type: 'text/plain' })); data.append('type', 'testdata'); data.append('operation', 'upload_file'); await request.postFile('./files', data); Notification.success(i18n('File saved.')); window.location.reload(); } async function mountComponent() { const [{ default: ProblemConfig }, { default: ProblemConfigReducer }] = await Promise.all([ import('vj/components/problemconfig/index'), import('vj/components/problemconfig/reducer'), ]); const { Provider, store } = await loadReactRedux(ProblemConfigReducer); reduxStore = store; store.dispatch({ type: 'CONFIG_LOAD', payload: request.get(''), }); const unsubscribe = store.subscribe(() => { // TODO set yaml schema const state = store.getState(); if (!state.config.__loaded) return; if (state.config.cases) { const score = state.config.score * state.config.cases.length; state.config.subtasks = [{ type: 'sum' as SubtaskType, score: score && score < 100 ? score : 100, cases: state.config.cases, id: 1, }]; delete state.config.cases; delete state.config.score; } if (state.config.subtasks?.length) return; const testdata = (state.testdata || []).map((i) =>; unsubscribe(); const subtasks = readSubtasksFromFiles(testdata, state.config); store.dispatch({ type: 'CONFIG_AUTOCASES_UPDATE', subtasks: normalizeSubtasks(subtasks, (i) => i, state.config.time, state.config.memory, true), }); }); createRoot(document.getElementById('ProblemConfig')!).render( uploadConfig(store.getState().config)} /> , ); } mountComponent(); $(document).on('click', '[name="testdata__upload"]', () => handleClickUpload()); $(document).on('click', '[name="testdata__delete"]', (ev) => handleClickRemove(ev)); $(document).on('click', '[name="testdata__download__all"]', () => handleClickDownloadAll()); }); export default page;