const { ObjectID } = require('bson'); const { SolutionNotFoundError } = require('../error'); const validator = require('../lib/validator'); const db = require('../service/db.js'); const coll = db.collection('solution'); const collStatus = db.collection('solution.status'); /** * @param {string} pid * @param {number} owner * @param {string} content */ async function add(pid, owner, content) { validator.checkContent(content); pid = new ObjectID(pid); const res = await coll.insertOne({ content, owner, pid, reply: [], vote: 0, }); return res.insertedId; } async function get(psid) { psid = new ObjectID(psid); const psdoc = await coll.findOne({ _id: psid }); if (!psdoc) throw new SolutionNotFoundError(); return psdoc; } function getMany(query, sort, page, limit) { return coll.find(query).sort(sort) .skip((page - 1) * limit).limit(limit) .toArray(); } async function edit(_id, content) { validator.checkContent(content); await coll.updateOne({ _id }, { $set: { content } }); const psdoc = await get(_id); if (!psdoc) throw new SolutionNotFoundError(_id); return psdoc; } function del(psid) { return coll.deleteOne({ _id: psid }); } function count(query) { return coll.find(query).count(); } function getMulti(pid) { return coll.find({ pid }).sort({ vote: -1 }); } function reply(psid, owner, content) { validator.checkContent(content); return coll.findOneAndUpdate( { _id: psid }, { $push: { reply: { content, owner, _id: new ObjectID() } } }, ); } async function getReply(psid, psrid) { const psdoc = await coll.findOne({ _id: psid, reply: { $elemMatch: { _id: psrid } } }); if (!psdoc) return [null, null]; for (const psrdoc of psdoc) if (psrdoc._id === psrid) return [psdoc, psrdoc]; return [psdoc, null]; } async function editReply(psid, psrid, content) { validator.checkContent(content); psid = new ObjectID(psid); psrid = new ObjectID(psrid); const psdoc = await coll.findOne({ _id: psid, reply: { $elemMatch: { _id: psrid } } }); const { reply } = psdoc; // eslint-disable-line no-shadow for (const i in reply) { if (reply[i]._id === psrid) { reply[i].content = content; break; } } // eslint-disable-next-line no-return-await return await coll.updateOne({ _id: psdoc._id }, { $set: { reply } }); } function delReply(psid, psrid) { return coll.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: psid }, { $pull: { reply: { _id: psrid } } }); } async function vote(psid, uid, value) { let pssdoc = await collStatus.findOne({ psid, uid }); if (pssdoc) await collStatus.deleteOne({ psid, uid }); await collStatus.insertOne({ psid, uid, vote: value }); if (pssdoc) value +=; await coll.updateOne({ _id: psid }, { $inc: { vote: value } }); pssdoc = await collStatus.findOne({ psid, uid }); const psdoc = await coll.findOne({ _id: psid }); return [psdoc, pssdoc]; } async function getListStatus(list, uid) { const result = {}; const res = await collStatus.find({ uid, psid: { $in: list } }).toArray(); for (const i of res) result[i.psid] = i; return result; } module.exports = { count, add, get, edit, del, getMany, getMulti, reply, getReply, editReply, delReply, vote, getListStatus, };