import $ from 'jquery'; import _ from 'lodash'; import moment from 'moment'; import { tpl } from 'vj/utils'; export default class Calendar { constructor(events) { this.$dom = $(tpl`

`); = => ({ ...ev, beginAt: moment(ev.beginAt), endAt: moment(ev.endAt), maskFrom: ev.maskFrom ? moment(ev.maskFrom) : null, })); this.$dom.find('[name="prev"]').click(() => this.navToPrev()); this.$dom.find('[name="next"]').click(() => this.navToNext()); this.$lastBody = null; this.navToToday(); } getDom() { return this.$dom; } navToToday() { if (this.animating) { return; } this.current = moment().date(1); this.update(); } navToNext() { if (this.animating) { return; } this.current.add('months', 1); this.update(1); } navToPrev() { if (this.animating) { return; } this.current.subtract('months', 1); this.update(-1); } update(direction = 0) { this.updateHeader(); this.updateBody(direction); } updateHeader() { this.$dom.find('.calendar__header__title').text(this.current.format('MMMM YYYY')); } async updateBody(direction) { this.animating = true; const $newBody = this.buildBody(); $newBody.appendTo(this.$dom.find('.calendar__body-container')); if (this.$lastBody !== null) { this.$lastBody .addClass('exit') .transition({ y: direction * 100, opacity: 0, }, { duration: 500, easing: 'easeOutCubic', }); await $newBody .css({ y: -direction * 100, opacity: 0, }) .transition({ y: 0, opacity: 1, }, { duration: 500, easing: 'easeOutCubic', }) .promise(); this.$lastBody.remove(); } this.$lastBody = $newBody; this.animating = false; } buildBody() { const data = this.buildBodyData(); const $body = $('
'); data.forEach((week) => { const $row = $(tpl`
`); const $bgContainer = $row.find('.calendar__row__bg tr'); const $numContainer = $row.find('.calendar__row__content thead tr'); const $bannerContainer = $row.find('.calendar__row__content tbody'); week.days.forEach((day) => { const isInactive = ? '' : 'is-inactive'; const isCurrentDay = day.current ? 'is-current-day' : ''; const today = day.current ? ' (TODAY)' : ''; $bgContainer.append($('').addClass(isInactive).addClass(isCurrentDay)); $numContainer.append($(tpl`${'D')}${today}`).addClass(isInactive).addClass(isCurrentDay)); }); week.banners.forEach((banners) => { const $tr = $(''); banners.forEach((bannerSpan) => { if (!bannerSpan.banner) { $tr.append(tpl``); return; } const $cell = $(tpl``); const $banner = $(tpl` ${bannerSpan.banner.mask ? bannerSpan.banner.event.maskTitle : bannerSpan.banner.event.title} `); if (bannerSpan.banner.mask) { $banner.addClass('is-masked'); } if (bannerSpan.banner.beginTrunc) { $banner.addClass('is-trunc-begin'); } else if (bannerSpan.banner.beginSnap) { $banner.addClass('is-snap-begin'); } if (bannerSpan.banner.endTrunc) { $banner.addClass('is-trunc-end'); } else if (bannerSpan.banner.endSnap) { $banner.addClass('is-snap-end'); } $cell.append($banner); $tr.append($cell); }); $bannerContainer.append($tr); }); $body.append($row); }); return $body; } buildBodyData() { const days = []; { // back fill const base = this.current.clone(); const dayOfWeek =; if (dayOfWeek > 0) { base.subtract(dayOfWeek + 1, 'days'); for (let i = dayOfWeek; i > 0; --i) { days.push({ active: false, date: base.add(1, 'days').clone(), }); } } } { // current month const base = this.current.clone(); while (base.month() === this.current.month()) { days.push({ active: true, date: base.clone(), }); base.add(1, 'days'); } } { // forward fill const base = this.current.clone().add(1, 'months').subtract(1, 'days'); const dayOfWeek =; if (dayOfWeek < 6) { for (let i = dayOfWeek; i < 6; ++i) { days.push({ active: false, date: base.add(1, 'days').clone(), }); } } } const now = moment(); days.forEach((day) => { day.current =, 'day'); // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign }); const daysByWeek = _.chunk(days, 7); const numberOfWeeks = days.length / 7; const bannersByWeek = _.fill(new Array(numberOfWeeks), 1).map(() => []); const beginDate = days[0].date.clone(); const endDate = _.last(days).date.clone(); // cut events by week to banners => { if (ev.endAt.isBefore(ev.beginAt, 'day')) { return; } if (ev.endAt.isBefore(beginDate, 'day') || ev.beginAt.isAfter(endDate, 'day')) { return; } if (ev.beginAt.hour() >= 22) { ev.beginAt.add(1, 'day').startOf('day'); } if (ev.endAt.hour() <= 2) { ev.endAt.subtract(1, 'day').endOf('day'); } let [bannerBegin, bannerBeginTruncated] = [ev.beginAt.clone(), false]; if (bannerBegin.isBefore(beginDate, 'day')) { [bannerBegin, bannerBeginTruncated] = [beginDate.clone(), true]; } do { const bannerEndMax = bannerBegin.clone().endOf('week'); let [bannerEnd, bannerEndTruncated] = [ev.endAt.clone(), false]; if (bannerEnd.isAfter(bannerEndMax, 'day')) { [bannerEnd, bannerEndTruncated] = [bannerEndMax, true]; } const weekIndex = bannerBegin.clone().startOf('day').diff(beginDate.clone().startOf('day'), 'week'); bannersByWeek[weekIndex].push({ beginAt: bannerBegin.startOf('day'), beginTrunc: bannerBeginTruncated, endAt: bannerEnd.endOf('day'), endTrunc: bannerEndTruncated, event: ev, }); if (!bannerEndTruncated) { break; } [bannerBegin, bannerBeginTruncated] = [bannerEnd.clone().add(1, 'day'), true]; } while (!bannerBegin.isAfter(endDate, 'day')); }); // layout banners const layout = bannersByWeek .map((banners) => _ .sortBy(banners, [ (banner) => banner.beginAt.valueOf(), (banner) => (banner.beginTrunc ? 0 : 1), // truncated events first (banner) => -banner.endAt.valueOf(), // long events first ])) .map((banners) => { const dayBitmap = _ .fill(new Array(7), 1) .map(() => []); banners.forEach((banner) => { const beginDay =; const endDay =; // find available space const vIndexMax = _.max(_ .range(beginDay, endDay + 1) .map((day) => dayBitmap[day].length)); let vIndex = 0; for (; vIndex < vIndexMax; ++vIndex) { if (_.every(_ .range(beginDay, endDay + 1) .map((day) => !dayBitmap[day][vIndex]), // eslint-disable-line )) break; } // fill space for (let i = beginDay; i <= endDay; ++i) { dayBitmap[i][vIndex] = banner; } }); // merge adjacent cells and arrange banners by vertical index const vMaxLength = _.max(_.range(0, 7).map((day) => dayBitmap[day].length)); const weekBanners = _ .fill(new Array(vMaxLength), 1) .map(() => []); for (let vIndex = 0; vIndex < vMaxLength; ++vIndex) { let last = { span: 1, banner: dayBitmap[0][vIndex] }; weekBanners[vIndex].push(last); for (let day = 1; day < 7; ++day) { const banner = dayBitmap[day][vIndex]; if (banner !== last.banner) { last = { span: 1, banner }; weekBanners[vIndex].push(last); } else { last.span++; } } } // cut banners by masked areas, scanning from left to right weekBanners.forEach((bannerSpans) => { for (let i = 0; i < bannerSpans.length; ++i) { const { banner } = bannerSpans[i]; if (!banner) { continue; } if (banner.mask) { continue; } if (!banner.event.maskFrom) { continue; } if (banner.event.maskFrom.isSame(banner.event.endAt)) { // do not show masks if maskFrom === endAt continue; } if (banner.event.endAt.isSame(banner.event.beginAt, 'day')) { // do not show masks if endAt - beginAt <= 1 day continue; } if (banner.event.maskFrom.isAfter(banner.endAt, 'day')) { // we are not in the time region for masking continue; } if (banner.event.maskFrom.isSameOrBefore(banner.beginAt, 'day')) { // mask begins before this banner: replace current banner with masked banner banner.mask = true; } else { // mask begins during this banner: cut current banner into two pieces const newBanner = { ...banner, beginAt: banner.event.maskFrom.clone(), beginSnap: true, beginTrunc: false, mask: true, }; const newBannerSpan = { span: - + 1, banner: newBanner, }; banner.endAt = banner.event.maskFrom.clone().subtract(1, 'day'); banner.endSnap = true; bannerSpans[i].span -= newBannerSpan.span; bannerSpans.splice(i + 1, 0, newBannerSpan); i++; } } }); return weekBanners; }); return daysByWeek .map((daysInWeek, weekIndex) => ({ days: daysInWeek, banners: layout[weekIndex], })); } }