import fs from 'fs'; import { Duplex } from 'stream'; import cluster from 'cluster'; import path, { sep } from 'path'; import serialize from 'serialize-javascript'; import Lru from 'lru-cache'; import { ObjectID } from 'mongodb'; import { isMoment } from 'moment'; import type { Moment } from 'moment-timezone'; import type { Logger } from './logger'; declare global { interface StringConstructor { random: (digit?: number) => string; } interface ArrayConstructor { isDiff: (a: any[], b: any[]) => boolean; } interface Date { format: (fmt?: string) => string; } interface Math { sum: (...args: Array) => number; } interface SetConstructor { isSuperset: (set: Set, subset: Set) => boolean; intersection: (setA: Set, setB: Set) => Set; union: (setA: Set, setB: Set) => Set; } } const lru = new Lru(1000); export function lrucache(target: any, funcName: string, obj: any) { const originalMethod = obj.value; obj.value = function func(...args: any[]) { const key = serialize({ funcName, args }); let val = lru.get(key); if (val) return val; val =, ...args); lru.set(key, val); return val; }; return obj; } if (!cluster.worker) { // @ts-ignore cluster.worker = { id: 0 }; } const dict = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890'; String.random = function random(digit = 32) { let str = ''; for (let i = 1; i <= digit; i++) str += dict[Math.floor(Math.random() * 62)]; return str; }; Array.isDiff = function isDiff(a, b) { if (a.length !== b.length) return true; a.sort(); b.sort(); for (const i in a) { if (a[i] !== b[i]) return true; } return false; }; Date.prototype.format = function formatDate(fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') { let m = this.getMonth() + 1; if (m < 10) m = `0${m}`; let d = this.getDate(); if (d < 10) d = `0${d}`; let H = this.getHours(); if (H < 10) H = `0${H}`; let M = this.getMinutes(); if (M < 10) M = `0${M}`; let S = this.getSeconds(); if (S < 10) S = `0${S}`; return fmt .replace('%Y', this.getFullYear()) .replace('%m', m) .replace('%d', d) .replace('%H', H) .replace('%M', M) .replace('%S', S); }; Math.sum = function sum(...args) { let s = 0; for (const i of args) { if (i instanceof Array) { for (const j of i) { s += j; } } else s += i; } return s; }; Set.isSuperset = function isSuperset(set, subset) { for (const elem of subset) { if (!set.has(elem)) return false; } return true; }; Set.union = function Union(setA: Set, setB: Set) { const union = new Set(setA); for (const elem of setB) union.add(elem); return union; }; Set.intersection = function Intersection(setA: Set, setB: Set): Set { const intersection = new Set(); for (const elem of setB) { if (setA.has(elem)) intersection.add(elem); } // @ts-ignore return intersection; }; export function folderSize(folderPath: string) { let size = 0; const _next = function a(p: string) { if (p) { const stats = fs.statSync(p); if (!stats.isDirectory() || stats.isSymbolicLink()) { if (!stats.isSymbolicLink()) size += stats.size; } else { size += stats.size; const files = fs.readdirSync(p); if (Array.isArray(files)) { files.forEach((file) => { _next(path.join(p, file)); }); } } } }; _next(folderPath); return size; } const TIME_RE = /^([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?)([mu]?)s?$/i; const TIME_UNITS = { '': 1000, m: 1, u: 0.001 }; const MEMORY_RE = /^([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?)([kmg])b?$/i; const MEMORY_UNITS = { k: 1 / 1024, m: 1, g: 1024 }; export function parseTimeMS(str: string) { const match = TIME_RE.exec(str); if (!match) throw new Error(`${str} error parsing time`); return Math.floor(parseFloat(match[1]) * TIME_UNITS[match[2]]); } export function parseMemoryMB(str: string) { const match = MEMORY_RE.exec(str); if (!match) throw new Error(`${str} error parsing memory`); return Math.ceil(parseFloat(match[1]) * MEMORY_UNITS[match[2]]); } export function isClass(obj: any, strict = false) { if (typeof obj !== 'function') return false; const str = obj.toString(); if (obj.prototype === undefined) return false; if (obj.prototype.constructor !== obj) return false; if (str.slice(0, 5) === 'class') return true; if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj.prototype).length >= 2) return true; if (/^function\s+\(|^function\s+anonymous\(/.test(str)) return false; if (strict && /^function\s+[A-Z]/.test(str)) return true; if (/\b\(this\b|\bthis[.[]\b/.test(str)) { if (!strict || /classCallCheck\(this/.test(str)) return true; return /^function\sdefault_\d+\s*\(/.test(str); } return false; } export function streamToBuffer(stream): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const buffers = []; stream.on('error', reject); stream.on('data', (data) => buffers.push(data)); stream.on('end', () => resolve(Buffer.concat(buffers))); }); } export function bufferToStream(buffer: Buffer): NodeJS.ReadableStream { const stream = new Duplex(); stream.push(buffer); stream.push(null); return stream; } export function buildProjection(fields: string[]): Record { const o = {}; for (const k of fields) o[k] = 1; return o; } export function sleep(timeout: number) { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(resolve, timeout); }); } function deepen(modifyString: (source: string) => string) { function modifyObject(source: T): T { if (typeof source !== 'object' || !source) return source; if (Array.isArray(source)) return as any; const result = {} as T; for (const key in source) { result[modifyString(key)] = modifyObject(source[key]); } return result; } return function t(source: T): T { if (typeof source === 'string') return modifyString(source) as any; return modifyObject(source); }; } export function logAndReturn(logger: Logger) { return function cb(err: Error) { logger.error(err); return err; }; } export const camelCase = deepen((source) => source.replace(/[_-][a-z]/g, (str) => str.slice(1).toUpperCase())); export const paramCase = deepen((source) => source.replace(/_/g, '-').replace(/(? `-${str.toLowerCase()}`)); export const snakeCase = deepen((source) => source.replace(/-/g, '_').replace(/(? `_${str.toLowerCase()}`)); export namespace Time { export const second = 1000; export const minute = second * 60; export const hour = minute * 60; export const day = hour * 24; export const week = day * 7; export function formatTimeShort(ms: number) { const abs = Math.abs(ms); if (abs >= day - hour / 2) return `${Math.round(ms / day)}d`; if (abs >= hour - minute / 2) return `${Math.round(ms / hour)}h`; if (abs >= minute - second / 2) return `${Math.round(ms / minute)}m`; if (abs >= second) return `${Math.round(ms / second)}s`; return `${ms}ms`; } export function getObjectID(timestamp: string | Date | Moment) { let _timestamp: number; if (typeof timestamp === 'string') _timestamp = new Date(timestamp).getTime(); else if (isMoment(timestamp)) _timestamp = timestamp.toDate().getTime(); else _timestamp = timestamp.getTime(); const hexSeconds = Math.floor(_timestamp / 1000).toString(16); const constructedObjectId = new ObjectID(`${hexSeconds}0000000000000000`); return constructedObjectId; } } export const log2 = (val: bigint | number) => { if (typeof val === 'bigint') { // @ts-ignore for (let i = 0n; ; i++) if (!(val >> i)) return +i.toString() - 1; } else { for (let i = 0; ; i++) if (!(val >> i)) return i - 1; } }; export function errorMessage(err: Error | string) { const t = typeof err === 'string' ? err : err.stack; const q = t.split('\n'); for (let i = 0; i < q.length; i++) { if (!q[i].startsWith(' at')) continue; if (q[i].includes(`${sep}@hydrooj${sep}`)) q[i] = q[i].split(`@hydrooj${sep}`)[1]; else if (q[i].includes(`${sep}hydrooj${sep}`)) q[i] = `hydrooj${sep}${q[i].split(`hydrooj/${sep}`)[1]}`; } if (typeof err === 'string') return q.join('\n'); err.stack = q.join('\n'); return err; }