/* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */ import superagent from 'superagent'; import { PassThrough } from 'stream'; import { argv } from 'yargs'; import { PermissionError, InvalidTokenError, RemoteOnlineJudgeError } from '../error'; import { Logger } from '../logger'; import { logAndReturn } from '../utils'; import { ProblemAdd } from '../lib/ui'; import { PERM } from '../model/builtin'; import token from '../model/token'; import problem from '../model/problem'; import * as system from '../model/system'; import { Handler, Types, Route, post, } from '../service/server'; import storage from '../service/storage'; const logger = new Logger('remote'); export class ProblemSendHandler extends Handler { async get() { this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM); this.response.template = 'problem_send.html'; } @post('target', Types.String) @post('pids', Types.Array) async postSend(domainId: string, _target: string, _pids: (number | string)[]) { this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM); const target = _target.split('@'); if (target[1].endsWith('/')) target[1] = target[1].substr(0, target[1].length - 1); const getHidden = this.user.hasPerm(PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM_HIDDEN); const getData = this.user.hasPerm(PERM.PERM_READ_PROBLEM_DATA); const pdocs = await problem.getList(domainId, _pids, true, true, ['docId', 'owner', 'hidden']); const pids = new Set(); for (const key in pdocs) { pids.add(pdocs[key].docId); if (pdocs[key].hidden && !getHidden && !this.user.own(pdocs[key])) { throw new PermissionError(PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM_HIDDEN); } if (!getData && !this.user.own(pdocs[key])) { throw new PermissionError(PERM.PERM_READ_PROBLEM_DATA); } } const [url, expire] = system.getMany(['server.url', 'session.saved_expire_seconds']); const tokenId = await token.createOrUpdate(token.TYPE_EXPORT, expire, { creator: this.user._id, domainId, pids: Array.from(pids) }); const res = system.get('server.proxy') ? await superagent.post(`${system.get('server.center')}/send`) .send({ endpoint: `${target[1]}/d/${target[0]}`, domainId, url, tokenId, expire, }).catch(logAndReturn(logger)) : await superagent.post(`${target[1]}/d/${target[0]}/problem/receive`) .send({ operation: 'request', url: `${url}d/${domainId}/problem/send`, tokenId, expire, }).catch(logAndReturn(logger)); if (res instanceof Error) throw new RemoteOnlineJudgeError(res.message); this.back(); } @post('token', Types.Content) async postInfo(domainId: string, tokenId: string) { const data = await token.get(tokenId, token.TYPE_EXPORT); if (!data) throw new InvalidTokenError(tokenId); const r = {}; const pdocs = await problem.getMulti(domainId, { docId: { $in: data.pids } }, ['title', 'docId']).toArray(); for (const pdoc of pdocs) r[pdoc.docId] = pdoc.title; this.response.body = { pdocs: r, pids: data.pids }; } @post('token', Types.Content, true) @post('pids', Types.Array) async postFetch(domainId: string, tokenId: string, pids: number[]) { pids = pids.map((i) => (+i ? +i : i)); const pdocs = await problem.getMulti(domainId, { docId: { $in: pids } }, problem.PROJECTION_PUBLIC).toArray(); const data = await token.get(tokenId, token.TYPE_EXPORT); if (!data) throw new InvalidTokenError(tokenId); if (pids.filter((pid) => !data.pids.includes(pid)).length) throw new InvalidTokenError(tokenId); const links = []; for (const pdoc of pdocs) { const files = await storage.list(`problem/${domainId}/${pdoc.docId}/`, true); const l = []; for (const file of files) { l.push([ file.name, await storage.signDownloadLink(file.prefix + file.name, file.name, false, 'user'), ]); } links.push(l); } this.response.body = { pdocs, links }; } } export class ProblemReceiveHandler extends Handler { async get({ domainId }) { this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_CREATE_PROBLEM); let requests = await token.getMulti(token.TYPE_IMPORT, { domainId }).toArray(); requests = requests.map((request) => { const url = new URL(request.source); request.display = `${url.host}/${url.pathname.split('/')[2]}/`; request.url = `${url.origin}/d/${url.pathname.split('/')[2]}/p/`; return request; }); this.response.template = 'problem_receive.html'; this.response.body = { requests }; this.response.body.path = [ ['Hydro', 'homepage'], ['problem_main', 'problem_main'], ['problem_receive', null], ]; } @post('url', Types.String) @post('tokenId', Types.String) @post('expire', Types.UnsignedInt) async postRequest(domainId: string, url: string, tokenId: string, expire: number) { const res = await superagent.post(url) .send({ operation: 'info', token: tokenId }) .catch(logAndReturn(logger)); if (res instanceof Error) throw new RemoteOnlineJudgeError(res.message); const [id] = await token.add(token.TYPE_IMPORT, expire, { domainId, tokenId, source: url, pdocs: res.body.pdocs, pids: res.body.pids, }); this.response.body = { token: id }; } // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this async syncFiles(domainId: string, baseUrl: string, pid: number, files: [string, string][]) { for (const file of files) { const content = new PassThrough(); superagent.get(file[1].startsWith('/') ? baseUrl + file[1] : file[1]).pipe(content); if (file[0].startsWith('testdata/')) { await problem.addTestdata(domainId, pid, file[0].split('testdata/')[1], content); } else if (file[0].startsWith('additional_file/')) { await problem.addAdditionalFile(domainId, pid, file[0].split('additional_file/')[1], content); } } } @post('tokenId', Types.String) @post('pids', Types.Array, true) async postConfirm(domainId: string, tokenId: string, filterPid?: number[]) { this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_CREATE_PROBLEM); const data = await token.get(tokenId, token.TYPE_IMPORT); if (!data) throw new InvalidTokenError(tokenId); const res = await superagent.post(data.source).send({ operation: 'fetch', token: data.tokenId, pids: filterPid.length ? filterPid.map((i) => (+i ? +i : i)) : data.pids, }).catch(logAndReturn(logger)); if (res instanceof Error) throw new RemoteOnlineJudgeError(res.message); const pids = []; const { pdocs } = res.body; const files = res.body.links; const source = new URL(data.source); const baseUrl = `${source.protocol}//${source.host}`; const exportToken = await token.get(data.tokenId, token.TYPE_EXPORT); for (let i = 0; i < pdocs.length; i++) { const pdoc = pdocs[i]; if (pdoc.pid) { const exist = await problem.get(domainId, pdoc.pid); if (exist) pdoc.pid = undefined; } const pid = await problem.add(domainId, pdoc.pid, pdoc.title, pdoc.content, exportToken?.creator || this.user._id, pdoc.tag); pids.push(pid); this.syncFiles( domainId, exportToken ? baseUrl : `${argv.port || system.get('server.port')}`, pid, files[i], ).catch(logAndReturn(logger)); await problem.edit(domainId, pid, { html: pdoc.html }); } this.back(); this.response.body = { pids }; } } export async function apply() { ProblemAdd('problem_receive', {}, 'copy', 'Import From Hydro'); Route('problem_receive', '/problem/receive', ProblemReceiveHandler); Route('problem_send', '/problem/send', ProblemSendHandler); } global.Hydro.handler.remote = apply;