{% import "components/user.html" as user with context %} {% import "components/problem.html" as problem with context %}
{% if page_name != 'problem_detail' and page_name != 'contest_detail_problem' %}

{{ pdoc['title'] }}

{% endif %}
{% if page_name != 'problem_detail' %}

{{ _('Information') }}

{% include "partials/problem-sidebar-information.html" %}
{% else %}

{{ _('Statistics') }}

{% endif %} {% if page_name == 'problem_detail' and (tdocs or ctdocs) %}

{{ _('Related') }}

{% if tdocs %}

{{ _('In following training plans') }}:

{%- for tdoc in tdocs -%}

{{ tdoc.title }}

{%- endfor -%} {% endif %} {% if ctdocs %}

{{ _('In following contests') }}:

{%- for tdoc in ctdocs -%}

{{ tdoc.title }}

{%- endfor -%} {% endif %}
{% endif %}