/* eslint-disable consistent-return */ /* eslint-disable no-undef */ /// const locales = { zh: { 'install.start': '开始运行 Hydro 安装工具', 'info.mirror': '将首选 %s 镜像。可以使用 MIRROR=tsinghua|tencent|official 更改。', 'error.rootRequired': '请使用 root 用户运行该工具。', 'error.unsupportedArch': '不支持的架构 %s ,请尝试手动安装。', 'error.osreleaseNotFound': '无法获取系统版本信息(/etc/os-release 文件未找到),请尝试手动安装。', 'error.unsupportedOS': '不支持的操作系统 %s ,请尝试手动安装,', 'install.preparing': '正在初始化安装...', 'install.mongodb': '正在安装 mongodb...', 'install.nvm': '正在安装 NVM...', 'error.nodeWithoutNVMDetected': '检测到您的系统中安装了 Node,但未使用 NVM,请尝试手动安装或卸载当前 Node 后再试。', 'install.nodejs': '正在安装 NodeJS...', 'error.nodeVersionPraseFail': '无法解析 Node 版本号,请尝试手动安装。', 'install.pm2': '正在安装 PM2...', 'install.createDatabaseUser': '正在创建数据库用户...', 'install.minio': '正在安装 MinIO...', 'install.compiler': '正在安装编译器...', 'install.hydro': '正在安装 Hydro...', 'install.done': 'Hydro 安装成功!', 'extra.restartTerm': '请重启终端(或重新连接ssh)并切换到 root 用户执行剩下的操作。', 'extra.dbUser': '数据库用户名: hydro', 'extra.dbPassword': '数据库密码: %s', 'info.skip': '步骤已跳过。', }, en: { 'install.start': 'Starting Hydro installation tool', 'info.mirror': 'Using preferred %s mirror. You can use MIRROR=tsinghua|tencent|official to change.', 'error.rootRequired': 'Please run this tool as root user.', 'error.unsupportedArch': 'Unsupported architecture %s, please try to install manually.', 'error.osreleaseNotFound': 'Unable to get system version information (/etc/os-release file not found), please try to install manually.', 'error.unsupportedOS': 'Unsupported operating system %s, please try to install manually.', 'install.preparing': 'Initializing installation...', 'install.mongodb': 'Installing mongodb...', 'install.nvm': 'Installing NVM...', 'error.nodeWithoutNVMDetected': 'Detected Node installation without NVM, please try to install manually or uninstall current Node first.', 'install.nodejs': 'Installing NodeJS...', 'error.nodeVersionPraseFail': 'Unable to parse Node version, please try to install manually.', 'install.pm2': 'Installing PM2...', 'install.createDatabaseUser': 'Creating database user...', 'install.minio': 'Installing MinIO...', 'install.compiler': 'Installing compiler...', 'install.hydro': 'Installing Hydro...', 'install.done': 'Hydro installation completed!', 'extra.restartTerm': 'Please restart your terminal (or reconnect ssh) and switch to root user to execute the remaining operations.', 'extra.dbUser': 'Database username: hydro', 'extra.dbPassword': 'Database password: %s', 'info.skip': 'Step skipped.', }, }; const preferredMirror = __env.MIRROR || 'tsinghua'; const mirrors = { node: { tsinghua: 'https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/nodejs-release', tencent: 'https://mirrors.cloud.tencent.com/nodejs-release', official: 'https://nodejs.org/dist', }, mongodb: { tsinghua: 'https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/mongodb/apt/ubuntu', tencent: 'https://mirrors.cloud.tencent.com/mongodb/apt/ubuntu', official: 'https://repo.mongodb.org/apt/ubuntu', }, minio: { china: 'http://dl.minio.org.cn/server/minio/release/linux-amd64/minio', undefined: 'https://s3.undefined.moe/public/minio', official: 'https://dl.min.io/server/minio/release/linux-amd64/minio', }, sandbox: { undefined: 'https://s3.undefined.moe/file/executor-amd64', official: 'https://github.com/criyle/go-judge/releases/download/v1.2.0/executorserver-amd64', }, }; let retry = 0; /** @argument {keyof typeof mirrors} target */ function getMirror(target) { if (!mirrors[target]) log.fatal('Unknown resource:', target); const res = []; if (mirrors[target][preferredMirror]) res.push(mirrors[target][preferredMirror]); res.push(...Object.keys(mirrors[target]).map((i) => mirrors[target][i])); return res[retry % res.length]; } let locale = __env.LANG?.includes('zh') ? 'zh' : 'en'; if (__env.TERM === 'linux') locale = 'en'; log.info = ((orig) => (str, ...args) => orig(locales[locale][str] || str, ...args) && 0)(log.info); log.warn = ((orig) => (str, ...args) => orig(locales[locale][str] || str, ...args) && 0)(log.warn); log.fatal = ((orig) => (str, ...args) => orig(locales[locale][str] || str, ...args) && 0)(log.fatal); log.info('install.start'); const MINIO_ACCESS_KEY = randomstring(32); const MINIO_SECRET_KEY = randomstring(32); let DATABASE_PASSWORD = randomstring(32); const source_nvm = ` # load nvm env (by hydro installer) export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" `; if (__user !== 'root') log.fatal('error.rootRequired'); if (__arch !== 'amd64') log.fatal('error.unsupportedArch', __arch); const dev = !!cli.get('dev'); if (!fs.exist('/etc/os-release')) log.fatal('error.osreleaseNotFound'); const osinfoFile = fs.readfile('/etc/os-release'); const lines = osinfoFile.split('\n'); const values = {}; for (const line of lines) { if (!line.trim()) continue; const d = line.split('='); if (d[1].startsWith('"')) values[d[0].toLowerCase()] = d[1].substr(1, d[1].length - 2); else values[d[0].toLowerCase()] = d[1]; } if (!['ubuntu', 'arch'].includes(values.id)) log.fatal('error.unsupportedOS', values.id); const Arch = values.id === 'arch'; const steps = [ { init: 'install.preparing', operations: [ () => log.info('info.mirror', preferredMirror), 'mkdir -p /data/db /data/file ~/.hydro', Arch ? 'pacman --needed --quiet --noconfirm -Sy' : 'apt-get -qq update', Arch ? 'pacman --needed --quiet --noconfirm -S gnupg curl' : 'apt-get install -qy curl wget gnupg qrencode', () => { if (locale === 'zh' && !Arch) { log.info('扫码加入QQ群:'); exec('echo https://qm.qq.com/cgi-bin/qm/qr\\?k\\=0aTZfDKURRhPBZVpTYBohYG6P6sxABTw | qrencode -o - -m 2 -t UTF8', {}, 0); } }, ], }, { init: 'install.mongodb', skip: () => fs.exist('/usr/bin/mongo'), operations: Arch ? [ ['curl -fSLO https://s3.undefined.moe/hydro/arch/libcurl-openssl-1.0-7.76.0-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst', { retry: true }], ['curl -fSLO https://s3.undefined.moe/hydro/arch/mongodb-bin-4.4.5-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst', { retry: true }], ['curl -fSLO https://s3.undefined.moe/hydro/arch/mongodb-tools-bin-100.3.1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst', { retry: true }], 'pacman --noconfirm -U libcurl-openssl-1.0-7.76.0-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst' + 'mongodb-bin-4.4.5-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst mongodb-tools-bin-100.3.1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst', ] : [ // https://letsencrypt.org/docs/dst-root-ca-x3-expiration-september-2021/ ['apt-get upgrade openssl -y', { retry: true }], ['wget -qO - https://www.mongodb.org/static/pgp/server-5.0.asc | apt-key add -', { retry: true }], [`echo "deb ${getMirror('mongodb')} ${values.ubuntu_codename}\ /mongodb-org/5.0 multiverse" >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-5.0.list && \ apt-get -qq update && apt-get -q install -y mongodb-org`, { retry: true }], ], }, { init: 'install.nvm', skip: () => { const nvm = fs.exist('/root/.nvm'); const node = !exec('node -v').code; if (node && !nvm) log.fatal('error.nodeWithoutNVMDetected'); return nvm; }, operations: [ () => { const resp = http.request('GET', 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/nvm-sh/nvm@v0.36.0/install.sh'); const script = resp.body .replace(/raw\.githubusercontent\.com\/nvm-sh\/nvm\//g, 'cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/nvm-sh/nvm@') .replace(/github\.com\/nvm-sh\/nvm\.git/g, 'gitee.com/imirror/nvm'); fs.writefile('/tmp/install-nvm.sh', script); }, 'bash /tmp/install-nvm.sh', ], }, { init: 'install.nodejs', operations: [ () => { const res = exec1('bash -c "source /root/.nvm/nvm.sh && nvm install 14"', { NVM_NODEJS_ORG_MIRROR: getMirror('node'), }); let ver; try { ver = res.output.split('Now using node v')[1].split(' ')[0]; } catch (e) { log.error('error.nodeVersionPraseFail'); return 'retry'; } setenv('PATH', `/root/.nvm/versions/node/v${ver}/bin:${__env.PATH}`); const shell = __env.SHELL.split('/'); const rc_path = `/root/.${shell[shell.length - 1]}rc`; if (!fs.exist(rc_path)) fs.writefile(rc_path, source_nvm); else { const rc_file = fs.readfile(rc_path); if (!rc_file.includes(source_nvm)) fs.appendfile(rc_path, source_nvm); } }, ['npm i yarn -g', { retry: true }], ], }, { init: 'install.pm2', skip: () => fs.exist('/usr/local/bin/pm2'), operations: ['yarn global add pm2'], }, { init: 'install.createDatabaseUser', skip: () => fs.exist('/root/.hydro/config.json'), operations: [ 'pm2 start mongod', () => sleep(5000), () => fs.writefile('/tmp/createUser.js', `\ db.createUser({ user: 'hydro', pwd: '${DATABASE_PASSWORD}', roles: [{ role: 'readWrite', db: 'hydro' }] })`), 'mongo /tmp/createUser.js', () => fs.writefile('/root/.hydro/config.json', JSON.stringify({ host: '', port: 27017, name: 'hydro', username: 'hydro', password: DATABASE_PASSWORD, })), 'pm2 stop mongod', 'pm2 del mongod', ], }, { init: 'install.minio', skip: () => fs.exist('/root/.hydro/env'), operations: [ [`curl -fSL ${getMirror('minio')} -o /usr/bin/minio`, { retry: true }], 'chmod +x /usr/bin/minio', ], }, { init: 'install.compiler', operations: [ Arch ? 'pacman --needed --quiet --noconfirm -S gcc fpc' : 'apt-get install -y g++ fp-compiler >/dev/null', ], }, { init: 'install.sandbox', operations: [ [`curl -fSL ${getMirror('sandbox')} -o /usr/bin/hydro-sandbox`, { retry: true }], 'chmod +x /usr/bin/hydro-sandbox', ], }, { init: 'install.hydro', operations: [ ...(dev ? [ ['rm -rf /root/Hydro && git clone https://github.com/hydro-dev/Hydro.git /root/Hydro', { retry: true }], ['cd /root/Hydro && yarn', { retry: true }], 'cd /root/Hydro && yarn build', 'cd /root/Hydro && yarn build:ui', ['yarn global add npx', { retry: true }], ] : [['yarn global add hydrooj @hydrooj/ui-default @hydrooj/hydrojudge', { retry: true }]]), () => fs.writefile('/root/.hydro/addon.json', '["@hydrooj/ui-default","@hydrooj/hydrojudge"]'), ], }, { init: 'install.starting', operations: [ `echo "MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=${MINIO_ACCESS_KEY}\nMINIO_SECRET_KEY=${MINIO_SECRET_KEY}" >/root/.hydro/env`, `pm2 start "MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=${MINIO_ACCESS_KEY} MINIO_SECRET_KEY=${MINIO_SECRET_KEY} minio server /data/file" --name minio`, 'pm2 start "mongod --auth --bind_ip" --name mongodb', () => sleep(1000), 'pm2 start hydro-sandbox', 'pm2 start hydrooj', 'pm2 startup', 'pm2 save', ], }, { init: 'install.done', operations: [ () => { DATABASE_PASSWORD = loadconfig('/root/.hydro/config.json').password; }, () => log.info('extra.restartTerm'), () => log.info('extra.dbUser'), () => log.info('extra.dbPassword', DATABASE_PASSWORD), () => log.info('MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=%s', MINIO_ACCESS_KEY), () => log.info('MINIO_SECRET_KEY=%s', MINIO_SECRET_KEY), ], }, ]; for (let i = 0; i < steps.length; i++) { const step = steps[i]; log.info(step.init); if (!(step.skip && step.skip())) { for (let op of step.operations) { if (!(op instanceof Array)) op = [op, {}]; if (typeof op[0] === 'string') { retry = 0; exec(op[0], op[1]); while (__code !== 0) { if (op[1].retry && retry < 30) { log.warn('Retry... (%s)', op[0]); exec(op[0], op[1]); retry++; } else log.fatal('Error when running %s', op[0]); } } else { retry = 0; let res = op[0](op[1]); while (res === 'retry') { if (retry < 30) { log.warn('Retry...'); res = op[0](op[1]); retry++; } else log.fatal('Error installing'); } } } } else log.info('info.skip'); } exit(0);