import { Collection } from 'mongodb'; import * as system from './system'; import * as token from './token'; import * as setting from './setting'; import * as domain from './domain'; import { BUILTIN_USERS, PRIV } from './builtin'; import { UserNotFoundError, UserAlreadyExistError, LoginError } from '../error'; import { User as _User, Udoc, Udict } from '../interface'; import { Value } from '../typeutils'; import pwhash from '../lib/hash.hydro'; import * as db from '../service/db'; import * as bus from '../service/bus'; const coll: Collection = db.collection('user'); export async function setPassword(uid: number, password: string): Promise { const salt = String.random(); const res = await coll.findOneAndUpdate( { _id: uid }, { $set: { salt, hash: pwhash(password, salt), hashType: 'hydro' } }, { returnOriginal: false }, ); return res.value; } export const defaultUser: Udoc = { _id: 0, uname: 'Unknown User', unameLower: 'unknown user', gravatar: 'unknown@hydro.local', mail: 'unknown@hydro.local', mailLower: 'unknown@hydro.local', salt: '', hash: '', hashType: 'hydro', priv: 0, regat: new Date('2000-01-01'), loginat: new Date('2000-01-01'), regip: '', loginip: '', }; export class User implements _User { udoc: () => any; dudoc: () => any; _id: number; mail: string; uname: string; salt: () => string; hash: () => string; hashType: string; priv: number; regat: Date; loginat: Date; perm: () => bigint; role: string; regip: () => string; loginip: () => string; [key: string]: any; constructor(udoc: Udoc, dudoc) { this.udoc = () => udoc; this.dudoc = () => dudoc; this._id = udoc._id; this.mail = udoc.mail; this.uname = udoc.uname; this.salt = () => udoc.salt; this.hash = () => udoc.hash; this.hashType = udoc.hashType || 'hydro'; this.priv = udoc.priv; this.regat = udoc.regat; this.regip = () => udoc.regip; this.loginat = udoc.loginat; this.loginip = () => udoc.loginip; this.perm = () => dudoc.perm; this.role = dudoc.role || 'default'; for (const key in setting.SETTINGS_BY_KEY) { if (udoc[key]) this[key] = udoc[key]; else if (setting.SETTINGS_BY_KEY[key].value !== null) { this[key] = setting.SETTINGS_BY_KEY[key].value; } } for (const key in setting.DOMAIN_USER_SETTINGS_BY_KEY) { if (dudoc[key]) this[key] = dudoc[key]; else if (setting.DOMAIN_USER_SETTINGS_BY_KEY[key].value !== null) { this[key] = setting.DOMAIN_USER_SETTINGS_BY_KEY[key].value; } } bus.serial('user/get', this); } hasPerm(...perm: bigint[]) { for (const i in perm) { if ((this.perm() & perm[i]) === perm[i]) return true; } return false; } hasPriv(...priv: number[]) { for (const i in priv) { if ((this.priv & priv[i]) === priv[i]) return true; } return false; } checkPassword(password: string) { const h = global.Hydro.lib[`hash.${this.hashType}`]; if (!h) throw new Error('Unknown hash method'); if (!(h(password, this.salt(), this) === this.hash())) { throw new LoginError(this.uname); } else if (this.hashType !== 'hydro') { setPassword(this._id, password); } } } export async function getById(domainId: string, _id: number): Promise { const udoc = _id === 0 || _id === 1 ? BUILTIN_USERS[_id] : await coll.findOne({ _id }); if (!udoc) return null; const dudoc = await domain.getDomainUser(domainId, udoc); return new User(udoc, dudoc); } export async function getList(domainId: string, uids: number[]): Promise { const _uids = new Set(uids); const r = {}; // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop for (const uid of _uids) r[uid] = (await getById(domainId, uid)) || defaultUser; return r; } export async function getByUname(domainId: string, uname: string): Promise { const unameLower = uname.trim().toLowerCase(); const udoc = (unameLower === 'guest') ? BUILTIN_USERS[0] : unameLower === 'hydro' ? BUILTIN_USERS[1] : await coll.findOne({ unameLower }); if (!udoc) return null; const dudoc = await domain.getDomainUser(domainId, udoc); return new User(udoc, dudoc); } export async function getByEmail(domainId: string, mail: string): Promise { const mailLower = mail.trim().toLowerCase(); const udoc = (mailLower === 'guest@hydro.local') ? BUILTIN_USERS[0] : mailLower === 'hydro@hydro.local' ? BUILTIN_USERS[1] : await coll.findOne({ mailLower }); if (!udoc) return null; const dudoc = await domain.getDomainUser(domainId, udoc); return new User(udoc, dudoc); } export async function setById(uid: number, $set?: Partial, $unset?: Value, ''>) { const op: any = {}; if ($set && Object.keys($set).length) op.$set = $set; if ($unset && Object.keys($unset).length) op.$unset = $unset; return await coll.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: uid }, op); } export function setEmail(uid: number, mail: string) { return setById(uid, { mail, mailLower: mail.trim().toLowerCase() }); } export async function inc(_id: number, field: string, n = 1) { const udoc = await coll.findOne({ _id }); if (!udoc) throw new UserNotFoundError(_id); udoc[field] = udoc[field] + n || n; await coll.updateOne({ _id }, { $set: { [field]: udoc[field] } }); return udoc; } export async function create( mail: string, uname: string, password: string, uid?: number, regip = '', priv = PRIV.PRIV_DEFAULT, ) { const salt = String.random(); if (!uid) uid = await'user'); try { await coll.insertOne({ _id: uid, mail, mailLower: mail.trim().toLowerCase(), uname, unameLower: uname.trim().toLowerCase(), hash: pwhash(password.toString(), salt), salt, hashType: 'hydro', regat: new Date(), regip, loginat: new Date(), loginip: regip, priv, gravatar: mail, }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); throw new UserAlreadyExistError([uid, uname, mail]); } return uid; } export function getMulti(params: any) { return coll.find(params); } export async function getPrefixList(domainId: string, prefix: string, limit = 50) { prefix = prefix.toLowerCase(); const $regex = new RegExp(`\\A\\Q${prefix}\\E`, 'gmi'); const uids = await coll.find({ unameLower: { $regex } }) .limit(limit).map((doc) => doc._id).toArray(); const users = []; for (const uid of uids) users.push(getById(domainId, uid)); return await Promise.all(users); } export async function setPriv(uid: number, priv: number): Promise { const udoc = await coll.findOneAndUpdate( { _id: uid }, { $set: { priv } }, { returnOriginal: false }, ); return udoc.value; } export async function setSuperAdmin(uid: number) { await setPriv(uid, PRIV.PRIV_ALL); return uid; } export async function setJudge(uid: number) { await setPriv(uid, PRIV.PRIV_JUDGE); return uid; } export function ban(uid: number) { return Promise.all([ setPriv(uid, PRIV.PRIV_NONE), token.delByUid(uid), ]); } function ensureIndexes() { return Promise.all([ coll.createIndex('unameLower', { unique: true }), coll.createIndex('mailLower', { sparse: true }), ]); } bus.once('app/started', ensureIndexes); global.Hydro.model.user = { User, defaultUser, create, getByEmail, getById, getByUname, getMulti, inc, setById, setEmail, setPassword, getPrefixList, setPriv, getList, setSuperAdmin, setJudge, ban, };