/* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */ /* eslint-disable import/no-dynamic-require */ /* eslint-disable no-sequences */ import { execSync, ExecSyncOptions } from 'child_process'; import { existsSync, readFileSync, writeFileSync } from 'fs'; import net from 'net'; const exec = (command: string, args?: ExecSyncOptions) => { try { return { output: execSync(command, args).toString(), code: 0, }; } catch (e) { return { code: e.status, message: e.message, }; } }; const sleep = (t: number) => new Promise((r) => { setTimeout(r, t); }); const locales = { zh: { 'install.start': '开始运行 Hydro 安装工具', 'warn.avx2': '检测到您的 CPU 不支持 avx2 指令集,将使用 mongodb@v4.4', 'error.rootRequired': '请先使用 sudo su 切换到 root 用户后再运行该工具。', 'error.unsupportedArch': '不支持的架构 %s ,请尝试手动安装。', 'error.osreleaseNotFound': '无法获取系统版本信息(/etc/os-release 文件未找到),请尝试手动安装。', 'error.unsupportedOS': '不支持的操作系统 %s ,请尝试手动安装,', 'install.preparing': '正在初始化安装...', 'install.mongodb': '正在安装 mongodb...', 'install.createDatabaseUser': '正在创建数据库用户...', 'install.compiler': '正在安装编译器...', 'install.hydro': '正在安装 Hydro...', 'install.done': 'Hydro 安装成功!', 'install.alldone': '安装已全部完成。', 'install.editJudgeConfigAndStart': '请编辑 ~/.hydro/judge.yaml 后使用 pm2 start hydrojudge && pm2 save 启动。', 'extra.dbUser': '数据库用户名: hydro', 'extra.dbPassword': '数据库密码: %s', 'info.skip': '步骤已跳过。', }, en: { 'install.start': 'Starting Hydro installation tool', 'warn.avx2': 'Your CPU does not support avx2, will use mongodb@v4.4', 'error.rootRequired': 'Please run this tool as root user.', 'error.unsupportedArch': 'Unsupported architecture %s, please try to install manually.', 'error.osreleaseNotFound': 'Unable to get system version information (/etc/os-release file not found), please try to install manually.', 'error.unsupportedOS': 'Unsupported operating system %s, please try to install manually.', 'install.preparing': 'Initializing installation...', 'install.mongodb': 'Installing mongodb...', 'install.createDatabaseUser': 'Creating database user...', 'install.compiler': 'Installing compiler...', 'install.hydro': 'Installing Hydro...', 'install.done': 'Hydro installation completed!', 'install.editJudgeConfigAndStart': 'Please edit config at ~/.hydro/judge.yaml than start hydrojudge with:\npm2 start hydrojudge && pm2 save.', 'extra.dbUser': 'Database username: hydro', 'extra.dbPassword': 'Database password: %s', 'info.skip': 'Step skipped.', }, }; const installAsJudge = process.argv.includes('--judge'); const noCaddy = process.argv.includes('--no-caddy'); const installTarget = installAsJudge ? '@hydrooj/hydrojudge' : 'hydrooj @hydrooj/hydrojudge @hydrooj/ui-default @hydrooj/fps-importer'; const addons = ['@hydrooj/ui-default', '@hydrooj/hydrojudge', '@hydrooj/fps-importer']; let locale = process.env.LANG?.includes('zh') ? 'zh' : 'en'; if (process.env.TERM === 'linux') locale = 'en'; const processLog = (orig) => (str, ...args) => (orig(locales[locale][str] || str, ...args), 0); const log = { info: processLog(console.log), warn: processLog(console.warn), fatal: (str, ...args) => (processLog(console.error)(str, ...args), process.exit(1)), }; if (!process.getuid) log.fatal('error.unsupportedOs'); else if (process.getuid() !== 0) log.fatal('error.rootRequired'); if (!['x64', 'arm64'].includes(process.arch)) log.fatal('error.unsupportedArch', process.arch); if (!process.env.HOME) log.fatal('$HOME not found'); if (!existsSync('/etc/os-release')) log.fatal('error.osreleaseNotFound'); const osinfoFile = readFileSync('/etc/os-release', 'utf-8'); const lines = osinfoFile.split('\n'); const values = {}; for (const line of lines) { if (!line.trim()) continue; const d = line.split('='); if (d[1].startsWith('"')) values[d[0].toLowerCase()] = d[1].substring(1, d[1].length - 2); else values[d[0].toLowerCase()] = d[1]; } let avx2 = true; const cpuInfoFile = readFileSync('/proc/cpuinfo', 'utf-8'); if (!cpuInfoFile.includes('avx2') && !installAsJudge) { avx2 = false; log.warn('warn.avx2'); } let migration; let retry = 0; log.info('install.start'); const defaultDict = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890'; function randomstring(digit = 32, dict = defaultDict) { let str = ''; for (let i = 1; i <= digit; i++) str += dict[Math.floor(Math.random() * dict.length)]; return str; } let password = randomstring(32); // eslint-disable-next-line let CN = true; const nixProfile = `${process.env.HOME}/.nix-profile/`; const entry = (source: string, target = source, ro = true) => `\ - type: bind source: ${source} target: ${target}${ro ? '\n readonly: true' : ''}`; const mount = `mount: ${entry(`${nixProfile}bin`, '/bin')} ${entry(`${nixProfile}bin`, '/usr/bin')} ${entry(`${nixProfile}lib`, '/lib')} ${entry(`${nixProfile}share`, '/share')} ${entry(`${nixProfile}etc`, '/etc')} ${entry('/nix', '/nix')} ${entry('/dev/null', '/dev/null', false)} ${entry('/dev/urandom', '/dev/urandom', false)} - type: tmpfs target: /w data: size=512m,nr_inodes=8k - type: tmpfs target: /tmp data: size=512m,nr_inodes=8k proc: true workDir: /w hostName: executor_server domainName: executor_server uid: 1536 gid: 1536 `; const Caddyfile = `\ # 如果你希望使用其他端口或使用域名,修改此处 :80 的值后在 ~/.hydro 目录下使用 caddy reload 重载配置。 # 如果你在当前配置下能够通过 http://你的域名/ 正常访问到网站,若需开启 ssl, # 仅需将 :80 改为你的域名(如 hydro.ac)后直接重载配置即可自动签发 ssl 证书。 # 清注意在防火墙/安全组中放行端口,且部分运营商会拦截未经备案的域名。 # For more information, refer to caddy v2 documentation. :80 { reverse_proxy { header_up x-forwarded-for {remote_host} header_up x-forwarded-host {hostport} } } `; const judgeYaml = `\ hosts: local: host: localhost type: hydro server_url: https://hydro.ac/ uname: judge password: examplepassword detail: true tmpfs_size: 512m stdio_size: 256m memoryMax: 1024m processLimit: 128 testcases_max: 60 total_time_limit: 300 retry_delay_sec: 3 parallelism: 10 rate: 1.00 rerun: 0 secret: examplesecret env: | PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/nodejs/bin HOME=/w `; const isPortFree = async (port: number) => { const server = net.createServer(); const res = await new Promise((resolve) => { server.once('error', () => resolve(false)); server.once('listening', () => resolve(true)); server.listen(port); }); server.close(); return res; }; function removeOptionalEsbuildDeps() { const yarnGlobalPath = exec('yarn global dir').output?.trim() || ''; if (!yarnGlobalPath) return false; const pkgjson = `${yarnGlobalPath}/package.json`; const data = existsSync(pkgjson) ? require(pkgjson) : {}; data.resolutions = data.resolutions || {}; Object.assign(data.resolutions, Object.fromEntries([ '@esbuild/linux-loong64', 'esbuild-windows-32', ...['android', 'darwin', 'freebsd', 'windows'] .flatMap((i) => [`${i}-64`, `${i}-arm64`]) .map((i) => `esbuild-${i}`), ...['32', 'arm', 'mips64', 'ppc64', 'riscv64', 's390x'] .map((i) => `esbuild-linux-${i}`), ...['netbsd', 'openbsd', 'sunos'] .map((i) => `esbuild-${i}-64`), ].map((i) => [i, 'link:/dev/null']))); exec(`mkdir -p ${yarnGlobalPath}`); writeFileSync(pkgjson, JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)); return true; } function rollbackResolveField() { const yarnGlobalPath = exec('yarn global dir').output?.trim() || ''; if (!yarnGlobalPath) return false; const pkgjson = `${yarnGlobalPath}/package.json`; const data = JSON.parse(readFileSync(pkgjson, 'utf-8')); delete data.resolutions; writeFileSync(pkgjson, JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)); return true; } const Steps = () => [ { init: 'install.preparing', operations: [ () => { if (CN) return; // rollback mirrors writeFileSync('/etc/nix/nix.conf', `substituters = https://cache.nixos.org/ https://nix.hydro.ac/cache trusted-public-keys = cache.nixos.org-1:6NCHdD59X431o0gWypbMrAURkbJ16ZPMQFGspcDShjY= hydro.ac:EytfvyReWHFwhY9MCGimCIn46KQNfmv9y8E2NqlNfxQ= connect-timeout = 10`); exec('nix-channel --del nixpkgs', { stdio: 'inherit' }); exec('nix-channel --add nixpkgs https://nixos.org/channels/nixpkgs-unstable', { stdio: 'inherit' }); exec('nix-channel --update', { stdio: 'inherit' }); }, 'nix-env -iA nixpkgs.pm2 nixpkgs.yarn nixpkgs.esbuild nixpkgs.bash nixpkgs.unzip nixpkgs.zip nixpkgs.diffutils', () => { // Not implemented yet // if (fs.existsSync('/home/judge/src')) { // const res = cli.prompt('migrate.hustojFound'); // if (res.toLowerCase().trim() === 'y') migration = 'hustoj'; // } // const docker = !exec1('docker -v').code; // if (!docker) return; // // TODO check more places // if (fs.exist('/root/OnlineJudgeDeploy/docker-compose.yml')) { // const res = cli.prompt('migrate.qduojFound'); // if (res.toLowerCase().trim() === 'y') migration = 'qduoj'; // } }, ], }, { init: 'install.mongodb', skip: () => installAsJudge, hidden: installAsJudge, operations: [ `nix-env -iA hydro.mongodb${avx2 ? 5 : 4}${CN ? '-cn' : ''} hydro.mongosh${avx2 ? 5 : 4}${CN ? '-cn' : ''} nixpkgs.mongodb-tools`, ], }, { init: 'install.compiler', operations: [ 'nix-env -iA nixpkgs.gcc nixpkgs.fpc nixpkgs.python3', ], }, { init: 'install.sandbox', skip: () => !exec('hydro-sandbox --help').code, operations: [ 'nix-env -iA hydro.sandbox', ], }, { init: 'install.caddy', skip: () => !exec('caddy version').code || installAsJudge || noCaddy, hidden: installAsJudge, operations: [ 'nix-env -iA nixpkgs.caddy', () => writeFileSync(`${process.env.HOME}/.hydro/Caddyfile`, Caddyfile), ], }, { init: 'install.hydro', operations: [ () => removeOptionalEsbuildDeps(), (CN ? () => { let res: any = null; try { exec('yarn config set registry https://registry.npmmirror.com/', { stdio: 'inherit' }); res = exec(`yarn global add ${installTarget}`, { stdio: 'inherit' }); } catch (e) { console.log('Failed to install from npmmirror, fallback to yarnpkg'); } finally { exec('yarn config set registry https://registry.yarnpkg.com', { stdio: 'inherit' }); } try { exec(`yarn global add ${installTarget}`, { timeout: 60000 }); } catch (e) { console.warn('Failed to check update from yarnpkg'); if (res?.code !== 0) return 'retry'; } return null; } : [`yarn global add ${installTarget}`, { retry: true }]), () => { if (installAsJudge) writeFileSync(`${process.env.HOME}/.hydro/judge.yaml`, judgeYaml); else writeFileSync(`${process.env.HOME}/.hydro/addon.json`, JSON.stringify(addons)); }, () => rollbackResolveField(), ], }, { init: 'install.createDatabaseUser', skip: () => existsSync(`${process.env.HOME}/.hydro/config.json`) || installAsJudge, hidden: installAsJudge, operations: [ 'pm2 start mongod', () => sleep(3000), () => writeFileSync('/tmp/createUser.js', `db.createUser(${JSON.stringify({ user: 'hydro', pwd: password, roles: [{ role: 'readWrite', db: 'hydro' }], })})`), ['mongo /tmp/createUser.js', { retry: true }], () => writeFileSync(`${process.env.HOME}/.hydro/config.json`, JSON.stringify({ host: '', port: 27017, name: 'hydro', username: 'hydro', password, })), 'pm2 stop mongod', 'pm2 del mongod', ], }, { init: 'install.starting', operations: [ ['pm2 stop all', { ignore: true }], () => writeFileSync(`${process.env.HOME}/.hydro/mount.yaml`, mount), `pm2 start bash --name hydro-sandbox -- -c "ulimit -s unlimited && hydro-sandbox -mount-conf ${process.env.HOME}/.hydro/mount.yaml"`, ...installAsJudge ? [] : [ 'pm2 start mongod --name mongodb -- --auth --bind_ip', () => sleep(1000), 'pm2 start hydrooj', async () => { if (noCaddy) return; if (!await isPortFree(80)) log.warn('port.80'); exec('pm2 start caddy -- run', { cwd: `${process.env.HOME}/.hydro` }); exec('hydrooj cli system set server.xff x-forwarded-for'); exec('hydrooj cli system set server.xhost x-forwarded-host'); }, ], 'pm2 startup', 'pm2 save', ], }, { init: 'install.migrateHustoj', skip: () => migration !== 'hustoj', silent: true, operations: [ ['yarn global add @hydrooj/migrate', { retry: true }], 'hydrooj addon add @hydrooj/migrate', () => { const config = { host: 'localhost', port: 3306, name: 'jol', dataDir: '/home/judge/data', // TODO: auto-read uname&passwd&contestType username: 'debian-sys-maint', password: '', contestType: 'acm', }; exec(`hydrooj cli script migrateHustoj ${JSON.stringify(config)}`); }, 'pm2 restart hydrooj', ], }, { init: 'install.done', skip: () => installAsJudge, operations: [ () => { password = require(`${process.env.HOME}/.hydro/config.json`).password; }, () => log.info('extra.dbUser'), () => log.info('extra.dbPassword', password), ], }, { init: 'install.postinstall', operations: [ ...installAsJudge ? [] : ['hydrooj install https://hydro.ac/language-server-0.0.1.tgz'], ['pm2 install pm2-logrotate', { retry: true }], 'pm2 set pm2-logrotate:max_size 64M', ], }, { init: 'install.alldone', operations: [ () => log.info('install.alldone'), () => installAsJudge && log.info('install.editJudgeConfigAndStart'), ], }, ]; async function main() { try { console.log('Getting IP info to find best mirror:'); const res = await fetch('https://ipinfo.io', { headers: { accept: 'application/json' } }).then((r) => r.json()); delete res.readme; console.log(res); if (res.country !== 'CN') CN = false; } catch (e) { console.error(e); console.log('Cannot find the best mirror. Fallback to default.'); } const steps = Steps(); for (let i = 0; i < steps.length; i++) { const step = steps[i]; if (!step.silent) log.info(step.init); if (!(step.skip?.())) { for (let op of step.operations) { if (!(op instanceof Array)) op = [op, {}] as any; if (op[0].toString().startsWith('nix-env')) op[1].retry = true; if (typeof op[0] === 'string') { retry = 0; let res = exec(op[0], { stdio: 'inherit' }); while (res.code && op[1].ignore !== true) { if (op[1].retry && retry < 30) { log.warn('Retry... (%s)', op[0]); res = exec(op[0], { stdio: 'inherit' }); retry++; } else log.fatal('Error when running %s', op[0]); } } else { retry = 0; let res = await op[0](op[1]); while (res === 'retry') { if (retry < 30) { log.warn('Retry...'); // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop res = await op[0](op[1]); retry++; } else log.fatal('Error installing'); } } } } else if (!step.silent) log.info('info.skip'); } } main().catch(log.fatal); global.main = main;