const paginate = require('../lib/paginate'); const problem = require('../model/problem'); const contest = require('../model/contest'); const system = require('../model/system'); const user = require('../model/user'); const discussion = require('../model/discussion'); const { Route, Handler, } = require('../service/server'); const { DiscussionNodeNotFoundError, DiscussionNotFoundError, DocumentNotFoundError, } = require('../error'); const { PERM_VIEW_DISCUSSION, PERM_EDIT_DISCUSSION, PERM_EDIT_DISCUSSION_REPLY, PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM_HIDDEN, PERM_DELETE_DISCUSSION, PERM_DELETE_DISCUSSION_REPLY, PERM_HIGHLIGHT_DISCUSSION, PERM_LOGGEDIN, PERM_CREATE_DISCUSSION, PERM_REPLY_DISCUSSION, } = require('../permission'); class DiscussionHandler extends Handler { async _prepare({ type, docId, did, drid, drrid, }) { this.checkPerm(PERM_VIEW_DISCUSSION); if (did) { this.ddoc = await discussion.get(did); if (!this.ddoc) throw new DiscussionNotFoundError(did); type = this.ddoc.parentType; docId = this.ddoc.parentId; if (drid) { this.drdoc = await discussion.getReply(drid, did); if (!this.drdoc) throw new DiscussionNotFoundError(drid); if (this.drdoc.parent !== this.ddoc._id) throw new DocumentNotFoundError(drid); if (drrid) { [, this.drrdoc] = await discussion.getTailReply(drid, drrid); if (!this.drrdoc) throw new DiscussionNotFoundError(drrid); if (this.drrdoc.parent !== this.drdoc._id) { throw new DocumentNotFoundError(drid); } } } } // TODO(twd2): do more visibility check eg. contest // TODO(twd2): exclude problem/contest discussions? // TODO(iceboy): continuation based pagination. this.vnode = await discussion.getVnode({ parentType: type, parentId: docId }, this); this.ddoc.parentType = this.ddoc.parentType || this.vnode.type; this.ddoc.parentId = this.ddoc.parentId ||; } } class DiscussionMainHandler extends DiscussionHandler { async get({ page = 1 }) { const [ddocs, dpcount] = await paginate( discussion.getMulti(), page, await system.get('DISCUSSION_PER_PAGE'), ); const udict = await user.getList( => ddoc.owner)); const path = [ ['Hydro', '/'], ['discussion_main', null], ]; this.response.template = 'discussion_main_or_node.html'; this.response.body = { ddocs, dpcount, udict, page, page_name: 'discussion_main', vnode: {}, path, }; } } class DiscussionNodeHandler extends DiscussionHandler { async get({ type, docId, page = 1 }) { const [ddocs, dpcount] = await paginate( discussion.getMulti({ type, docId }), page, await system.get('DISCUSSION_PER_PAGE'), ); const udict = await user.getList( => ddoc.owner)); const path = [ ['Hydro', '/'], ['discussion_main', '/discuss'], [this.vnode.title, null, true], ]; this.response.template = 'discussion_main_or_node.html'; this.response.body = { ddocs, dpcount, udict, path, page, vnode: this.vnode, page_name: 'discussion_node', }; } } class DiscussionCreateHandler extends DiscussionHandler { async prepare() { this.checkPerm(PERM_LOGGEDIN); this.checkPerm(PERM_CREATE_DISCUSSION); } async get({ type, docId }) { const path = [ ['Hydro', '/'], ['discussion_main', '/discuss'], [this.vnode.title, `/discuss/${type}/${docId}`, true], ['discussion_create', null], ]; this.response.template = 'discussion_create.html'; this.response.body = { path, vnode: this.vnode }; } async post({ type, docId, title, content, highlight, }) { this.limitRate('add_discussion', 3600, 30); if (highlight) this.checkPerm(PERM_HIGHLIGHT_DISCUSSION); const did = await discussion.add( type, docId, this.user._id, title, content, this.request.ip, highlight, ); this.response.body = { did }; this.response.redirect = `/discuss/${did}`; } } class DiscussionDetailHandler extends DiscussionHandler { async get({ did, page = 1 }) { const dsdoc = this.user.hasPerm(PERM_LOGGEDIN) ? await discussion.getStatus(did, this.user._id) : null; const [drdocs, pcount, drcount] = await paginate( discussion.getMultiReply(did), page, await system.get('REPLY_PER_PAGE'), ); const uids = => drdoc.owner); uids.push(this.ddoc.owner); for (const drdoc of drdocs) { if (drdoc.reply) { for (const drrdoc of drdocs) { uids.push(drrdoc.owner); } } } const udict = await user.getList(uids); const path = [ ['Hydro', '/'], ['discussion_main', '/discuss'], [this.vnode.title, `/discuss/${this.ddoc.parentType}`, true], [this.ddoc.title, null, true], ]; this.response.template = 'discussion_detail.html'; this.response.body = { path, ddoc: this.ddoc, dsdoc, drdocs, page, pcount, drcount, udict, }; } async postReply({ did, content }) { this.checkPerm(PERM_LOGGEDIN); this.checkPerm(PERM_REPLY_DISCUSSION); this.limitRate('add_discussion', 3600, 30); await discussion.addReply(did, this.user._id, content, this.request.ip); this.back(); } async postTailReply({ drid, content }) { this.checkPerm(PERM_LOGGEDIN); this.checkPerm(PERM_REPLY_DISCUSSION); this.limitRate('add_discussion', 3600, 30); await discussion.addTailReply(drid, this.user._id, content, this.request.ip); this.back(); } async postEditReply({ drid, content }) { if (this.drdoc.owner !== this.user._id) this.checkPerm(PERM_EDIT_DISCUSSION_REPLY); await discussion.editReply(drid, content); this.back(); } async postDeleteReply({ drid }) { if (this.drdoc.owner !== this.user._id) this.checkPerm(PERM_DELETE_DISCUSSION_REPLY); await discussion.deleteReply(drid); this.back(); } async postEditTailReply({ drid, drrid, content }) { if (this.drdoc.owner !== this.user._id) this.checkPerm(PERM_EDIT_DISCUSSION_REPLY); await discussion.editTailReply(drid, drrid, content); this.back(); } async postDeleteTailReply({ drid, drrid }) { if (this.drrdoc.owner !== this.user._id) this.checkPerm(PERM_DELETE_DISCUSSION_REPLY); await discussion.deleteTailReply(drid, drrid); this.back(); } async postStar({ did, star }) { await discussion.setStar(did, this.user._id, true); this.response.body = { star }; = this.request.path; } async postUnstar({ did, star }) { await discussion.setStar(did, this.user._id, false); this.response.body = { star }; = this.request.path; } } class DiscussionDetailRawHandler extends DiscussionHandler { async get() { this.response.type = 'text/markdown'; this.response.body = this.ddoc.content; } } class DiscussionReplyRawHandler extends DiscussionHandler { async get() { this.response.type = 'text/markdown'; this.response.body = this.drdoc.content; } } class DiscussionTailReplyRawHandler extends DiscussionHandler { async get() { this.response.type = 'text/markdown'; this.response.body = this.drrdoc.content; } } class DiscussionEditHandler extends DiscussionHandler { async get() { if (this.ddoc.owner !== this.user._id) this.checkPerm(PERM_EDIT_DISCUSSION); const path = [ ['Hydro', '/'], ['discussion_main', '/discuss'], [this.vnode.title, `/discuss/${this.ddoc.parentType}`, true], [this.ddoc.title, `/discuss/${this.ddoc._id}`, true], ['discussion_edit', null], ]; this.response.template = 'discussion_edit.html'; this.response.body = { ddoc: this.ddoc, path }; } async post({ did, title, content, highlight, operation, }) { if (operation) return; if (this.ddoc.owner !== this.user._id) this.checkPerm(PERM_EDIT_DISCUSSION); if (highlight && !this.ddoc.highlight) this.checkPerm(PERM_HIGHLIGHT_DISCUSSION); await discussion.edit(did, title, content, highlight); this.response.body = { did }; this.response.redirect = `/discuss/${did}`; } async postDelete({ did }) { if (this.ddoc.owner !== this.user._id) this.checkPerm(PERM_DELETE_DISCUSSION); await discussion.delete(did); this.response.body = { type: this.ddoc.type, parent: this.ddoc.parent }; this.response.redirect = `/discuss/${this.ddoc.type}/${this.ddoc.parent}`; } } async function apply() { Route('/discuss', module.exports.DiscussionMainHandler); Route('/discuss/:did', module.exports.DiscussionDetailHandler); Route('/discuss/:did/edit', module.exports.DiscussionEditHandler); Route('/discuss/:did/raw', module.exports.DiscussionDetailRawHandler); Route('/discuss/:did/:drid/raw', module.exports.DiscussionReplyRawHandler); Route('/discuss/:did/:drid/:drrid/raw', module.exports.DiscussionTailReplyRawHandler); Route('/discuss/:type/:docId', module.exports.DiscussionNodeHandler); Route('/discuss/:type/:docId/create', module.exports.DiscussionCreateHandler); } global.Hydro.handler.discussion = module.exports = { DiscussionMainHandler, DiscussionDetailHandler, DiscussionEditHandler, DiscussionDetailRawHandler, DiscussionReplyRawHandler, DiscussionTailReplyRawHandler, DiscussionNodeHandler, DiscussionCreateHandler, apply, };