{% extends "layout/basic.html" %} {% block content %}

{{ pdoc['title'] }}

{% if not pdoc['data'] %}

{{ _('No dataset at present.') }}

{% elif typeof(pdoc.data) == 'string' %}

{{ _('Test data comes from') }} {{ pdoc.data.split(':')[1] }}

{% endif %} {% if tdoc %} {% if tdoc['doc_type'] == vj4.model.document.TYPE_CONTEST %} {% if model.contest.isDone(tdoc) %}

{{ _('You cannot submit for this problem because the contest is ended. You can click "Open in Problem Set" to view this problem in normal mode.') }}

{% endif %}{# handler.isDone(tdoc) #} {% endif %}{# tdoc['doc_type'] == vj4.model.document.TYPE_CONTEST #} {% endif %}{# tdoc #} {{ pdoc['content']|markdown|safe }}
{% set owner_udoc = udoc %} {% include "partials/problem_sidebar.html" %}
{% endblock %}