const db = require('../service/db.js'); const { ValidationError } = require('../error'); const coll = db.collection('token'); function index() { return Promise.all([ coll.createIndex([{ uid: 1 }, { tokenType: 1 }, { updateAt: -1 }], { sparse: true }), coll.createIndex('expireAt', { expireAfterSeconds: 0 }), ]); } module.exports = { TYPE_SESSION: 0, TYPE_CSRF_TOKEN: 1, TYPE_REGISTER: 2, TYPE_CHANGEMAIL: 3, index, /** * Add a token. * @param {number} tokenType type of the token. * @param {number} expireSeconds expire time, in seconds. * @param {object} data extra data. * @returns {Array} token ID, token data */ async add(tokenType, expireSeconds, data) { const now = new Date(); const str = String.random(32); const res = await coll.insertOne({, _id: str, tokenType, createAt: now, updateAt: now, expireAt: new Date(now.getTime() + expireSeconds * 1000), }); return [str, res.ops]; }, /** * Get a token. * @param {string} tokenId token ID. * @param {number} tokenType type of the token. * @returns {object} The token document, or null. */ async get(tokenId, tokenType) { const res = await coll.findOne({ _id: tokenId, tokenType }); if (!res) throw new ValidationError('token'); return res; }, /** * Update a token. * @param {string} tokenId token ID. * @param {number} tokenType type of the token. * @param {number} expireSeconds expire time, in seconds. * @param {object} data extra data. * @returns {object} The token document, or null. */ async update(tokenId, tokenType, expireSeconds, data) { const now = new Date(); const res = await coll.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: tokenId, tokenType }, { $set: { updateAt: now, expireAt: new Date(now.getTime() + expireSeconds * 1000),, tokenType, }, }); return res.value; }, /** * Delete a token. * @param {string} tokenId token ID. * @param {int} tokenType type of the token. * @returns {boolean} true if deleted, or false. */ async delete(tokenId, tokenType) { const result = await coll.deleteOne({ _id: tokenId, tokenType }); return !!result.deletedCount; }, deleteByUid(uid) { return coll.deleteMany({ uid }); }, getMostRecentSessionByUid(uid) { return coll.findOne({ uid, tokenType: this.TYPE_SESSION }, { sort: { updateAt: -1 } }); }, getSessionListByUid(uid) { return coll.find({ uid, tokenType: this.TYPE_SESSION }).sort('updateAt', -1).toArray(); }, };