import { dump } from 'js-yaml'; import PQueue from 'p-queue'; import streamsaver from 'streamsaver'; import Notification from 'vj/components/notification'; import { api, createZipStream, gql, i18n, pipeStream, request, } from 'vj/utils'; let isBeforeUnloadTriggeredByLibrary = !window.isSecureContext; function onBeforeUnload(e) { if (isBeforeUnloadTriggeredByLibrary) { isBeforeUnloadTriggeredByLibrary = false; return; } e.returnValue = ''; } streamsaver.mitm = `${window.isSecureContext ? '' : ''}/streamsaver/mitm.html`; const waitForWritableStream = window.WritableStream ? Promise.resolve() : import('web-streams-polyfill/dist/ponyfill.es6').then(({ WritableStream }) => { window.WritableStream = WritableStream; streamsaver.WritableStream = window.WritableStream; }); export default async function download(filename, targets) { await waitForWritableStream; const fileStream = streamsaver.createWriteStream(filename); const queue = new PQueue({ concurrency: 5 }); const abortCallbackReceiver: any = {}; function stopDownload() { abortCallbackReceiver.abort?.(); } let i = 0; async function downloadFile(target) { try { let stream; if (target.url) { const response = await fetch(target.url); if (!response.ok) throw response.statusText; stream = response.body; } else { stream = new Blob([target.content]).stream(); } return { name: target.filename, stream, }; } catch (e) { window.captureException?.(e); stopDownload(); Notification.error(i18n('Download Error: {0} {1}', [target.filename, e.toString()])); } return {}; } const handles = []; for (const target of targets) { handles.push(queue.add(() => downloadFile(target))); } queue.start(); const zipStream = createZipStream({ // eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return async pull(ctrl) { if (!handles[i]) return ctrl.close(); const { name, stream } = await handles[i]; i++; ctrl.enqueue({ name, stream: () => stream, }); }, }); window.addEventListener('unload', stopDownload); window.addEventListener('beforeunload', onBeforeUnload); await pipeStream(zipStream, fileStream, abortCallbackReceiver); window.removeEventListener('unload', stopDownload); window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', onBeforeUnload); } export async function downloadProblemSet(pids, name = 'Export') {'Downloading...')); const targets = []; try { for (const pid of pids) { const pdoc = await api(gql` problem(id: ${+pid}) { pid owner title content tag nSubmit nAccept data { name } additional_file { name } } `, ['data', 'problem']); targets.push({ filename: `${pid}/problem.yaml`, content: dump({ pid:, owner: pdoc.owner, title: pdoc.title, tag: pdoc.tag, nSubmit: pdoc.nSubmit, nAccept: pdoc.nAccept, }), }); try { const c = JSON.parse(pdoc.content); if (c instanceof Array || typeof c === 'string') throw new Error(); for (const key of Object.keys(c)) { targets.push({ filename: `${pid}/problem_${key}.md`, content: typeof c[key] === 'string' ? c[key] : JSON.stringify(c[key]), }); } } catch (e) { targets.push({ filename: `${pid}/`, content: pdoc.content, }); } let { links } = await `/d/${UiContext.domainId}/p/${pid}/files`, { operation: 'get_links', files: ( || []).map((i) =>, type: 'testdata' }, ); for (const filename of Object.keys(links)) { targets.push({ filename: `${pid}/testdata/${filename}`, url: links[filename] }); } ({ links } = await`/d/${UiContext.domainId}/p/${pid}/files`, { operation: 'get_links', files: (pdoc.additional_file || []).map((i) =>, type: 'additional_file', })); for (const filename of Object.keys(links)) { targets.push({ filename: `${pid}/additional_file/${filename}`, url: links[filename] }); } } await download(`${name}.zip`, targets); } catch (e) { window.captureException?.(e); Notification.error(`${e.message} ${e.params?.[0]}`); } } window.Hydro.components.downloadProblemSet = downloadProblemSet; = download;