import { getScoreColor } from '@hydrooj/utils/lib/status'; import $ from 'jquery'; import yaml from 'js-yaml'; import React from 'react'; import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client'; import Notification from 'vj/components/notification'; import { downloadProblemSet } from 'vj/components/zipDownloader'; import { NamedPage } from 'vj/misc/Page'; import { delay, i18n, loadReactRedux, pjax, request, tpl, } from 'vj/utils'; class ProblemPageExtender { constructor() { this.isExtended = false; this.inProgress = false; this.$content = $('.problem-content-container'); this.$contentBound = this.$content.closest('.section'); this.$scratchpadContainer = $('.scratchpad-container'); } async extend() { if (this.inProgress) return; if (this.isExtended) return; this.inProgress = true; const bound = this.$contentBound .get(0) .getBoundingClientRect(); this.$content.transition({ opacity: 0 }, { duration: 100 }); await delay(100); $('body').addClass('header--collapsed mode--scratchpad'); await this.$scratchpadContainer .css({ left: bound.left, top:, width: bound.width, height: bound.height, }) .show() .transition({ left: 0, top: 0, width: '100%', height: '100%', }, { duration: 500, easing: 'easeOutCubic', }) .promise(); $('.main > .row').hide(); $('.footer').hide(); $(window).scrollTop(0); = 'hidden'; this.inProgress = false; this.isExtended = true; } async collapse() { if (this.inProgress) return; if (!this.isExtended) return; this.inProgress = true; $(window).scrollTop(0); $('.main > .row').show(); $('.footer').show(); const bound = this.$contentBound .get(0) .getBoundingClientRect(); $('body').removeClass('header--collapsed mode--scratchpad'); await this.$scratchpadContainer .transition({ left: bound.left, top:, width: bound.width, height: bound.height, }, { duration: 500, easing: 'easeOutCubic', }) .promise(); this.$scratchpadContainer.hide(); this.$content.transition({ opacity: 1 }, { duration: 100 }); = 'scroll'; this.inProgress = false; this.isExtended = false; } toggle() { if (this.isExtended) this.collapse(); else this.extend(); } } const page = new NamedPage(['problem_detail', 'contest_detail_problem', 'homework_detail_problem'], async (pagename) => { let reactLoaded = false; let renderReact = null; let unmountReact = null; const extender = new ProblemPageExtender(); async function handleClickDownloadProblem() { await downloadProblemSet([UiContext.problemNumId], UiContext.pdoc.title); } async function scratchpadFadeIn() { await $('#scratchpad') .transition( { opacity: 1 }, { duration: 200, easing: 'easeOutCubic' }, ) .promise(); } async function scratchpadFadeOut() { await $('#scratchpad') .transition( { opacity: 0 }, { duration: 200, easing: 'easeOutCubic' }, ) .promise(); } async function loadReact() { if (reactLoaded) return; $('.loader-container').show(); const { default: WebSocket } = await import('../components/socket'); const { default: ScratchpadApp } = await import('../components/scratchpad'); const { default: ScratchpadReducer } = await import('../components/scratchpad/reducers'); const { Provider, store } = await loadReactRedux(ScratchpadReducer); = store; const sock = new WebSocket(UiContext.ws_prefix + UiContext.pretestConnUrl); sock.onmessage = (message) => { const msg = JSON.parse(; store.dispatch({ type: 'SCRATCHPAD_RECORDS_PUSH', payload: msg, }); }; renderReact = () => { const root = createRoot($('#scratchpad').get(0)); root.render( , ); unmountReact = () => root.unmount(); }; reactLoaded = true; $('.loader-container').hide(); } let progress = false; async function enterScratchpadMode() { if (progress) return; progress = true; await extender.extend(); await loadReact(); renderReact(); await scratchpadFadeIn(); progress = false; } async function leaveScratchpadMode() { if (progress) return; progress = true; await scratchpadFadeOut(); $('.problem-content-container').append($('.problem-content')); await extender.collapse(); unmountReact(); progress = false; } async function loadObjective() { $('.outer-loader-container').show(); const ans = {}; const pids = []; let cnt = 0; const reg = /{{ (input|select|multiselect|textarea)\(\d+(-\d+)?\) }}/g; $('.problem-content .typo').children().each((i, e) => { if (e.tagName === 'PRE' && !e.children[0].className.includes('#input')) return; const questions = []; let q; while (q = reg.exec(e.innerText)) questions.push(q); // eslint-disable-line no-cond-assign for (const [info, type] of questions) { cnt++; const id = info.replace(/{{ (input|select|multiselect|textarea)\((\d+(-\d+)?)\) }}/, '$2'); pids.push(id); if (type === 'input') { $(e).html($(e).html().replace(info, tpl`
`)); } else if (type === 'textarea') { $(e).html($(e).html().replace(info, tpl`
`)); } else { if ($(e).next()[0]?.tagName !== 'UL') { cnt--; return; } $(e).html($(e).html().replace(info, '')); $(e).next('ul').children().each((j, ele) => { $(ele).after(tpl` `); $(ele).remove(); }); } } }); let cacheKey = `${UserContext._id}/${UiContext.pdoc.domainId}/${UiContext.pdoc.docId}`; if (UiContext.tdoc?._id && UiContext.tdoc.rule !== 'homework') cacheKey += `@${UiContext.tdoc._id}`; let setUpdate; function ProblemNavigation() { [, setUpdate] = React.useState(0); return
{ => {i} {ans[i] && } )}
; } function saveAns() { localStorage.setItem(`${cacheKey}#objective`, JSON.stringify(ans)); setUpdate?.((i) => i + 1); } function loadAns() { const saved = localStorage.getItem(`${cacheKey}#objective`); if (saved) { Object.assign(ans, JSON.parse(saved)); for (const [id, val] of Object.entries(ans)) { if (Array.isArray(val)) { for (const v of val) { $(`.objective_${id} input[value=${v}]`).prop('checked', true); } } $(`.objective_${id} input[type=text], .objective_${id} textarea`).val(val); $(`.objective_${id}.radiobox [value="${val}"]`).prop('checked', true); } } } if (cnt) { loadAns(); $('.problem-content .typo').append(document.getElementsByClassName('nav__item--round').length ? `` : ``); $('.objective-input[type!=checkbox]').on('input', (e) => { ans[] =; saveAns(); }); $('input.objective-input[type=checkbox]').on('input', (e) => { if ( { if (ans[] === undefined) ans[] = []; ans[].push(; } else { ans[] = ans[].filter((v) => v !==; } saveAns(); }); $('input[type="submit"]').on('click', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); request .post(UiContext.postSubmitUrl, { lang: '_', code: yaml.dump(ans), }) .then((res) => { window.location.href = res.url; }) .catch((err) => { Notification.error(err.message); }); }); } const ele = document.createElement('div'); $(ele).insertBefore($('.scratchpad--hide').get(0)); createRoot(ele).render(); $('.non-scratchpad--hide').hide(); $('.scratchpad--hide').hide(); $('.outer-loader-container').hide(); } async function initChart() { if (!Object.keys(UiContext.pdoc.stats || {}).length) { $('#submission-status-placeholder').parent().hide(); return; } const echarts = await import('echarts'); const $status = document.getElementById('submission-status-placeholder'); const statusChart = echarts.init($status); statusChart.setOption({ tooltip: { trigger: 'item' }, series: [ { name: 'Submissions', type: 'pie', radius: '70%', label: { show: false }, labelLine: { show: false }, data: [ { value: UiContext.pdoc.stats.TLE, name: 'TLE' }, { value: UiContext.pdoc.stats.AC, name: 'AC' }, { value: UiContext.pdoc.stats.MLE, name: 'MLE' }, { value: UiContext.pdoc.stats.WA, name: 'WA' }, { value: UiContext.pdoc.stats.RE, name: 'RE' }, { value: UiContext.pdoc.stats.CE, name: 'CE' }, ], }, ], }); const $score = document.getElementById('submission-score-placeholder'); const x = Array.from({ length: 101 }, (v, i) => i).filter((i) => UiContext.pdoc.stats[`s${i}`]); const scoreChart = echarts.init($score); scoreChart.setOption({ tooltip: { trigger: 'item' }, xAxis: { data: x }, yAxis: {}, series: [{ data: => ({ value: UiContext.pdoc.stats[`s${i}`], itemStyle: { color: getScoreColor(i) }, })), type: 'bar', }], }); window.onresize = function () { statusChart.resize(); scoreChart.resize(); }; if (UiContext.pdoc.config?.type === 'objective') $($status).hide(); } $(document).on('click', '[name="problem-sidebar__open-scratchpad"]', (ev) => { enterScratchpadMode(); ev.preventDefault(); }); $(document).on('click', '[name="problem-sidebar__quit-scratchpad"]', (ev) => { leaveScratchpadMode(); ev.preventDefault(); }); $(document).on('click', '[data-lang]', (ev) => { ev.preventDefault(); const url = new URL(window.location.href); url.searchParams.set('lang', ev.currentTarget.dataset.lang); $('[data-lang]').removeClass('tab--active'); pjax.request({ url: url.toString() }); $(ev.currentTarget).addClass('tab--active'); }); $(document).on('click', '[name="show_tags"]', (ev) => { $(ev.currentTarget).hide(); $('span.tags').css('display', 'inline-block'); }); $('[name="problem-sidebar__download"]').on('click', handleClickDownloadProblem); if (UiContext.pdoc.config?.type === 'objective') loadObjective(); if (pagename !== 'contest_detail_problem') initChart(); }); export default page;