import { nanoid } from 'nanoid'; import ReconnectingWebsocket from 'reconnecting-websocket'; import { InfoDialog } from 'vj/components/dialog'; import VjNotification from 'vj/components/notification/index'; import { FLAG_ALERT } from 'vj/constant/message'; import { AutoloadPage } from 'vj/misc/Page'; import i18n from 'vj/utils/i18n'; import tpl from 'vj/utils/tpl'; const onmessage = (msg) => { console.log('Received message', msg); if (msg.mdoc.flag & FLAG_ALERT) { // Is alert return new InfoDialog({ cancelByClickingBack: false, $body: tpl`
${{ templateRaw: true, html: i18n('Message from {0}:', `
`) }}


`, }).open(); } // Is message return new VjNotification({ ...(msg.udoc._id === 1 && msg.mdoc.flag & 4) ? { message: i18n('You received a system message, click here to view.') } : { title: msg.udoc.uname, avatar: msg.udoc.avatarUrl, message: msg.mdoc.content, }, duration: 15000, action: () =>`/home/messages?uid=${msg.udoc._id}`, '_blank'), }).show(); }; const messagePage = new AutoloadPage('messagePage', (pagename) => { if (pagename === 'home_messages' || !UserContext._id) return; if (UserContext.unreadMsg) { new VjNotification({ type: 'info', message: i18n(`You have ${UserContext.unreadMsg > 1 ? 'new messages' : 'a new message'}.`), duration: 5000, action: () =>'/home/messages', '_blank'), }).show(); } if (!window.BroadcastChannel) { console.error('BoardcastChannel not supported'); return; } let isMaster = false; const selfId = nanoid(); const channel = new BroadcastChannel('hydro-messages'); const pages = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('pages') || '[]') as string[]; pages.push(selfId); pages.sort(); localStorage.setItem('pages', JSON.stringify(pages)); window.onunload = () => { const c = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('pages') || '[]') as string[]; localStorage.setItem('pages', JSON.stringify(c.filter((i) => i !== selfId))); if (!isMaster) return; localStorage.removeItem('page.master'); channel?.postMessage({ type: 'master' }); }; function asMaster() { console.log('init as master'); isMaster = true; localStorage.setItem('page.master', selfId); const masterChannel = new BroadcastChannel('hydro-messages'); const url = new URL('/home/messages-conn', window.location.href.replace('http', 'ws')); // TODO handle a better way for cookie url.searchParams.append('sid', document.cookie); const sock = new ReconnectingWebsocket(url.toString()); const pending = {}; sock.onopen = () => console.log('Connected'); sock.onerror = console.error; sock.onclose = (...args) => console.log('Closed', ...args); sock.onmessage = async (message) => { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') console.log('onmessage: ', message); const payload = JSON.parse(; const id = nanoid(); masterChannel.postMessage({ type: 'message', id, payload }); const success = await new Promise((resolve) => { pending[id] = resolve; setTimeout(() => { delete pending[id]; resolve(false); }, 1000); }); if (!success && window.Notification?.permission === 'granted') { const notification = new window.Notification( payload.udoc.uname || 'Hydro Notification', { icon: payload.udoc.avatarUrl || '/android-chrome-192x192.png', body: payload.mdoc.content, }, ); notification.onclick = () =>'/home/messages'); } }; masterChannel.onmessage = (msg) => { if ( === 'message-push') pending[]?.(true); }; } channel.onmessage = (msg) => { if ( === 'message' && !document.hidden) { channel.postMessage({ type: 'message-push', id: }); onmessage(; } if ( === 'master') { const c = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('pages') || '[]') as string[]; if (c[0] === selfId) asMaster(); } }; if (!localStorage.getItem('page.master')) asMaster(); }); export default messagePage;