const fs = require('fs'), paginate = require('../lib/paginate'), validator = require('../lib/validator'), problem = require('../model/problem'), record = require('../model/record'), user = require('../model/user'), solution = require('../model/solution'), system = require('../model/system'), { Route, Handler } = require('../service/server'), gridfs = require('../service/gridfs'), queue = require('../service/queue'), { NoProblemError, ProblemDataNotFoundError, BadRequestError, SolutionNotFoundError } = require('../error'), { constants } = require('../options'), { PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM, PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM_HIDDEN, PERM_SUBMIT_PROBLEM, PERM_CREATE_PROBLEM, PERM_READ_PROBLEM_DATA, PERM_EDIT_PROBLEM, PERM_JUDGE, PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM_SOLUTION, PERM_CREATE_PROBLEM_SOLUTION, PERM_EDIT_PROBLEM_SOLUTION, PERM_DELETE_PROBLEM_SOLUTION, PERM_EDIT_PROBLEM_SOLUTION_REPLY, PERM_REPLY_PROBLEM_SOLUTION } = require('../permission'); queue.assert('judge'); class ProblemHandler extends Handler { async _prepare() { this.checkPerm(PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM); } async get({ page = 1, category = null }) { this.response.template = 'problem_main.html'; let q = {}; if (category) q.category = category; if (!this.user.hasPerm(PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM_HIDDEN)) q.hidden = false; let pdocs = await problem.getMany(q, { pid: 1 }, page, constants.PROBLEM_PER_PAGE); this.response.body = { path: [ ['Hydro', '/'], ['problem_main', null] ], page, pdocs, category: '' }; } } class ProblemRandomHandler extends ProblemHandler { async get() { let q = {}; if (!this.user.hasPerm(PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM_HIDDEN)) q.hidden = false; let pid = await problem.random(q); if (!pid) throw new NoProblemError(); this.response.body = { pid }; } } class ProblemDetailHandler extends ProblemHandler { constructor(ctx) { super(ctx); this.uid = ctx.state.user._id; =; this.response.template = 'problem_detail.html'; } async _prepare() { if ( this.pdoc = await problem.get(this); if (this.pdoc.hidden && this.pdoc.owner != this.uid) this.checkPerm(PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM_HIDDEN); if (this.pdoc) this.udoc = await user.getById(this.pdoc.owner); this.response.body = { pdoc: this.pdoc, udoc: this.udoc, title: (this.pdoc || {}).title || '' }; } async get() { this.response.body.path = [ ['Hydro', '/'], ['problem_main', '/p'], [this.pdoc.title, null, true] ]; } } class ProblemSubmitHandler extends ProblemDetailHandler { async prepare() { this.checkPerm(PERM_SUBMIT_PROBLEM); } async get() { this.response.template = 'problem_submit.html'; let rdocs = await record.getUserInProblemMulti(this.uid, this.pdoc._id).sort({ _id: -1 }).limit(10).toArray(); this.response.body = { path: [ ['Hydro', '/'], ['problem_main', '/p'], [this.pdoc.title, `/p/${}`, true], ['problem_submit', null] ], pdoc: this.pdoc, udoc: this.udoc, rdocs, title: this.pdoc.title }; } async post() { let { lang, code } = this.request.body; let rid = await record.add({ uid: this.uid, lang, code, pid: this.pdoc._id }); await queue.push('judge', rid); this.user.nSubmit++; this.response.body = { rid }; this.response.redirect = `/r/${rid}`; } } class ProblemManageHandler extends ProblemDetailHandler { async prepare() { if (this.pdoc.owner != this.uid) this.checkPerm(PERM_EDIT_PROBLEM); } } class ProblemSettingsHandler extends ProblemManageHandler { async get() { this.response.template = 'problem_settings.html'; this.ctx.body.path = [ ['Hydro', '/'], ['problem_main', '/p'], [this.pdoc.title, `/p/${}`, true], ['problem_settings', null] ]; } async post() { // TODO(masnn) this.back(); } } class ProblemEditHandler extends ProblemManageHandler { async get() { this.response.template = 'problem_edit.html'; this.response.body.path = [ ['Hydro', '/'], ['problem_main', '/p'], [this.pdoc.title, `/p/${}`, true], ['problem_edit', null] ]; this.response.body.page_name = 'problem_edit'; } async post({ title, content }) { let pid = validator.checkPid(; let pdoc = await problem.get({ pid: }); await problem.edit(pdoc._id, { title, content, pid }); this.response.redirect = `/p/${pid}`; } } class ProblemDataUploadHandler extends ProblemManageHandler { constructor(ctx) { super(ctx); this.response.template = 'problem_upload.html'; } async get() { if ( && typeof == 'object') { let files = await gridfs.find({ _id: }).toArray(); this.md5 = files[0].md5; } this.response.body.md5 = this.md5; } async post() { if (!this.request.files.file) throw new BadRequestError(); const r = fs.createReadStream(this.request.files.file.path); let f = gridfs.openUploadStream(''); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { r.pipe(f); f.once('finish', resolve); f.once('error', reject); }); if ( && typeof == 'object') gridfs.delete(; this.pdoc = await problem.edit(this.pdoc._id, { data: }); if ( && typeof == 'object') { let files = await gridfs.find({ _id: }).toArray(); this.md5 = files[0].md5; } this.response.body.md5 = this.md5; } } class ProblemDataDownloadHandler extends ProblemDetailHandler { async get({ pid }) { if (this.uid != this.pdoc.owner) this.checkPerm([PERM_READ_PROBLEM_DATA, PERM_JUDGE]); if (! throw new ProblemDataNotFoundError(pid); else if (typeof == 'string') this.ctx.setRedirect ='from:')[1]; this.response.attachment(`${this.pdoc.title}.zip`); this.response.body = gridfs.openDownloadStream(; } } class ProblemSolutionHandler extends ProblemDetailHandler { async get({ page = 1 }) { this.response.template = 'problem_solution.html'; this.checkPerm(PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM_SOLUTION); let [psdocs, pcount, pscount] = await paginate(solution.getMulti(this.pdoc._id), page, constants.SOLUTION_PER_PAGE); let uids = [this.pdoc.owner], docids = []; for (let psdoc of psdocs) { docids.push(psdoc._id); uids.push(psdoc.owner); if (psdoc.reply.length) for (let psrdoc of psdoc.reply) uids.push(psrdoc.owner); } let udict = await user.getList(uids); let pssdict = solution.getListStatus(docids, this.uid); let path = [ ['problem_main', '/p'], [this.pdoc.title, `/p/${}`, true], ['problem_solution', null] ]; this.response.body = { path, psdocs, page, pcount, pscount, udict, pssdict }; } async post({ psid }) { if (psid) this.psdoc = await solution.get(psid); } async post_submit({ content }) { this.checkPerm(PERM_CREATE_PROBLEM_SOLUTION); await solution.add(this.pdoc._id, this.uid, content); this.back(); } async post_edit_solution({ content }) { if (this.psdoc.owner != this.uid) this.checkPerm(PERM_EDIT_PROBLEM_SOLUTION); this.psdoc = await solution.edit(this.psdoc._id, content); this.ctx.body.psdoc = this.psdoc; this.back(); } async post_delete_solution() { if (this.psdoc.owner != this.uid) this.checkPerm(PERM_DELETE_PROBLEM_SOLUTION); await solution.del(this.psdoc._id); this.back(); } async post_reply({ psid, content }) { this.checkPerm(PERM_REPLY_PROBLEM_SOLUTION); let psdoc = await solution.get(psid); await solution.reply(psdoc._id, this.uid, content); } async post_edit_reply({ content, psid, psrid }) { let [psdoc, psrdoc] = await solution.getReply(psid, psrid); if ((!psdoc) || != this.pdoc._id) throw new SolutionNotFoundError(psid); if (psrdoc.owner != this.uid) this.checkPerm(PERM_EDIT_PROBLEM_SOLUTION_REPLY); await solution.editReply(psid, psrid, content); } async post_delete_reply({ psid, psrid }) { let [psdoc, psrdoc] = await solution.getReply(psid, psrid); if ((!psdoc) || != this.pdoc._id) throw new SolutionNotFoundError(psid); if (psrdoc.owner != this.uid) this.checkPerm(PERM_EDIT_PROBLEM_SOLUTION_REPLY); await solution.delReply(psid, psrid); this.back(); } async post_upvote() { let [psdoc, pssdoc] = await, this.uid, 1); this.response.body = { vote:, user_vote: }; if (!this.preferJson) this.back(); } async post_downvote() { let [psdoc, pssdoc] = await, this.uid, -1); this.response.body = { vote:, user_vote: }; if (!this.preferJson) this.back(); } } class ProblemSolutionRawHandler extends ProblemDetailHandler { async get({ psid }) { this.checkPerm(PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM_SOLUTION); let psdoc = await solution.get(psid); this.response.type = 'text/markdown'; this.response.body = psdoc.content; } } class ProblemSolutionReplyRawHandler extends ProblemDetailHandler { async get({ psid }) { this.checkPerm(PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM_SOLUTION); let [psdoc, psrdoc] = await solution.getReply(psid); if ((!psdoc) || != this.pdoc._id) throw new SolutionNotFoundError(psid); this.response.type = 'text/markdown'; this.response.body = psrdoc.content; } } class ProblemCreateHandler extends Handler { async get() { this.response.template = 'problem_edit.html'; this.checkPerm(PERM_CREATE_PROBLEM); this.response.body = { path: [ ['Hydro', '/'], ['problem_main', '/p'], ['problem_create', null] ], page_name: 'problem_create' }; } async post({ title, pid, content, hidden }) { validator.checkPid(pid); pid = pid || await system.incPidCounter(); await problem.add({ title, content, owner: this.user._id, pid, hidden }); this.response.body = { pid }; this.response.redirect = `/p/${pid}/settings`; } } Route('/p', ProblemHandler); Route('/problem/random', ProblemRandomHandler); Route('/p/:pid', ProblemDetailHandler); Route('/p/:pid/submit', ProblemSubmitHandler); Route('/p/:pid/settings', ProblemSettingsHandler); Route('/p/:pid/edit', ProblemEditHandler); Route('/p/:pid/upload', ProblemDataUploadHandler); Route('/p/:pid/data', ProblemDataDownloadHandler); Route('/p/:pid/solution', ProblemSolutionHandler); Route('/p/:pid/solution/:psid/raw', ProblemSolutionRawHandler); Route('/p/:pid/solution/:psid/:psrid/raw', ProblemSolutionReplyRawHandler); Route('/problem/create', ProblemCreateHandler); /* @app.route('/p/{pid}/pretest', 'problem_pretest') class ProblemPretestHandler(base.Handler): @base.requirePerm(builtin.PERM_SUBMIT_PROBLEM) @base.route_argument @base.post_argument @base.require_csrf_token @base.sanitize @base.limitRate('add_record', 60, 100) async def post(self, *, pid: document.convert_doc_id, lang: str, code: str, data_input: str, data_output: str): pdoc = await problem.get(self.domainId, pid) # don't need to check hidden status # create zip file, TODO(twd2): check file size post = await content = list(zip(post.getall('data_input'), post.getall('data_output'))) output_buffer = io.BytesIO() zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(output_buffer, 'a', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) config_content = str(len(content)) + '\n' for i, (data_input, data_output) in enumerate(content): input_file = 'input{0}.txt'.format(i) output_file = 'output{0}.txt'.format(i) config_content += '{0}|{1}|1|10|262144\n'.format(input_file, output_file) zip_file.writestr('Input/{0}'.format(input_file), data_input) zip_file.writestr('Output/{0}'.format(output_file), data_output) zip_file.writestr('Config.ini', config_content) # mark all files as created in Windows :p for zfile in zip_file.filelist: zfile.create_system = 0 zip_file.close() fid = await fs.add_data('application/zip', output_buffer.getvalue()) output_buffer.close() rid = await record.add(self.domainId, pdoc['_id'], constant.record.TYPE_PRETEST, self.user['_id'], lang, code, fid) self.json_or_redirect(self.reverse_url('record_detail', rid=rid)) @app.connection_route('/p/{pid}/pretest-conn', 'problem_pretest-conn') class ProblemPretestConnection(record_handler.RecordVisibilityMixin, base.Connection): async def on_open(self): await super(ProblemPretestConnection, self).on_open() = document.convert_doc_id(self.request.match_info['pid']) bus.subscribe(self.on_record_change, ['record_change']) async def on_record_change(self, e): rdoc = e['value'] if rdoc['uid'] != self.user['_id'] or \ rdoc['domainId'] != self.domainId or rdoc['pid'] != return # check permission for visibility: contest if rdoc['tid']: show_status, tdoc = await self.rdoc_contest_visible(rdoc) if not show_status: return self.send(rdoc=rdoc) async def on_close(self): bus.unsubscribe(self.on_record_change) @base.requirePriv(builtin.PRIV_USER_PROFILE) @base.route_argument @base.post_argument @base.require_csrf_token @base.sanitize async def post(self, *, pid: document.convert_doc_id, title: str, content: str): pdoc = await problem.get(self.domainId, pid) if not self.own(pdoc, builtin.PERM_EDIT_PROBLEM_SELF): self.check_perm(builtin.PERM_EDIT_PROBLEM) await problem.edit(self.domainId, pdoc['_id'], title=title, content=content) self.json_or_redirect(self.reverse_url('problem_detail', pid=pid)) @app.route('/p/{pid}/statistics', 'problem_statistics') class ProblemStatisticsHandler(base.Handler): @base.route_argument @base.sanitize async def get(self, *, pid: document.convert_doc_id): # TODO(twd2) uid = self.user['_id'] if self.has_priv(builtin.PRIV_USER_PROFILE) else None pdoc = await problem.get(self.domainId, pid, uid) if pdoc.get('hidden', False): self.check_perm(builtin.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM_HIDDEN) udoc, dudoc = await asyncio.gather(user.get_by_uid(pdoc['owner_uid']), domain.get_user(self.domainId, pdoc['owner_uid'])) path_components = self.build_path( (self.translate('problem_main'), self.reverse_url('problem_main')), (pdoc['title'], self.reverse_url('problem_detail', pid=pdoc['_id'])), (self.translate('problem_statistics'), None)) self.render('problem_statistics.html', pdoc=pdoc, udoc=udoc, dudoc=dudoc, page_title=pdoc['title'], path_components=path_components) */