{% extends "layout/basic.html" %} {% block content %}

{{ _('Upload zipfile') }} {% if type %}({{ _('Type') }}: {{type}}){% endif %}:

{{ form.form_text({ label:'preferredPrefix', columns:6, name:'preferredPrefix', row:false, help_text:_('The preferred problem ID prefix.'), placeholder:_('Leave empty for default') }) }} {% if handler.user.hasPriv(PRIV.PRIV_EDIT_SYSTEM) and not type %} {{ form.form_checkbox ({ label:'Keep original user', columns:6, name:'keepUser', placeholder:_('Keep original problem owner. Only used if this problemset is exported from current system.'), row:false }) }} {% endif %}

{{ _('What is this?') }}

{{ _('With this feature, you can import problems that you can view from a site to here. Their title, content, tags and categories will be imported.') }}

{{ _('About preferredPrefix option') }}

{{ _('preferredPrefix_hint') }}

{% endblock %}