const { ValidationError, HomeworkNotLiveError, ProblemNotFoundError, HomeworkNotAttendedError, } = require('../error'); const { PERM_VIEW_HOMEWORK, PERM_ATTEND_HOMEWORK, PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM, PERM_SUBMIT_PROBLEM, PERM_CREATE_HOMEWORK, PERM_EDIT_HOMEWORK, } = require('../permission'); const { Route, Handler } = require('../service/server'); const system = require('../model/system'); const user = require('../model/user'); const contest = require('../model/contest'); const discussion = require('../model/discussion'); const problem = require('../model/problem'); const record = require('../model/record'); const document = require('../model/document'); const paginate = require('../lib/paginate'); function _formatPenaltyRules(penaltyRules) { let doc = ''; for (const time in penaltyRules) { const coefficient = penaltyRules[time]; const parsedTime = Math.round(parseFloat(time) / 36) / 100; doc += '{0}: {1}\n'.format(parsedTime, coefficient); } return doc; } const HomeworkHandler = contest.ContestHandlerMixin(Handler); class HomeworkMainHandler extends HomeworkHandler { async get({ domainId }) { const tdocs = await contest.getMulti(domainId, {}, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK).toArray(); const calendar = []; for (const tdoc of tdocs) { console.log(tdoc); const cal = { ...tdoc }; if (contest.isHomeWorkExtended(tdoc) || contest.isDone(tdoc)) { cal.endAt = tdoc.endAt; cal.penaltySince = tdoc.penaltySince; } else { cal.endAt = tdoc.penaltySince; } calendar.push(cal); } this.response.body = { tdocs, calendar }; this.response.template = 'homework_main.html'; } } class HomeworkDetailHandler extends HomeworkHandler { async get({ domainId, tid, page = 1 }) { const tdoc = await contest.get(domainId, tid, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK); const [tsdoc, pdict] = await Promise.all([ contest.getStatus(domainId, tdoc.docId, this.user._id, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK), problem.getList(domainId, tdoc.pids), ]); const psdict = {}; let rdict = {}; let attended = false; if (tsdoc) { attended = tsdoc.attend === 1; for (const pdetail of tsdoc.detail || []) { psdict[] = pdetail; rdict[pdetail.rid] = { _id: pdetail.rid }; } if (this.canShowRecord(tdoc) && tsdoc.detail) { rdict = await record.getList( domainId, => pdetail.rid), true, ); } } // discussion const [ddocs, dpcount, dcount] = await paginate( discussion.getMulti(domainId, { parentType: tdoc.docType, parentId: tdoc.docId }), page, await system.get('DISCUSSION_PER_PAGE'), ); const uids = => ddoc.owner); uids.push(tdoc.owner); const udict = await user.getList(domainId, uids); const path = [ ['homework_main', '/homework'], [tdoc.title, null, true], ]; this.response.template = 'homework_detail.html'; this.response.body = { tdoc, tsdoc, attended, udict, pdict, psdict, rdict, ddocs, page, dpcount, dcount, path, }; } async postAttend({ domainId, tid }) { this.checkPerm(PERM_ATTEND_HOMEWORK); const tdoc = await contest.get(domainId, tid, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK); if (contest.isDone(tdoc)) { throw new HomeworkNotLiveError(tdoc.docId); } await contest.attend(domainId, tdoc.docId, this.user._id, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK); this.back(); } } class HomeworkDetailProblemHandler extends HomeworkHandler { async prepare({ domainId, tid, pid }) { this.checkPerm(PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM); [this.tdoc, this.pdoc] = await Promise.all([ contest.get(domainId, tid, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK), problem.get(domainId, pid, this.user._id), ]); } async get({ domainId, tid, pid }) { const [tsdoc, udoc] = await Promise.all( contest.getStatus(domainId, tid, this.user._id, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK), user.getById(domainId, this.tdoc.owner), ); const attended = tsdoc && tsdoc.attend === 1; if (!contest.isDone(this.tdoc)) { if (!attended) throw new HomeworkNotAttendedError(tid); if (!contest.isOngoing(this.tdoc)) throw new HomeworkNotLiveError(tid); } if (!this.tdoc.pids.includes(pid)) throw new ProblemNotFoundError(domainId, pid, tid); const path = [ ['homework_main', '/homework'], [this.tdoc.title, `/homework/${tid}`, true], [this.pdoc.title, null, true], ]; this.response.template = 'problem_detail.html'; this.response.body = { tdoc: this.tdoc, pdoc: this.pdoc, tsdoc, udoc, attended, path, }; } } class HomeworkDetailProblemSubmitHandler extends HomeworkHandler { async get({ domainId, tid, pid }) { const uid = this.user._id; const [tdoc, pdoc] = await Promise.all([ contest.get(domainId, tid, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK), problem.get(domainId, pid, uid), ]); const [tsdoc, udoc] = await Promise.all([ contest.getStatus(domainId, tdoc.docId, this.user._id, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK), user.get_by_uid(tdoc.owner), ]); const attended = tsdoc && tsdoc.attend === 1; if (!attended) { throw new HomeworkNotAttendedError(tdoc.docId); } if (!contest.isOngoing(tdoc)) { throw new HomeworkNotLiveError(tdoc.docId); } if (!tdoc.pids.includes(pid)) { throw new ProblemNotFoundError(domainId, pid, tdoc.docId); } const rdocs = this.canShowRecord(tdoc) ? await record.getUserInProblemMulti(domainId, uid, pdoc.docId, true) .sort('_id', -1) .limit(10) .toArray() : []; const path = [ ['homework_main', '/homework'], [tdoc.title, `/homework/${tid}`, true], [pdoc.title, `/homework/${tid}/p/${pid}`, true], ['homework_detail_problem_submit', null], ]; this.response.template = 'problem_submit.html'; this.response.body = { tdoc, pdoc, rdocs, tsdoc, udoc, attended, path, }; } async post({ domainId, tid, pid, code, lang, }) { this.limitRate('add_record', 60, 100); const tsdoc = await contest.getStatus(domainId, tid, this.user._id, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK); if (!tsdoc.attend) throw new HomeworkNotAttendedError(tid); if (!contest.isOngoing(this.tdoc)) throw new HomeworkNotLiveError(tid); if (!this.tdoc.pids.includes(pid)) throw new ProblemNotFoundError(domainId, pid); const rid = await record.add(domainId, { pid, lang, code, uid: this.user._id, tid, hidden: true, ttype: document.TYPE_HOMEWORK, }); await contest.updateStatus(domainId, tid, this.user._id, rid, pid, false, 0, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK); this.response.body = { tid, rid }; if (this.canShowRecord(this.tdoc)) this.response.redirect = `/record/${rid}`; } } class HomeworkCreateHandler extends HomeworkHandler { async get() { const beginAt = new Date().delta({ day: 1 }); const penaltySince ={ day: 7 }); const path = [ ['homework_create', null], ]; this.response.template = 'homework_edit.html'; this.response.body = { path, dateBeginText: beginAt.format('%Y-%m-%d'), timeBeginText: '00:00', datePenaltyText: penaltySince.format('%Y-%m-%d'), timePenaltyText: '23:59', pids: '1000, 1001', extensionDays: 1, page_name: 'homework_create', }; } async post({ domainId, title, content, beginAtDate, beginAtTime, penaltySinceDate, penaltySinceTime, extensionDays, penaltyRules, pids, }) { let beginAt; let penaltySince; try { beginAt = new Date(Date.parse(`${beginAtDate} ${beginAtTime.replace('-', ':')}`)); } catch (e) { throw new ValidationError('beginAtDate', 'beginAtTime'); } try { penaltySince = new Date(Date.parse(`${penaltySinceDate} ${penaltySinceTime.replace('-', ':')}`)); } catch (e) { throw new ValidationError('end_at_date', 'end_at_time'); } const endAt ={ days: extensionDays }); if (beginAt >= penaltySince) { throw new ValidationError('end_at_date', 'end_at_time'); } if (penaltySince > endAt) throw new ValidationError('extension_days'); await this.verifyProblems(domainId, pids); const tid = await contest.add(domainId, title, content, this.user._id, 'homework', beginAt, endAt, pids, { penaltySince, penaltyRules }, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK); this.response.body = { tid }; this.response.redirect = `/homework/${tid}`; } } class HomeworkEditHandler extends HomeworkHandler { async get({ domainId, tid }) { const tdoc = await contest.get(domainId, tid, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK); if (tdoc.owner !== this.user._id) this.checkPerm(PERM_EDIT_HOMEWORK); const extensionDays = Math.round( (tdoc.endAt.getTime() - tdoc.penaltySince.getTime()) / 36000 / 24, ) / 100; const path = [ ['homework_main', '/homework'], [tdoc.title, `/homework/${tid}`, true], ['homework_edit', null], ]; this.response.template = 'homework_edit.html'; this.response.body = { tdoc, dateBeginText: tdoc.beginAt.format('%Y-%m-%d'), timeBeginText: tdoc.beginAt.format('%H:%M'), datePenaltyText: tdoc.penaltySince.format('%Y-%m-%d'), timePenaltyText: tdoc.penaltySince.format('%H:%M'), extensionDays, penaltyRules: _formatPenaltyRules(tdoc.penaltyRules), pids: tdoc.pids.join(','), path, }; } async post({ domainId, title, content, beginAtDate, beginAtTime, penaltySinceDate, penaltySinceTime, extensionDays, penaltyRules, pids, tid, }) { const tdoc = await contest.get(domainId, tid, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK); if (tdoc.owner !== this.user._id) this.checkPerm(PERM_EDIT_HOMEWORK); let beginAt; let penaltySince; try { beginAt = new Date(Date.parse(`${beginAtDate} ${beginAtTime.replace('-', ':')}`)); } catch (e) { throw new ValidationError('beginAtDate', 'beginAtTime'); } try { penaltySince = new Date(Date.parse(`${penaltySinceDate} ${penaltySinceTime.replace('-', ':')}`)); } catch (e) { throw new ValidationError('endAtDate', 'endAtTime'); } const endAt ={ days: extensionDays }); if (beginAt >= penaltySince) throw new ValidationError('end_at_date', 'end_at_time'); await this.verifyProblems(domainId, pids); await contest.edit(domainId, tid, { title, content, beginAt, endAt, pids, penaltySince, penaltyRules, }, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK); if (tdoc.beginAt !== beginAt || tdoc.endAt !== endAt || tdoc.penaltySince !== penaltySince || new Set(tdoc.pids) !== new Set(pids)) { await contest.recalcStatus(domainId, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK, tdoc.docId); } this.response.body = { tid }; this.response.redirect = `/homework/${tid}`; } } async function apply() { contest.isHomeWorkExtended = (tdoc) => { const now = new Date().getTime(); return tdoc.penaltySince.getTime() <= now && now < tdoc.endAt.getTime(); }; contest.RULES.homework = { TEXT: 'Assignment', check: () => { }, stat: (tdoc, journal) => { const effective = {}; for (const j of journal) { if (tdoc.pids.includes( && !effective.includes( && effective[].accept) { effective[] = j; } } function time(jdoc) { const real = jdoc.rid.generationTime - tdoc.beginAt.getTime() / 1000; return Math.floor(real); } function penaltyScore(jdoc) { const { score } = jdoc; const exceedSeconds = Math.floor( jdoc.rid.generationTime - tdoc.penaltySince.getTime() / 1000, ); if (exceedSeconds < 0) return score; let coefficient = 1; const keys = Object.keys(tdoc.penaltyRules) .map((k) => parseFloat(k)).sort((a, b) => a - b); for (const i of keys) { if (i * 3600 <= exceedSeconds) coefficient = tdoc.penaltyRules[i]; else break; } return score * coefficient; } const detail = []; for (const j of effective) { detail.push({ ...j, penaltyScore: penaltyScore(j), time: time(j) }); } return { score: Math.sum( => d.score)), penaltyScore: Math.sum( => d.penaltySince)), time: Math.sum( => d.time)), detail, }; }, showScoreboard(tdoc, now) { return now > tdoc.endAt; }, showRecord(tdoc, now) { return now > tdoc.endAt; }, scoreboard(isExport, _, tdoc, rankedTsdocs, udict, pdict) { const columns = [ { type: 'rank', value: _('Rank') }, { type: 'user', value: _('User') }, { type: 'total_score', value: _('Total Score') }, ]; for (const i in tdoc.pids) { if (isExport) { columns.push({ type: 'problem_score', value: '#{0} {1}'.format(i + 1, pdict[tdoc.pids[i]].title), }); } else { columns.push({ type: 'problem_detail', value: '#{0}'.format(i + 1), raw: pdict[tdoc.pids[i]], }); } } const rows = [columns]; for (const [rank, tsdoc] of rankedTsdocs) { const tsddict = {}; if (tsdoc.journal) { for (const item of tsdoc.journal) tsddict[] = item; } const row = []; row.push({ type: 'string', value: rank }); row.push({ type: 'user', value: udict[tsdoc.uid].uname, raw: udict[tsdoc.uid] }); row.push({ type: 'string', value: tsdoc.score || 0 }); for (const pid of tdoc.pids) { row.push({ type: 'record', value: (tsddict[pid] || {}).score || '-', raw: (tsddict[pid] || {}).rid || null, }); } rows.push(row); } return rows; }, rank: (tdocs) => ranked(tdocs, (a, b) => a.score === b.score), }; Route('/homework', HomeworkMainHandler, PERM_VIEW_HOMEWORK); Route('/homework/create', HomeworkCreateHandler, PERM_CREATE_HOMEWORK); Route('/homework/:tid', HomeworkDetailHandler, PERM_VIEW_HOMEWORK); Route('/homework/:tid/p/:pid', HomeworkDetailProblemHandler, PERM_VIEW_HOMEWORK); Route('/homework/:tid/p/:pid/submit', HomeworkDetailProblemSubmitHandler, PERM_SUBMIT_PROBLEM); Route('/homework/:tid/edit', HomeworkEditHandler); } global.Hydro.handler.homework = { HomeworkMainHandler, HomeworkCreateHandler, HomeworkDetailHandler, HomeworkDetailProblemHandler, HomeworkDetailProblemSubmitHandler, HomeworkEditHandler, apply, }; /* @app.route('/homework/{tid:\w{24}}/code', 'homework_code') class HomeworkCodeHandler(base.OperationHandler): @base.limit_rate('homework_code', 3600, 60) @base.route_argument @base.require_perm(builtin.PERM_VIEW_HOMEWORK) @base.require_perm(builtin.PERM_READ_RECORD_CODE) @base.sanitize async def get(this, *, tid: objectid.ObjectId): tdoc, tsdocs = await contest.get_and_list_status(domainId, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK, tid) rnames = {} for tsdoc in tsdocs: for pdetail in tsdoc.get('detail', []): rnames[pdetail['rid']] = 'U{}_P{}_R{}'.format(tsdoc['uid'], pdetail['pid'], pdetail['rid']) output_buffer = io.BytesIO() zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(output_buffer, 'a', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) rdocs = record.get_multi(get_hidden=True, _id={'$in': list(rnames.keys())}) async for rdoc in rdocs: zip_file.writestr(rnames[rdoc['_id']] + '.' + rdoc['lang'], rdoc['code']) # mark all files as created in Windows :p for zfile in zip_file.filelist: zfile.create_system = 0 zip_file.close() await this.binary(output_buffer.getvalue(), 'application/zip', file_name='{}.zip'.format(tdoc['title'])) @app.route('/homework/{tid}/scoreboard', 'homework_scoreboard') class HomeworkScoreboardHandler(contest.ContestMixin, base.Handler): @base.route_argument @base.require_perm(builtin.PERM_VIEW_HOMEWORK) @base.require_perm(builtin.PERM_VIEW_HOMEWORK_SCOREBOARD) @base.sanitize async def get(this, *, tid: objectid.ObjectId): tdoc, rows, udict = await this.get_scoreboard(document.TYPE_HOMEWORK, tid) page_title = this.translate('homework_scoreboard') path_components = this.build_path( (this.translate('homework_main'), this.reverse_url('homework_main')), (tdoc['title'], this.reverse_url('homework_detail', tid=tdoc['docId'])), (page_title, None)) dudict = await domain.get_dict_user_by_uid(domain_id=domainId, uids=udict.keys()) this.render('contest_scoreboard.html', tdoc=tdoc, rows=rows, dudict=dudict, page_title=page_title, path_components=path_components) @app.route('/homework/{tid}/scoreboard/download/{ext}', 'homework_scoreboard_download') class HomeworkScoreboardDownloadHandler(contest.ContestMixin, base.Handler): def _export_status_as_csv(this, rows): # \r\n for notepad compatibility csv_content = '\r\n'.join([','.join([str(c['value']) for c in row]) for row in rows]) data = '\uFEFF' + csv_content return data.encode() def _export_status_as_html(this, rows): return this.render_html('contest_scoreboard_download_html.html', rows=rows).encode() @base.route_argument @base.require_perm(builtin.PERM_VIEW_HOMEWORK) @base.require_perm(builtin.PERM_VIEW_HOMEWORK_SCOREBOARD) @base.sanitize async def get(this, *, tid: objectid.ObjectId, ext: str): get_status_content = { 'csv': this._export_status_as_csv, 'html': this._export_status_as_html, } if ext not in get_status_content: raise error.ValidationError('ext') tdoc, rows, udict = await this.get_scoreboard(document.TYPE_HOMEWORK, tid, True) data = get_status_content[ext](rows) file_name = tdoc['title'] await this.binary(data, file_name='{}.{}'.format(file_name, ext)) */