import child from 'child_process'; import os from 'os'; import path from 'path'; import cac from 'cac'; import fs from 'fs-extra'; import superagent from 'superagent'; import tar from 'tar'; const argv = cac().parse(); let yarnVersion = 0; try { // eslint-disable-next-line no-unsafe-optional-chaining yarnVersion = +child.execSync('yarn --version', { cwd: os.tmpdir() }).toString().split('v').pop()!.split('.')[0]; } catch (e) { // yarn 2 does not support global dir } const exec = (...args) => { console.log('Executing: ', args[0], args[1].join(' ')); const res = child.spawnSync(...args); if (res.error) throw res.error; if (res.status) throw new Error(`Error: Exited with code ${res.status}`); return res; }; function buildUrl(opts) { let mongourl = `${opts.protocol || 'mongodb'}://`; if (opts.username) mongourl += `${opts.username}:${opts.password}@`; mongourl += `${}:${opts.port}/${}`; if (opts.url) mongourl = opts.url; return mongourl; } const hydroPath = path.resolve(os.homedir(), '.hydro'); fs.ensureDirSync(hydroPath); const addonPath = path.resolve(hydroPath, 'addon.json'); if (!fs.existsSync(addonPath)) fs.writeFileSync(addonPath, '[]'); let addons = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(addonPath).toString()); if (!addons.includes('@hydrooj/ui-default')) { try { const ui = argv.options.ui || '@hydrooj/ui-default'; require.resolve(ui); addons.push(ui); } catch (e) { console.error('Please also install @hydrooj/ui-default'); } } if (!argv.args[0] || argv.args[0] === 'cli') { const hydro = require('../src/loader'); addons = Array.from(new Set(addons)); for (const addon of addons) hydro.addon(addon); (argv.args[0] === 'cli' ? hydro.loadCli : hydro.load)().catch((e) => { console.error(e); process.exit(1); }); } else { const cli = cac(); cli.command('db').action(() => { const dbConfig = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(hydroPath, 'config.json'), 'utf-8'); const url = buildUrl(JSON.parse(dbConfig)); child.spawn('mongo', [url], { stdio: 'inherit' }); }); cli.command('backup').action(() => { const dbConfig = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(hydroPath, 'config.json'), 'utf-8'); const url = buildUrl(JSON.parse(dbConfig)); const dir = `${os.tmpdir()}/${Math.random().toString(36).substring(2)}`; exec('mongodump', [url, `--out=${dir}/dump`], { stdio: 'inherit' }); const target = `${process.cwd()}/backup-${new Date().toISOString().replace(':', '-').split(':')[0]}.zip`; exec('zip', ['-r', target, 'dump'], { cwd: dir, stdio: 'inherit' }); if (!argv.options.dbOnly) { exec('zip', ['-r', target, 'file'], { cwd: '/data', stdio: 'inherit' }); } exec('rm', ['-rf', dir]); console.log(`Database backup saved at ${target}`); }); cli.command('restore ').action((filename) => { const dbConfig = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(hydroPath, 'config.json'), 'utf-8'); const url = buildUrl(JSON.parse(dbConfig)); const dir = `${os.tmpdir()}/${Math.random().toString(36).substring(2)}`; if (!fs.existsSync(filename)) { console.error('Cannot find file'); return; } exec('unzip', [filename, '-d', dir], { stdio: 'inherit' }); exec('mongorestore', [`--uri=${url}`, `--dir=${dir}/dump/hydro`, '--drop'], { stdio: 'inherit' }); if (fs.existsSync(`${dir}/file`)) { exec('rm', ['-rf', '/data/file/hydro'], { stdio: 'inherit' }); exec('bash', ['-c', `mv ${dir}/file/* /data/file`], { stdio: 'inherit' }); } fs.removeSync(dir); console.log('Successfully restored.'); }); cli.command('addon [operation] [name]').action((operation, name) => { if (operation && !['add', 'remove', 'create', 'list'].includes(operation)) { console.log('Unknown operation.'); return; } if (operation === 'create') { name ||= `${os.homedir()}/addon`; fs.mkdirSync(name); child.execSync('yarn init -y', { cwd: name }); fs.mkdirSync(`${name}/templates`); fs.mkdirSync(`${name}/locales`); fs.mkdirSync(`${name}/public`); addons.push(name); console.log(`Addon created at ${name}`); } else if (operation && name) { for (let i = 0; i < addons.length; i++) { if (addons[i] === name) { addons.splice(i, 1); break; } } } if (operation === 'add' && name) { try { require.resolve(`${name}/package.json`); } catch (e) { console.error(`Addon not found or not available: ${name}`); return; } addons.push(name); } addons = Array.from(new Set(addons)); console.log('Current Addons: ', addons); fs.writeFileSync(addonPath, JSON.stringify(addons, null, 2)); }); cli.command('install [package]').action(async (src) => { if (yarnVersion !== 1) throw new Error('Yarn 1 is required.'); const addonDir = path.join(hydroPath, 'addons'); let newAddonPath: string = ''; fs.ensureDirSync(addonDir); // TODO: install from npm and check for update if (src.startsWith('http')) { const url = new URL(src); const filename = url.pathname.split('/').pop()!; if (['.tar.gz', '.tgz', '.zip'].find((i) => filename.endsWith(i))) { const name = filename.replace(/(-?\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?(\.tar\.gz|\.zip|\.tgz)$/g, ''); newAddonPath = path.join(addonDir, name); console.log(`Downloading ${src} to ${newAddonPath}`); fs.ensureDirSync(newAddonPath); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { superagent.get(src) .pipe(tar.x({ C: newAddonPath, strip: 1, })) .on('finish', resolve) .on('error', reject); }); } else throw new Error('Unsupported file type'); } else throw new Error('Unsupported install schema'); if (!newAddonPath) throw new Error('Addon download failed'); console.log('Installing depedencies'); child.execSync('yarn --production', { stdio: 'inherit', cwd: newAddonPath }); child.execSync(`hydrooj addon add '${newAddonPath}'`); });; cli.parse(); if (!cli.matchedCommand) console.log('Unknown command.'); }