{% import "components/home.html" as home with context %} {% import "components/problem.html" as problem with context %} {% extends "layout/basic.html" %} {% block content %} {{ set(UiContext, 'udoc', udoc) }}
  • {{ _('Bio') }}

    {% if not udoc.bio %} {{ nothing.render("This person is lazy and didn't wrote anything.") }} {% else %}
    {{ udoc.bio|default('')|markdown|safe }}
    {% endif %}
{% if pdocs.length %}

{{ _('Accepted Problems') }}

{% set _mark = Math.ceil(pdocs.length/4) %} {% macro col(pdocs) %}
    {% for pdoc in pdocs %}
  • {{ problem.render_problem_title(pdoc, show_tags=false, small=true) }}
  • {% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}
{{ col(pdocs.slice(0, _mark)) }} {{ col(pdocs.slice(_mark, _mark*2)) }} {{ col(pdocs.slice(_mark*2, _mark*3)) }} {{ col(pdocs.slice(_mark*3, pdocs.length - 1)) }}
{% endif %}
{% if isSelfProfile %} {{ home.render_sidebar() }} {% endif %}
{% if tags.length %}

{{ _('Problem Tags') }}

{% for tag in tags %}
{{ tag[0] }}
{{ tag[1] }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}