import Queue from 'p-queue'; import { STATUS } from '@hydrooj/utils/lib/status'; import type { JudgeResultBody } from 'hydrooj'; import { getConfig } from './config'; import { FormatError } from './error'; import { Context, ContextSubTask } from './judge/interface'; import { NormalizedCase, NormalizedSubtask } from './utils'; interface Task { compile: () => Promise; judgeCase: (c: NormalizedCase) => ( (ctx: Context, ctxSubtask: ContextSubTask, runner?: Function) => Promise ) } const Score = { sum: (a: number, b: number) => (a + b), max: Math.max, min: Math.min, }; function judgeSubtask(subtask: NormalizedSubtask, sid: string, judgeCase: Task['judgeCase']) { return async (ctx: Context) => { subtask.type ||= 'min'; const ctxSubtask = { subtask, status: 0, score: subtask.type === 'min' ? subtask.score : 0, }; const cases = []; for (const cid in subtask.cases) { const runner = judgeCase(subtask.cases[cid]); cases.push(ctx.queue.add(async () => { const res = (ctx.errored || (subtask.type === 'min' && ctxSubtask.score === 0) || (subtask.type === 'max' && ctxSubtask.score === subtask.score) || (subtask.if || []).filter((i) => ctx.failed[i]).length) ? { id: subtask.cases[cid].id, status: STATUS.STATUS_CANCELED, subtaskId:, score: 0, time: 0, memory: 0, message: '', } : await runner(ctx, ctxSubtask, runner); if (res?.status !== STATUS.STATUS_CANCELED) { ctxSubtask.score = Score[ctxSubtask.subtask.type](ctxSubtask.score, res.score); ctxSubtask.status = Math.max(ctxSubtask.status, res.status); if (ctxSubtask.status > STATUS.STATUS_ACCEPTED) ctx.failed[sid] = true; ctx.total_time += res.time; ctx.total_memory = Math.max(ctx.total_memory, res.memory); }{ ...res ? { case: res } : {}, addProgress: 100 / ctx.config.count }); })); } try { await Promise.all(cases); } catch (e) { ctx.errored = true; throw e; } ctx.total_status = Math.max(ctx.total_status, ctxSubtask.status); return ctxSubtask.score; }; } export const runFlow = async (ctx: Context, task: Task) => { if (!ctx.config.subtasks.length) throw new FormatError('Problem data not found.');{ status: STATUS.STATUS_COMPILING }); await task.compile();{ status: STATUS.STATUS_JUDGING, progress: 0 }); ctx.total_status = 0; ctx.total_score = 0; ctx.total_memory = 0; ctx.total_time = 0; ctx.rerun = getConfig('rerun') || 0; ctx.queue = new Queue({ concurrency: getConfig('singleTaskParallelism') }); ctx.failed = {}; if (ctx.meta.hackRejudge) { const subtask = ctx.config.subtasks.find((i) => i.cases.find((j) => j.input.endsWith(ctx.meta.hackRejudge))); const ctxSubtask = { subtask, status: STATUS.STATUS_ACCEPTED, score: subtask.type === 'min' ? subtask.score : 0, }; const runner = task.judgeCase(subtask.cases.find((i) => i.input.endsWith(ctx.meta.hackRejudge))); const res = await runner(ctx, ctxSubtask, runner); if (res){ case: res }); if (res?.status !== STATUS.STATUS_ACCEPTED) { const totalScore = Math.sum( => i.score)); ctx.end({ status: STATUS.STATUS_HACKED, score: totalScore - subtask.score, }); } else {{ status: STATUS.STATUS_ACCEPTED }); ctx.end({ nop: true }); } } else { const scores = {}; await Promise.all(Object.entries(ctx.config.subtasks).map(async ([key, value]) => { const sid = || key; scores[sid] = await judgeSubtask(value, sid, task.judgeCase)(ctx); })); for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(ctx.config.subtasks)) { let effective = true; const sid = || key; for (const required of value.if || []) { if (ctx.failed[required.toString()]) effective = false; } if (effective) ctx.total_score += scores[sid]; else ctx.failed[sid] = true; } ctx.end({ status: ctx.total_status, score: ctx.total_score, time: Math.floor(ctx.total_time * 1000000) / 1000000, memory: ctx.total_memory, }); } ctx.stat.done = new Date(); if (process.env.DEV){ message: JSON.stringify(ctx.stat) }); };