const path = require('path'); const { ObjectID } = require('bson'); const Koa = require('koa'); const morgan = require('koa-morgan'); const Body = require('koa-body'); const Router = require('koa-router'); const cache = require('koa-static-cache'); const sockjs = require('sockjs'); const http = require('http'); const https = require('https'); const options = require('../options'); const validator = require('../lib/validator'); const template = require('../lib/template'); const user = require('../model/user'); const blacklist = require('../model/blacklist'); const token = require('../model/token'); const opcount = require('../model/opcount'); const { UserNotFoundError, BlacklistedError, PermissionError, NotFoundError, UserFacingError, } = require('../error'); const app = new Koa(); const server = (options.listen.https ? https : http).createServer(app.callback()); app.keys = options.session.keys; app.use(cache(path.join(process.cwd(), '.uibuild'), { maxAge: 365 * 24 * 60 * 60, })); app.use(Body({ multipart: true, formidable: { maxFileSize: 256 * 1024 * 1024, }, })); const router = new Router(); class Handler { /** * @param {import('koa').Context} ctx */ constructor(ctx) { this.ctx = ctx; this.request = { ip: ctx.request.ip, headers: ctx.request.headers, cookies: ctx.cookies, body: ctx.request.body, files: ctx.request.files, query: ctx.query, path: ctx.path, }; this.response = { body: '', type: '', status: null, template: null, redirect: null, attachment: (name) => ctx.attachment(name), }; this.UIContext = { cdn_prefix: '/', url_prefix: '/', }; this._handler = {}; this.session = {}; } renderHTML(name, context) { console.time(name); this.hasPerm = (perm) => this.user.hasPerm(perm); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { template.render(name, Object.assign(context, { handler: this, _: (str) => (str ? str.toString().translate(this.user.language) : ''), user: this.user, }), (error, res) => { console.timeEnd(name); if (error) reject(error); else resolve(res); }); }); } async render(name, context) { this.response.body = await this.renderHTML(name, context); this.response.type = 'text/html'; } renderTitle(str) { // eslint-disable-line class-methods-use-this return str; } checkPerm(...args) { for (const i in args) { if (args[i] instanceof Array) { let p = false; for (const j in args) { if (this.user.hasPerm(args[i][j])) { p = true; break; } } if (!p) throw new PermissionError([args[i]]); } else if (!this.user.hasPerm(args[i])) { throw new PermissionError([[args[i]]]); } } } async limitRate(op, periodSecs, maxOperations) { await, this.request.ip, periodSecs, maxOperations); } back() { this.response.redirect = this.request.headers.referer || '/'; } async ___prepare() { = new Date(); this._handler.sid = this.request.cookies.get('sid'); = this.request.cookies.get('save'); this._handler.tokenType = token.TYPE_SESSION; if ( this._handler.expireSeconds = options.session.saved_expire_seconds; else this._handler.expireSeconds = options.session.unsaved_expire_seconds; this.session = this._handler.sid ? await token.update( this._handler.sid, this._handler.tokenType, this._handler.expireSeconds, { update_ip: this.request.ip, update_ua: this.request.headers['user-agent'] || '', }, ) : { uid: 1 }; if (!this.session) this.session = { uid: 1 }; const bdoc = await blacklist.get(this.request.ip); if (bdoc) throw new BlacklistedError(this.request.ip); this.user = await user.getById(this.session.uid); if (!this.user) throw new UserNotFoundError(this.session.uid); [this.csrfToken] = await token.add(token.TYPE_CSRF_TOKEN, 600, { path: this.request.path }); this.preferJson = (this.request.headers.accept || '').includes('application/json'); } async ___cleanup() { try { await this.renderBody(); } catch (error) { if (this.preferJson) this.response.body = { error }; else await this.render(error instanceof UserFacingError ? 'error.html' : 'bsod.html', { error }); } await this.putResponse(); await this.saveCookie(); } async renderBody() { if (!(this.response.body || this.response.template)) { this.response.body = { error: new NotFoundError() }; this.response.template = 'error.html'; } if (!this.preferJson) { if (this.response.body || this.response.template) { if (this.request.query.noTemplate || this.preferJson) return; const templateName = this.request.query.template || this.response.template; if (templateName) { this.response.body = this.response.body || {}; await this.render(templateName, this.response.body); } } } } async putResponse() { if (this.response.redirect && !this.preferJson) { this.ctx.response.type = 'application/octet-stream'; this.ctx.response.status = 302; this.ctx.redirect(this.response.redirect); } else { if (this.response.body != null) { this.ctx.response.body = this.response.body; this.ctx.response.status = this.response.status || 200; } if (this.response.type) this.ctx.response.type = this.response.type; } } async saveCookie() { if (this.session.sid) { await token.update( this.session.sid, this._handler.tokenType, this._handler.expireSeconds, { updateIp: this.request.ip, updateUa: this.request.headers['user-agent'] || '', }, ); } else { [this.session.sid] = await token.add( this._handler.tokenType, this._handler.expireSeconds, { createIp: this.request.ip, createUa: this.request.headers['user-agent'] || '', updateIp: this.request.ip, updateUa: this.request.headers['user-agent'] || '', ...this.session, }, ); } const cookie = { secure: }; if ( { cookie.expires = this.session.expireAt; cookie.maxAge = this._handler.expireSeconds; this.request.cookies.set('save', 'true', cookie); } this.ctx.cookies.set('sid', this.session.sid, cookie); } async onerror(error) { console.error(error.message, error.params); console.error(error.stack); this.response.template = error instanceof UserFacingError ? 'error.html' : 'bsod.html'; this.response.body = { error }; await this.___cleanup().catch(() => { }); } } function Route(route, RouteHandler) { router.all(route, async (ctx) => { const h = new RouteHandler(ctx); try { const method = ctx.method.toLowerCase(); const args = { ...ctx.params, ...ctx.query, ...ctx.request.body }; if (args.content) validator.checkContent(args.content); if (args.title) validator.checkContent(args.title); if (args.uid) args.uid = parseInt(validator.checkUid(args.uid)); if ( = parseInt(; if (args.rid) args.rid = new ObjectID(args.rid); if (args.tid) args.tid = new ObjectID(args.tid); if (args.duration) args.duration = parseFloat(args.duration); if (args.pids) args.pids = args.pids.split(',').map((i) => i.trim()); if (h.___prepare) await h.___prepare(args); if (h.__prepare) await h.__prepare(args); if (h._prepare) await h._prepare(args); if (h.prepare) await h.prepare(args); if (h[`___${method}`]) await h[`___${method}`](args); if (h[`__${method}`]) await h[`__${method}`](args); if (h[`_${method}`]) await h[`_${method}`](args); if (h[method]) await h[method](args); if (method === 'post' && ctx.request.body.operation) { if (h[`${method}_${ctx.request.body.operation}`]) { await h[`${method}_${ctx.request.body.operation}`](args); } } if (h.cleanup) await h.cleanup(args); if (h._cleanup) await h._cleanup(args); if (h.__cleanup) await h.__cleanup(args); if (h.___cleanup) await h.___cleanup(args); } catch (e) { if (h.onerror) await h.onerror(e); } }); } class ConnectionHandler { /** * @param {import('sockjs').Connection} conn */ constructor(conn) { const that = this; this.conn = conn; this.request = { cookies: { get(name) { return that.request.cookies[name]; }, set() { }, }, params: {}, headers: conn.headers, }; this._handler = {}; const p = (conn.url.split('?')[1] || '').split('&'); for (const i in p) p[i] = p[i].split('='); for (const i in p) this.request.params[p[i][0]] = decodeURIComponent(p[i][1]); } renderHTML(name, context) { console.time(name); this.hasPerm = (perm) => this.user.hasPerm(perm); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { template.render(name, Object.assign(context, { handler: this, _: (str) => (str ? str.toString().translate(this.user.language) : ''), user: this.user, }), (error, res) => { console.timeEnd(name); if (error) reject(error); else resolve(res); }); }); } send(data) { this.conn.write(JSON.stringify(data)); } close(code, reason) { this.conn.close(code, reason); } async ___prepare() { await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.conn.once('data', (msg) => { for (const i of msg.split(';')) { const [k, v] = i.trim().split('='); this.request.cookies[k] = v; } resolve(); }); setTimeout(reject, 5000); }); this._handler.sid = this.request.cookies.get('sid'); this.session = this._handler.sid ? await token.get(this._handler.sid, token.TYPE_SESSION) : { uid: 1 }; if (!this.session) this.session = { uid: 1 }; const bdoc = await blacklist.get(this.request.ip); if (bdoc) throw new BlacklistedError(this.request.ip); this.user = await user.getById(this.session.uid); if (!this.user) throw new UserNotFoundError(this.session.uid); } } function Connection(prefix, RouteConnHandler) { const sock = sockjs.createServer({ prefix }); sock.on('connection', async (conn) => { const h = new RouteConnHandler(conn); try { const args = { ...h.request.params }; if (args.uid) args.uid = parseInt(validator.checkUid(args.uid)); if ( = parseInt(; if (args.rid) args.rid = new ObjectID(args.rid); if (args.tid) args.tid = new ObjectID(args.tid); if (h.___prepare) await h.___prepare(args); if (h.__prepare) await h.__prepare(args); if (h._prepare) await h._prepare(args); if (h.prepare) await h.prepare(args); if (h.message) { conn.on('data', (data) => { h.message(JSON.parse(data)); }); } conn.on('close', async () => { if (h.cleanup) await h.cleanup(args); if (h._cleanup) await h._cleanup(args); if (h.__cleanup) await h.__cleanup(args); if (h.___cleanup) await h.___cleanup(args); }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); if (h.onerror) await h.onerror(e); } }); sock.installHandlers(server); } exports.Handler = Handler; exports.ConnectionHandler = ConnectionHandler; exports.Route = Route; exports.Connection = Connection; exports.start = function start() { app.use(morgan(':method :url :status :res[content-length] - :response-time ms')); app.use(router.routes()).use(router.allowedMethods()); Route('*', Handler); server.listen(options.listen.port); console.log('Server listening at: %s', options.listen.port); };