import $ from 'jquery'; import _ from 'lodash'; import UserSelectAutoComplete from 'vj/components/autocomplete/UserSelectAutoComplete'; import { ActionDialog, ConfirmDialog } from 'vj/components/dialog'; import Notification from 'vj/components/notification'; import { NamedPage } from 'vj/misc/Page'; import api, { gql } from 'vj/utils/api'; import delay from 'vj/utils/delay'; import i18n from 'vj/utils/i18n'; import tpl from 'vj/utils/tpl'; function update(name: string, uids: number[]) { return api(gql` domain { manage { group { update(name: ${name}, uids: ${uids}) } } } `); } function del(name: string) { return api(gql` domain { manage { group { del(name: ${name}) } } } `); } const page = new NamedPage('domain_group', () => { const createGroupDialogContent = $(tpl`

${i18n('Create Group')}

`); createGroupDialogContent.appendTo(document.body); const userSelect = UserSelectAutoComplete.getOrConstruct>( createGroupDialogContent.find('[name="create_group_users"]'), { multi: true, height: 'auto' }, ); const targets = {}; $('input[data-gid]').get().forEach((ele) => { const input = UserSelectAutoComplete.getOrConstruct>($(ele), { multi: true, height: 'auto' }); const gid = ele.getAttribute('data-gid'); targets[gid] = input; let loaded = false; input.onChange(() => { if (input.value().length && !loaded) { loaded = true; return; } if (!loaded) return; update(gid, input.value()); }); }); const createGroupDialog = new ActionDialog({ $body: createGroupDialogContent, onDispatch(action) { const $name = createGroupDialog.$dom.find('[name="create_group_name"]'); if (action === 'ok' && ($name.val() === '' || !userSelect.value())) { $name.focus(); return false; } return true; }, }); createGroupDialog.clear = function () { userSelect.clear(); createGroupDialog.$dom.find('[name="create_group_name"]').val(''); return this; }; function ensureAndGetSelectedGroups() { const groups = $('.domain-group tbody [type="checkbox"]:checked'), (ch) => $(ch).closest('tr').attr('data-gid'), ); if (groups.length === 0) { Notification.error(i18n('Please select at least one group to perform this operation.')); return null; } return groups; } async function handleClickCreateGroup() { const action = await createGroupDialog.clear().open(); if (action !== 'ok') return; const name = createGroupDialog.$dom.find('[name="create_group_name"]').val() as string; const uids = userSelect.value(); try { await update(name, uids); window.location.reload(); } catch (error) { Notification.error(error.message); } } async function handleClickDeleteSelected() { const selectedGroups = ensureAndGetSelectedGroups(); if (selectedGroups === null) return; const action = await new ConfirmDialog({ $body: tpl.typoMsg(i18n('Confirm deleting the selected groups?')), }).open(); if (action !== 'yes') return; try { await Promise.all( => del(name))); Notification.success(i18n('Selected groups have been deleted.')); await delay(2000); window.location.reload(); } catch (error) { Notification.error(error.message); } } async function handleClickSaveAll() { for (const gid of Object.keys(targets)) { const uids = targets[gid].value(); try { await update(gid, uids); } catch (error) { Notification.error(error.message); } } Notification.success(i18n('Saved.')); } $('[name="create_group"]').click(() => handleClickCreateGroup()); $('[name="remove_selected"]').click(() => handleClickDeleteSelected()); $('[name="save_all"]').on('click', () => handleClickSaveAll()); }); export default page;