import { isSafeInteger, flatten, pick } from 'lodash'; import yaml from 'js-yaml'; import fs from 'fs-extra'; import { FilterQuery, ObjectID } from 'mongodb'; import superagent from 'superagent'; import AdmZip from 'adm-zip'; import { NoProblemError, BadRequestError, PermissionError, SolutionNotFoundError, ProblemNotFoundError, ValidationError, } from '../error'; import { streamToBuffer } from '../utils'; import { Pdoc, User, Rdoc, PathComponent, } from '../interface'; import paginate from '../lib/paginate'; import { isTitle, isContent, isPid } from '../lib/validator'; import { ProblemAdd } from '../lib/ui'; import * as problem from '../model/problem'; import * as record from '../model/record'; import * as domain from '../model/domain'; import * as system from '../model/system'; import * as token from '../model/token'; import * as user from '../model/user'; import * as solution from '../model/solution'; import { PERM, PRIV, CONSTANT } from '../model/builtin'; import storage from '../service/storage'; import * as bus from '../service/bus'; import { Route, Connection, Handler, ConnectionHandler, Types, param, post, route, } from '../service/server'; export const parseCategory = (value: string) => flatten(value.split('+').map((e) => e.split(','))).map((e) => e.trim()); export const parsePid = (value: string) => (isSafeInteger(value) ? parseInt(value, 10) : value); export class ProblemHandler extends Handler { async cleanup() { if (this.response.template === 'problem_main.html' && this.request.json) { const { path, page, pcount, ppcount, pdocs, psdict, category, } = this.response.body; this.response.body = { title: this.renderTitle(category), fragments: (await Promise.all([ this.renderHTML('partials/problem_list.html', { page, ppcount, pcount, pdocs, psdict, }), this.renderHTML('partials/problem_stat.html', { pcount }), this.renderHTML('partials/problem_lucky.html', { category }), this.renderHTML('partials/path.html', { path }), ])).map((i) => ({ html: i })), raw: { path, page, pcount, ppcount, pdocs, psdict, category, }, }; } } } export class ProblemMainHandler extends ProblemHandler { @param('page', Types.PositiveInt, true) @param('q', Types.String, true) async get(domainId: string, page = 1, q = '') { this.response.template = 'problem_main.html'; const query: FilterQuery = {}; let psdict = {}; const path: PathComponent[] = [ ['Hydro', 'homepage'], ['problem_main', null], ]; if (q) { query.$text = { $search: q }; path.push([q, null, null, true]); } if (!this.user.hasPerm(PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM_HIDDEN)) query.hidden = false; await bus.serial('problem/list', query, this); const [pdocs, ppcount, pcount] = await paginate( problem.getMulti(domainId, query).sort({ pid: 1, docId: 1 }), page, CONSTANT.PROBLEM_PER_PAGE, ); if (this.user.hasPriv(PRIV.PRIV_USER_PROFILE)) { psdict = await problem.getListStatus( domainId, this.user._id, => pdoc.docId), ); } this.response.body = { path, page, pcount, ppcount, pdocs, psdict, category: q, }; } @param('pid', Types.UnsignedInt) async postStar(domainId: string, pid: number) { await problem.setStar(domainId, pid, this.user._id, true); this.back({ star: true }); } @param('pid', Types.UnsignedInt) async postUnstar(domainId: string, pid: number) { await problem.setStar(domainId, pid, this.user._id, false); this.back({ star: false }); } } export class ProblemCategoryHandler extends ProblemHandler { @param('page', Types.PositiveInt, true) @param('category', Types.String, null, parseCategory) async get(domainId: string, page = 1, category: string[]) { this.response.template = 'problem_main.html'; const q: any = { $and: [] }; for (const name of category) { q.$and.push({ $or: [ { category: { $elemMatch: { $eq: name } } }, { tag: { $elemMatch: { $eq: name } } }, ], }); } let psdict = {}; if (!this.user.hasPerm(PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM_HIDDEN)) q.hidden = false; await bus.serial('problem/list', q, this); const [pdocs, ppcount, pcount] = await paginate( problem.getMulti(domainId, q).sort({ pid: 1, docId: 1 }), page, CONSTANT.PROBLEM_PER_PAGE, ); if (this.user.hasPriv(PRIV.PRIV_USER_PROFILE)) { psdict = await problem.getListStatus( domainId, this.user._id, => pdoc.docId), ); } const path = [ ['Hydro', 'homepage'], ['problem_main', 'problem_main'], [category, null, null, true], ]; this.response.body = { path, page, pcount, ppcount, pdocs, psdict, category: category.join('+'), }; } } export class ProblemRandomHandler extends ProblemHandler { @param('category', Types.String, true, null, parseCategory) async get(domainId: string, category: string[] = []) { const q: any = category.length ? { $and: [] } : {}; for (const name of category) { if (name) { q.$and.push({ $or: [ { category: { $elemMatch: { $eq: name } } }, { tag: { $elemMatch: { $eq: name } } }, ], }); } } if (!this.user.hasPerm(PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM_HIDDEN)) q.hidden = false; await bus.serial('problem/list', q, this); const pid = await problem.random(domainId, q); if (!pid) throw new NoProblemError(); this.response.body = { pid }; this.response.redirect = this.url('problem_detail', { pid }); } } export class ProblemDetailHandler extends ProblemHandler { pdoc: Pdoc; udoc: User; @route('pid', Types.String, true, null, parsePid) async _prepare(domainId: string, pid: number | string) { this.response.template = 'problem_detail.html'; this.pdoc = await problem.get(domainId, pid, this.user._id); if (!this.pdoc) throw new ProblemNotFoundError(domainId, pid); if (this.pdoc.hidden && this.pdoc.owner !== this.user._id) { this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM_HIDDEN); } await bus.serial('problem/get', this.pdoc, this); this.udoc = await user.getById(domainId, this.pdoc.owner); this.response.body = { pdoc: this.pdoc, udoc: this.udoc, title: this.pdoc.title, path: [ ['Hydro', 'homepage'], ['problem_main', 'problem_main'], [this.pdoc.title, null, true], ], }; } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars async get(..._args: any[]) { // Navigate to current additional file download // e.g. ![img](a.jpg) will navigate to ![img](./pid/file/a.jpg) if (typeof this.response.body.pdoc.content === 'string') { this.response.body.pdoc.content = this.response.body.pdoc.content .replace(/\(file:\/\//g, `(./${this.pdoc.docId}/file/`); } else { this.response.body.pdoc.content = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.response.body.pdoc.content) .replace(/\(file:\/\//g, `(./${this.pdoc.docId}/file/`)); } } @param('pid', Types.UnsignedInt) async postRejudge(domainId: string, pid: number) { this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_REJUDGE_PROBLEM); // TODO maybe async? await record.getMulti(domainId, { pid }).forEach(async (doc) => { await record.reset(domainId, doc._id, true); await record.judge(domainId, doc._id, -1); }); this.back(); } async postDelete() { if (this.pdoc.owner !== this.user._id) this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_EDIT_PROBLEM); await problem.del(this.pdoc.domainId, this.pdoc.docId); this.response.redirect = this.url('problem_main'); } } export class ProblemExportHandler extends ProblemDetailHandler { async get() { const hasPerm = this.user._id === this.pdoc.owner || this.user.hasPerm(PERM.PERM_READ_PROBLEM_DATA); const pdoc = pick(this.pdoc, ['pid', 'acMsg', 'content', 'config', 'title', 'html', 'tag', 'category']); const zip = new AdmZip(); if (hasPerm) { const files = await storage.list(`problem/${this.domainId}/${this.pdoc.docId}/`); for (const file of files) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop const buf = await streamToBuffer(await storage.get(`${file.prefix}${}`)); zip.addFile(, buf); } } zip.addFile('problem.json', Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(pdoc))); this.response.attachment(`${this.pdoc.title}.zip`, zip.toBuffer()); } } export class ProblemSubmitHandler extends ProblemDetailHandler { @param('pid', Types.String, null, parsePid) async get(domainId: string, pid: string | number) { this.response.template = 'problem_submit.html'; const rdocs = await record .getUserInProblemMulti(domainId, this.user._id, this.pdoc.docId) .sort({ _id: -1 }) .limit(10) .toArray(); this.response.body = { path: [ ['Hydro', 'homepage'], ['problem_main', 'problem_main'], [this.pdoc.title, 'problem_detail', { pid }, true], ['problem_submit', null], ], pdoc: this.pdoc, udoc: this.udoc, rdocs, title: this.pdoc.title, }; } @param('lang', Types.String) @param('code', Types.String) async post(domainId: string, lang: string, code: string) { const rid = await record.add(domainId, this.pdoc.docId, this.user._id, lang, code, true); const [rdoc] = await Promise.all([ record.get(domainId, rid),, this.pdoc.docId, 'nSubmit', 1), domain.incUserInDomain(domainId, this.user._id, 'nSubmit'), ]); bus.boardcast('record/change', rdoc); this.response.body = { rid }; this.response.redirect = this.url('record_detail', { rid }); } } export class ProblemPretestHandler extends ProblemDetailHandler { @param('lang', Types.String) @param('code', Types.String) @param('input', Types.String, true) async post(domainId: string, lang: string, code: string, input: string = '') { this.limitRate('add_record', 3600, 100); const rid = await record.add( domainId, this.pdoc.docId, this.user._id, lang, code, true, { input, time: '1s', memory: '512m', }, ); const rdoc = await record.get(domainId, rid); bus.boardcast('record/change', rdoc); this.response.body = { rid }; } } export class ProblemPretestConnectionHandler extends ConnectionHandler { pid: string; domainId: string; dispose: bus.Disposable; @param('pid', Types.String) async prepare(domainId: string, pid: string) { const pdoc = await problem.get(domainId, pid); if (!pdoc) throw new ProblemNotFoundError(domainId, pid); if (pdoc.hidden) this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM_HIDDEN); = pdoc.docId.toString(); this.domainId = domainId; this.dispose = bus.on('record/change', this.onRecordChange.bind(this)); } async onRecordChange(rdoc: Rdoc) { if ( rdoc.uid !== this.user._id || !== || rdoc.domainId !== this.domainId ) return; // TODO handle update if (rdoc.contest) return; this.send({ rdoc }); } async cleanup() { if (this.dispose) this.dispose(); } } export class ProblemStatisticsHandler extends ProblemDetailHandler { async get(domainId: string) { const udoc = await user.getById(domainId, this.pdoc.owner); const path = [ ['problem_main', 'problem_main'], [this.pdoc.title, 'problem_detail', { pid: || this.pdoc.docId }, true], ['problem_statistics', null], ]; this.response.template = 'problem_statistics.html'; this.response.body = { pdoc: this.pdoc, udoc, path }; } } export class ProblemManageHandler extends ProblemDetailHandler { async prepare() { if (this.pdoc.owner !== this.user._id) this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_EDIT_PROBLEM); else this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_EDIT_PROBLEM_SELF); } } export class ProblemSettingsHandler extends ProblemManageHandler { @param('pid', Types.String) async get(domainId: string, pid: string) { this.response.template = 'problem_settings.html'; this.response.body.path = [ ['Hydro', 'homepage'], ['problem_main', 'problem_main'], [this.pdoc.title, 'problem_detail', { pid }, true], ['problem_settings', null], ]; } @param('pid', Types.String, null, parsePid) @param('yaml', Types.String) async postConfig(domainId: string, pid: string | number, cfg: string) { const pdoc = await problem.get(domainId, pid); // TODO validate const config = yaml.load(cfg) as any; await problem.edit(domainId, pdoc.docId, { config }); this.back(); } @param('pid', Types.String, null, parsePid) @param('hidden', Types.Boolean) @param('category', Types.String, true, null, parseCategory) @param('tag', Types.String, true, null, parseCategory) @param('difficultySetting', Types.UnsignedInt) @param('difficultyAdmin', Types.UnsignedInt, true) async postSetting( domainId: string, pid: string | number, hidden = false, category: string[] = [], tag: string[] = [], difficultySetting: string, difficultyAdmin: number, ) { const pdoc = await problem.get(domainId, pid); if (!problem.SETTING_DIFFICULTY_RANGE[difficultySetting]) { throw new ValidationError('difficultySetting'); } if (!difficultyAdmin) difficultyAdmin = null; else if (difficultyAdmin < 1 || difficultyAdmin > 9) throw new ValidationError('difficultyAdmin'); const update: Partial = { hidden, category, tag, difficultySetting, difficultyAdmin, }; await bus.serial('problem/setting', update, this); await problem.edit(domainId, pdoc.docId, update); await{ domainId, pid }, console.log); this.back(); } } export class ProblemEditHandler extends ProblemManageHandler { async get({ pid }) { this.response.template = 'problem_edit.html'; this.response.body.path = [ ['Hydro', 'homepage'], ['problem_main', 'problem_main'], [this.pdoc.title, 'problem_detail', { pid }, true], ['problem_edit', null], ]; } @param('title', Types.String, isTitle) @param('content', Types.String, isContent) @post('pid', Types.String, isPid, true) async post(domainId: string, title: string, content: string, newPid: string = '') { try { content = JSON.parse(content); } catch { /* Ignore */ } const $update: Partial = { title, content, pid: newPid }; let pdoc = await problem.get(domainId,; pdoc = await problem.edit(domainId, pdoc.docId, $update); this.response.redirect = this.url('problem_detail', { pid: || pdoc.docId }); } } export class ProblemFilesHandler extends ProblemDetailHandler { @param('testdata', Types.Boolean) @param('additional_file', Types.Boolean) async get(domainId: string, getTestdata = true, getAdditionalFile = true) { const canReadData = this.user._id === this.pdoc.owner || this.user.hasPerm(PERM.PERM_READ_PROBLEM_DATA); this.response.body.testdata = (getTestdata && canReadData) ? : []; this.response.body.additional_file = (getAdditionalFile ? this.pdoc.additional_file : []); this.response.template = 'problem_files.html'; } @post('files', Types.Array) @post('type', Types.Range(['testdata', 'additional_file']), true) async postGetLinks(domainId: string, files: string[], type = 'testdata') { const isJudge = this.user.hasPriv(PRIV.PRIV_JUDGE); if (type === 'testdata' && !isJudge) { if (this.user._id !== this.pdoc.owner) { this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_READ_PROBLEM_DATA); } } const links = {}; for (const file of files) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop links[file] = await storage.signDownloadLink( `problem/${this.pdoc.domainId}/${this.pdoc.docId}/${type}/${file}`, file, false, isJudge ? 'judge' : 'user', ); } this.response.body.links = links; } @post('filename', Types.String) @post('type', Types.String, true) async postUploadFile(domainId: string, filename: string, type = 'testdata') { if (!this.request.files.file) throw new ValidationError('file'); if (this.pdoc.owner !== this.user._id) this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_EDIT_PROBLEM); if (filename === '') { const zip = new AdmZip(this.request.files.file.path); const entries = zip.getEntries(); for (const entry of entries) { if (type === 'testdata') { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await problem.addTestdata(domainId, this.pdoc.docId,, entry.getData()); } else { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await problem.addAdditionalFile(domainId, this.pdoc.docId,, entry.getData()); } } } else if (type === 'testdata') { await problem.addTestdata(domainId, this.pdoc.docId, filename, this.request.files.file.path); } else { await problem.addAdditionalFile(domainId, this.pdoc.docId, filename, this.request.files.file.path); } this.back(); } @post('files', Types.Array) @post('type', Types.Range(['testdata', 'additional_file']), true) async postDeleteFiles(domainId: string, files: string[], type = 'testdata') { if (this.pdoc.owner !== this.user._id) this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_EDIT_PROBLEM); if (type === 'testdata') { await problem.delTestdata(domainId, this.pdoc.docId, files); } else { await storage.del( => `problem/${this.pdoc.domainId}/${this.pdoc.docId}/${type}/${file}`)); } this.back(); } } export class ProblemFileDownloadHandler extends ProblemDetailHandler { @param('filename') async get(domainId: string, filename: string) { this.response.redirect = await storage.signDownloadLink( `problem/${this.pdoc.domainId}/${this.pdoc.docId}/additional_file/${filename}`, filename, false, 'user', ); } } export class ProblemSolutionHandler extends ProblemDetailHandler { @param('page', Types.PositiveInt, true) async get(domainId: string, page = 1) { this.response.template = 'problem_solution.html'; this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM_SOLUTION); const [psdocs, pcount, pscount] = await paginate( solution.getMulti(domainId, this.pdoc.docId), page, CONSTANT.SOLUTION_PER_PAGE, ); const uids = [this.pdoc.owner]; const docids = []; for (const psdoc of psdocs) { docids.push(psdoc.docId); uids.push(psdoc.owner); if (psdoc.reply.length) { for (const psrdoc of psdoc.reply) uids.push(psrdoc.owner); } } const udict = await user.getList(domainId, uids); const pssdict = solution.getListStatus(domainId, docids, this.user._id); const path = [ ['problem_main', 'problem_main'], [this.pdoc.title, 'problem_detail', { pid: || this.pdoc.docId }, true], ['problem_solution', null], ]; this.response.body = { path, psdocs, page, pcount, pscount, udict, pssdict, pdoc: this.pdoc, }; } @param('content', Types.String, isContent) async postSubmit(domainId: string, content: string) { this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_CREATE_PROBLEM_SOLUTION); await solution.add(domainId, this.pdoc.docId, this.user._id, content); this.back(); } @param('content', Types.String, isContent) @param('psid', Types.ObjectID) async postEditSolution(domainId: string, content: string, psid: ObjectID) { let psdoc = await solution.get(domainId, psid); if (psdoc.owner !== this.user._id) this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_EDIT_PROBLEM_SOLUTION); else this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_EDIT_PROBLEM_SOLUTION_SELF); psdoc = await solution.edit(domainId, psdoc.docId, content); this.back({ psdoc }); } @param('psid', Types.ObjectID) async postDeleteSolution(domainId: string, psid: ObjectID) { const psdoc = await solution.get(domainId, psid); if (psdoc.owner !== this.user._id) this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_DELETE_PROBLEM_SOLUTION); else this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_DELETE_PROBLEM_SOLUTION_SELF); await solution.del(domainId, psdoc.docId); this.back(); } @param('psid', Types.ObjectID) @param('content', Types.String, isContent) async postReply(domainId: string, psid: ObjectID, content: string) { this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_REPLY_PROBLEM_SOLUTION); const psdoc = await solution.get(domainId, psid); await solution.reply(domainId, psdoc.docId, this.user._id, content); this.back(); } @param('psid', Types.ObjectID) @param('psrid', Types.ObjectID) @param('content', Types.String, isContent) async postEditReply(domainId: string, psid: ObjectID, psrid: ObjectID, content: string) { const [psdoc, psrdoc] = await solution.getReply(domainId, psid, psrid); if ((!psdoc) || !== this.pdoc.docId) throw new SolutionNotFoundError(psid); if (!(psrdoc.owner === this.user._id && this.user.hasPerm(PERM.PERM_EDIT_PROBLEM_SOLUTION_REPLY_SELF))) { throw new PermissionError(PERM.PERM_EDIT_PROBLEM_SOLUTION_REPLY_SELF); } await solution.editReply(domainId, psid, psrid, content); this.back(); } @param('psid', Types.ObjectID) @param('psrid', Types.ObjectID) async postDeleteReply(domainId: string, psid: ObjectID, psrid: ObjectID) { const [psdoc, psrdoc] = await solution.getReply(domainId, psid, psrid); if ((!psdoc) || !== this.pdoc.docId) throw new SolutionNotFoundError(psid); if (!(psrdoc.owner === this.user._id && this.user.hasPerm(PERM.PERM_DELETE_PROBLEM_SOLUTION_REPLY_SELF))) { this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_DELETE_PROBLEM_SOLUTION_REPLY); } await solution.delReply(domainId, psid, psrid); this.back(); } @param('psid', Types.ObjectID) async postUpvote(domainId: string, psid: ObjectID) { const [psdoc, pssdoc] = await, psid, this.user._id, 1); this.back({ vote:, user_vote: }); } @param('psid', Types.ObjectID) async postDownvote(domainId: string, psid: ObjectID) { const [psdoc, pssdoc] = await, psid, this.user._id, -1); this.back({ vote:, user_vote: }); } } export class ProblemSolutionRawHandler extends ProblemDetailHandler { @param('psid', Types.ObjectID) @route('psrid', Types.ObjectID, true) async get(domainId: string, psid: ObjectID, psrid?: ObjectID) { this.checkPerm(PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM_SOLUTION); if (psrid) { const [psdoc, psrdoc] = await solution.getReply(domainId, psid, psrid); if ((!psdoc) || !== this.pdoc.docId) throw new SolutionNotFoundError(psid, psrid); this.response.body = psrdoc.content; } else { const psdoc = await solution.get(domainId, psid); this.response.body = psdoc.content; } this.response.type = 'text/markdown'; } } export class ProblemCreateHandler extends Handler { async get() { this.response.template = 'problem_edit.html'; this.response.body = { path: [ ['Hydro', 'homepage'], ['problem_main', 'problem_main'], ['problem_create', null], ], page_name: 'problem_create', }; } @param('title', Types.String, isTitle) @param('pid', Types.String, isPid, true) @param('content', Types.String, isContent) @param('hidden', Types.Boolean) async post(domainId: string, title: string, pid: string, content: string, hidden = false) { try { content = JSON.parse(content); } catch { /* Ignore */ } const docId = await problem.add( domainId, pid, title, content, this.user._id, [], [], hidden, ); this.response.body = { pid: docId }; this.response.redirect = this.url('problem_settings', { pid: docId }); } } export class ProblemImportHandler extends Handler { async get() { this.response.body = { type: 'Hydro' }; this.response.template = 'problem_import.html'; } async post({ domainId }) { if (!this.request.files.file) throw new ValidationError('file'); const stat = await fs.stat(this.request.files.file.path); if (stat.size > 128 * 1024 * 1024) throw new BadRequestError('File too large'); const zip = new AdmZip(this.request.files.file.path); const pdoc = JSON.parse(zip.getEntry('problem.json').getData().toString()); const pid = await problem.add(domainId,, pdoc.title, pdoc.content, this.user._id, pdoc.tags, pdoc.category); const entries = zip.getEntries(); for (const entry of entries) { if ('testdata/')) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await problem.addTestdata(domainId, pid,'testdata/')[1], entry.getData()); } else if ('additional_file/')) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await problem.addAdditionalFile(domainId, pid,'testdata/')[1], entry.getData()); } } await problem.edit(domainId, pid, { html: pdoc.html }); this.response.redirect = this.url('problem_detail', { pid }); } } export class ProblemSendHandler extends Handler { async get() { this.response.template = 'problem_send.html'; } @post('target', Types.String) @post('pids', Types.Array) async post(domainId: string, target: any, pids: number[]) { target = target.split('@'); const getHidden = this.user.hasPerm(PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM_HIDDEN); const pdocs = await problem.getList(domainId, pids, getHidden, true); const getData = this.user.hasPerm(PERM.PERM_READ_PROBLEM_DATA); if (!getData) { for (const pid in pdocs) { if (pdocs[pid].owner !== this.user._id) { throw new PermissionError(PERM.PERM_READ_PROBLEM_DATA); } } } const [source, expire] = system.getMany(['server.url', 'session.expire_seconds']); const tokenId = await token.createOrUpdate(token.TYPE_EXPORT, expire, { domainId, pids }); await`${target[1]}/d/${target[0]}/problem/receive`) .send({ source, domainId, tokenId }); this.back(); } } export async function apply() { ProblemAdd('problem_import', {}, 'copy', 'Import From Hydro'); Route('problem_main', '/p', ProblemMainHandler, PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM); Route('problem_category', '/p/category/:category', ProblemCategoryHandler, PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM); Route('problem_random', '/problem/random', ProblemRandomHandler, PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM); Route('problem_detail', '/p/:pid', ProblemDetailHandler, PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM); Route('problem_export', '/p/:pid/export', ProblemExportHandler, PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM); Route('problem_submit', '/p/:pid/submit', ProblemSubmitHandler, PERM.PERM_SUBMIT_PROBLEM); Route('problem_pretest', '/p/:pid/pretest', ProblemPretestHandler, PERM.PERM_SUBMIT_PROBLEM); Route('problem_settings', '/p/:pid/settings', ProblemSettingsHandler); Route('problem_statistics', '/p/:pid/statistics', ProblemStatisticsHandler, PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM); Route('problem_edit', '/p/:pid/edit', ProblemEditHandler); Route('problem_files', '/p/:pid/files', ProblemFilesHandler, PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM); Route('problem_file_download', '/p/:pid/file/:filename', ProblemFileDownloadHandler, PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM); Route('problem_solution', '/p/:pid/solution', ProblemSolutionHandler, PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM); Route('problem_solution_raw', '/p/:pid/solution/:psid/raw', ProblemSolutionRawHandler, PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM); Route('problem_solution_reply_raw', '/p/:pid/solution/:psid/:psrid/raw', ProblemSolutionRawHandler, PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM); Route('problem_create', '/problem/create', ProblemCreateHandler, PERM.PERM_CREATE_PROBLEM); Route('problem_import', '/problem/import', ProblemImportHandler, PERM.PERM_CREATE_PROBLEM); Route('problem_send', '/problem/send', ProblemSendHandler, PERM.PERM_VIEW_PROBLEM); Connection('problem_pretest_conn', '/conn/pretest', ProblemPretestConnectionHandler, PERM.PERM_SUBMIT_PROBLEM); } global.Hydro.handler.problem = apply;