{% import "components/home.html" as home with context %} {% extends "layout/basic.html" %} {% block content %} {{ set(UiContext, 'udoc', udoc) }}
  • {{ _('Bio') }}

    {% if not udoc.bio %} {{ nothing.render("This person is lazy and didn't wrote anything.") }} {% else %}
    {{ udoc.bio|default('')|markdown|safe }}
    {% endif %}
  • {{ _('Contributions') }} ({{ pcount }})

    {% if not pdocs %} {{ nothing.render("Oh, the user doesn't have any contributions!") }} {% else %}

    {{ _('Contributed Problems') }}

    {%- for pdoc in pdocs -%}

    {{ pdoc['title'] }}

    {%- endfor -%}
    {% endif %}
  • {{ _('Submissions') }} ({{ udoc['nSubmit']|default(0) }})

    {% if not rdocs %} {{ nothing.render("Oh, the user hasn't submitted yet!") }} {% else %}

    {{ _('Recent Submissions') }}

    {%- for rdoc in rdocs -%} {% set pdoc = pdict[rdoc.pid] %} {% include 'record_main_tr.html' %} {%- endfor -%}
    {{ _('Status') }} {{ _('Problem') }} {{ _('Submit By') }} {{ _('Time') }} {{ _('Memory') }} {{ _('Language') }} {{ _('Submit At') }}
    {% endif %}
{% if isSelfProfile %} {{ home.render_sidebar() }} {% endif %}
{% endblock %}