/* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */ import path from 'path'; import os from 'os'; import fs from 'fs-extra'; import AdmZip from 'adm-zip'; import yaml from 'js-yaml'; import type { ContentNode, ProblemConfig } from 'hydrooj'; import { Route, Handler } from 'hydrooj/dist/service/server'; import storage from 'hydrooj/dist/service/storage'; import { BadRequestError, ValidationError } from 'hydrooj/dist/error'; import { ProblemAdd } from 'hydrooj/dist/lib/ui'; import * as problem from 'hydrooj/dist/model/problem'; import { PERM } from 'hydrooj/dist/model/builtin'; fs.ensureDirSync('/tmp/hydro/import-qduoj'); class ImportQduojHandler extends Handler { async ImportFromFile(domainId: string, zipfile: string) { const zip = new AdmZip(zipfile); const tmp = path.resolve(os.tmpdir(), 'hydro', 'import-qduoj', String.random(32)); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { zip.extractAllToAsync(tmp, true, (err) => (err ? reject(err) : resolve(null))); }); try { const folders = await fs.readdir(tmp); for (const folder of folders) { const buf = await fs.readFile(path.join(tmp, folder, 'problem.json')); const pdoc = JSON.parse(buf.toString()); const content: ContentNode[] = []; if (pdoc.description?.value) { content.push({ type: 'Text', subType: 'html', sectionTitle: this.translate('Description'), text: pdoc.description.value, }); } if (pdoc.input_description?.value) { content.push({ type: 'Text', subType: 'html', sectionTitle: this.translate('Input Format'), text: pdoc.input_description.value, }); } if (pdoc.output_description?.value) { content.push({ type: 'Text', subType: 'html', sectionTitle: this.translate('Output Format'), text: pdoc.output_description.value, }); } if (pdoc.samples?.length) { content.push(...pdoc.samples.map((sample) => ({ type: 'Sample', payload: [sample.input, sample.output], }))); } if (pdoc.hint?.value) { content.push({ type: 'Text', subType: 'html', sectionTitle: this.translate('Hint'), text: pdoc.hint.value, }); } if (pdoc.source?.value) { content.push({ type: 'Text', subType: 'html', sectionTitle: this.translate('Source'), text: pdoc.source.value, }); } const n = await problem.get(domainId, pdoc.display_id); if (n) pdoc.display_id = null; const pid = await problem.add(domainId, pdoc.display_id, pdoc.title, content, this.user._id, pdoc.tags); const config: ProblemConfig = { time: `${pdoc.time_limit}ms`, memory: `${pdoc.memory_limit}m`, subtasks: [], }; for (const tc of pdoc.test_case_score) { await storage.put( `problem/${domainId}/${pid}/testdata/${tc.input_name}`, path.join(tmp, folder, 'testcase', tc.input_name), ); await storage.put( `problem/${domainId}/${pid}/testdata/${tc.output_name}`, path.join(tmp, folder, 'testcase', tc.output_name), ); config.subtasks.push({ score: tc.score, cases: [{ input: tc.input_name, output: tc.output_name, }], }); } await storage.put( `problem/${domainId}/${pid}/testdata/config.yaml`, Buffer.from(yaml.dump(config)), ); const data = await storage.list(`problem/${domainId}/${pid}/testdata/`, true); await problem.edit(domainId, pid, { html: true, data }); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } finally { await fs.remove(tmp); } } async get() { this.response.body = { type: 'QDUOJ' }; this.response.template = 'problem_import.html'; } async post({ domainId }) { if (!this.request.files.file) throw new ValidationError('file'); const stat = await fs.stat(this.request.files.file.path); if (stat.size > 128 * 1024 * 1024) throw new BadRequestError('File too large'); await this.ImportFromFile(domainId, this.request.files.file.path); this.response.redirect = this.url('problem_main'); } } export async function apply() { Route('problem_import_qduoj', '/problem/import/qduoj', ImportQduojHandler, PERM.PERM_CREATE_PROBLEM); ProblemAdd('problem_import_qduoj', {}, 'copy', 'From QDUOJ Export'); } global.Hydro.handler.qduImport = apply;