const { ValidationError } = require('../../error'); module.exports = { TEXT: 'Assignment', check(data) { if (!data.penalty_since) throw new ValidationError('penalty_since'); if (data.penalty_since < data.begin_at) throw new ValidationError('penalty_since', 'begin_at'); if (data.penalty_since > data.end_at) throw new ValidationError('penalty_since', 'end_at'); }, stat(tdoc, journal) { let effective = {}, detail = [], score = 0, penalty_score = 0, time = 0; for (let j in journal) if (tdoc.pids.includes( && !(effective.includes( && effective[].accept)) effective[] = j; const _time = jdoc => jdoc.rid.generationTime - Math.floor(tdoc.begin_at / 1000); function _penalty_score(jdoc) { let exceed_seconds = jdoc.rid.generationTime - Math.floor(tdoc.penalty_since / 1000); if (exceed_seconds < 0) return jdoc.score; else return 0.5 * jdoc.score; } for (let j in effective) { detail.push(Object.assign({}, effective[j], { penalty_score: _penalty_score(effective[j]), time: _time(effective[j]) })); } for (let d of detail) { score += d.score; penalty_score += d.penalty_score; time += d.time; } return { score, penalty_score, time, detail }; }, scoreboard(is_export, _, tdoc, ranked_tsdocs, udict, dudict, pdict) { let columns = [ { 'type': 'rank', 'value': _('Rank') }, { 'type': 'user', 'value': _('User') }, { 'type': 'display_name', 'value': _('Display Name') }, { 'type': 'total_score', 'value': _('Score') } ]; if (is_export) columns.push( { type: 'total_original_score', value: _('Original Score') }, { type: 'total_time', value: _('Total Time (Seconds)') } ); columns.push({ type: 'total_time_str', value: _('Total Time') }); for (let i in tdoc.pids) if (is_export) columns.push( { type: 'problem_score', value: '#{0} {1}'.format(i + 1, pdict[tdoc.pids[i]].title) }, { type: 'problem_original_score', value: '#{0} {1}'.format(i + 1, _('Original Score')) }, { type: 'problem_time', value: '#{0} {1}'.format(i + 1, _('Time (Seconds)')) }, { type: 'problem_time_str', value: '#{0} {1}'.format(i + 1, _('Time')) } ); else columns.push({ type: 'problem_detail', value: '#{0}'.format(i + 1), 'raw': pdict[tdoc.pids[i]] }); let rows = [columns]; for (let [rank, tsdoc] in ranked_tsdocs) { let tsddict = {}; if (tsdoc.detail) for (let item of tsdoc.detail) tsddict[] = item; let row = [ { type: 'string', value: rank }, { type: 'user', value: udict[tsdoc.uid].uname, raw: udict[tsdoc.uid] }, { type: 'display_name', value: (dudict[tsdoc.uid] || {}).display_name || '' }, { type: 'string', value: tsdoc.penalty_score || 0 } ]; if (is_export) row.push( { type: 'string', value: tsdoc.score || 0 }, { type: 'string', value: tsdoc.time || 0.0 } ); row.push({ type: 'string', value: tsdoc.time || 0 }); for (let pid of tdoc.pids) { let rdoc = (tsddict[pid] || {}).rid || null; let col_score = (tsddict[pid] || {}).penalty_score || '-'; let col_original_score = (tsddict[pid] || {}).score || '-'; let col_time = (tsddict[pid] || {}).time || '-'; let col_time_str = col_time != '-' ? col_time : '-'; if (is_export) row.push( { type: 'string', value: col_score }, { type: 'string', value: col_original_score }, { type: 'string', value: col_time }, { type: 'string', value: col_time_str }, ); else row.push({ type: 'record', value: '{0} / {1}\n{2}'.format(col_score, col_original_score, col_time_str), raw: rdoc }); } rows.push(row); } return rows; } };