const { ContestNotLiveError, ValidationError, ProblemNotFoundError, ContestNotAttendedError, } = require('../error'); const { PERM_CREATE_CONTEST, PERM_EDIT_CONTEST } = require('../permission'); const paginate = require('../lib/paginate'); const contest = require('../model/contest'); const problem = require('../model/problem'); const record = require('../model/record'); const user = require('../model/user'); const system = require('../model/system'); const { Route, Handler } = require('../service/server'); const ContestHandler = contest.ContestHandlerMixin(Handler); class ContestListHandler extends ContestHandler { async get({ domainId, rule = 0, page = 1 }) { this.response.template = 'contest_main.html'; let tdocs; let qs; let tpcount; if (!rule) { tdocs = contest.getMulti(domainId).sort({ beginAt: -1 }); qs = ''; } else { if (!contest.CONTEST_RULES.includes(rule)) throw new ValidationError('rule'); tdocs = contest.getMulti(domainId, { rule }).sort({ beginAt: -1 }); qs = 'rule={0}'.format(rule); } // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const [tdocs, tpcount] = await paginate(tdocs, page, await system.get('CONTEST_PER_PAGE')); const tids = []; for (const tdoc of tdocs) tids.push(tdoc.docId); const tsdict = await contest.getListStatus(domainId, this.user._id, tids); const path = [ ['Hydro', '/'], ['contest_main', null], ]; this.response.body = { page, tpcount, qs, rule, tdocs, tsdict, path, }; } } class ContestDetailHandler extends ContestHandler { async _prepare({ tid }) { this.tdoc = await contest.get(tid); } async get({ domainId, page = 1 }) { this.response.template = 'contest_detail.html'; const [tsdoc, pdict] = await Promise.all([ contest.getStatus(domainId, this.tdoc.docId, this.user._id), problem.getList(domainId, this.tdoc.pids), ]); const psdict = {}; let rdict = {}; let attended; if (tsdoc) { attended = tsdoc.attend === 1; for (const pdetail of tsdoc.journal || []) psdict[] = pdetail; if (this.canShowRecord(this.tdoc)) { const q = []; for (const i in psdict) q.push(psdict[i].rid); rdict = await record.getList(domainId, q); } else { for (const i in psdict) rdict[psdict[i].rid] = { _id: psdict[i].rid }; } } else attended = false; const udict = await user.getList([this.tdoc.owner]); const path = [ ['Hydro', '/'], ['contest_main', '/c'], [this.tdoc.title, null, true], ]; this.response.body = { path, tdoc: this.tdoc, tsdoc, attended, udict, pdict, psdict, rdict, page, }; } async postAttend({ domainId }) { if (contest.isDone(this.tdoc)) throw new ContestNotLiveError(this.tdoc.docId); await contest.attend(domainId, this.tdoc.docId, this.user._id); this.back(); } } class ContestScoreboardHandler extends ContestDetailHandler { async get({ domainId, tid }) { const [tdoc, rows, udict] = await this.getScoreboard(domainId, tid); const path = [ ['Hydro', '/'], ['contest_main', '/c'], [tdoc.title, `/c/${tid}`, true], ['contest_scoreboard', null], ]; this.response.template = 'contest_scoreboard.html'; this.response.body = { tdoc, rows, path, udict, }; } } class ContestScoreboardDownloadHandler extends ContestDetailHandler { async get({ domainId, tid, ext }) { const getContent = { csv: async (rows) => `\uFEFF${ => ( => i.value).join(','))).join('\n')}`, html: (rows) => this.renderHTML('contest_scoreboard_download_html.html', { rows }), }; if (!getContent[ext]) throw new ValidationError('ext'); const [, rows] = await this.getScoreboard(domainId, tid, true); this.binary(await getContent[ext](rows), `${this.tdoc.title}.${ext}`); } } class ContestEditHandler extends ContestDetailHandler { async prepare() { if (this.tdoc.owner !== this.user._id) this.checkPerm(PERM_EDIT_CONTEST); } async get() { this.response.template = 'contest_edit.html'; const rules = {}; for (const i in contest.RULES) { rules[i] = contest.RULES[i].TEXT; } const duration = (this.tdoc.endAt.getTime() - this.tdoc.beginAt.getTime()) / 3600 / 1000; const path = [ ['Hydro', '/'], ['contest_main', '/c'], [this.tdoc.title, `/c/${this.tdoc.docId}`, true], ['contest_edit', null], ]; const dt = this.tdoc.beginAt; this.response.body = { rules, tdoc: this.tdoc, duration, path, pids: this.tdoc.pids.join(','), date_text: `${dt.getFullYear()}-${dt.getMonth() + 1}-${dt.getDate()}`, time_text: `${dt.getHours()}:${dt.getMinutes()}`, page_name: 'contest_edit', }; } async post({ domainId, beginAtDate, beginAtTime, duration, title, content, rule, pids, }) { let beginAt; try { beginAt = new Date(Date.parse(`${beginAtDate} ${beginAtTime.replace('-', ':')}`)); } catch (e) { throw new ValidationError('beginAtDate', 'beginAtTime'); } const endAt = new Date(beginAt + duration * 3600 * 1000); if (beginAt >= endAt) throw new ValidationError('duration'); pids = await this.verifyProblems(domainId, pids); await contest.edit(domainId, this.tdoc.docId, title, content, rule, beginAt, endAt, pids); if (this.tdoc.beginAt !== beginAt || this.tdoc.endAt !== endAt || Array.isDiff(this.tdoc.pids, pids) || this.tdoc.rule !== rule) { await contest.recalcStatus(this.tdoc.docId); } if (this.preferJson) this.response.body = { tid: this.tdoc.docId }; else this.response.redirect = `/c/${this.tdoc.docId}`; } } class ContestProblemHandler extends ContestDetailHandler { async prepare({ domainId, tid, pid }) { [this.tdoc, this.pdoc] = await Promise.all([ contest.get(domainId, tid), problem.get(domainId, pid, this.user._id), ]); [this.tsdoc, this.udoc] = await Promise.all([ contest.getStatus(domainId, this.tdoc.docId, this.user._id), user.getById(domainId, this.tdoc.owner), ]); this.attended = this.tsdoc && this.tsdoc.attend === 1; this.response.template = 'problem_detail.html'; if (contest.isDone(this.tdoc)) { if (!this.attended) throw new ContestNotAttendedError(this.tdoc.docId); if (!contest.isOngoing(this.tdoc)) throw new ContestNotLiveError(this.tdoc.docId); } if (! => s.toString()).includes(this.pdoc.docId.toString())) { throw new ProblemNotFoundError(pid, this.tdoc.docId); } } async get({ tid }) { const path = [ ['Hydro', '/'], ['contest_main', '/c'], [this.tdoc.title, `/c/${tid}`, true], [this.pdoc.title, null, true], ]; this.response.body = { tdoc: this.tdoc, pdoc: this.pdoc, tsdoc: this.tsdoc, udoc: this.udoc, attended: this.attended, path, }; } } class ContestProblemSubmitHandler extends ContestProblemHandler { async get({ domainId, tid, pid }) { let rdocs = []; if (this.canShowRecord(this.tdoc)) { rdocs = await record.getUserInProblemMulti(domainId, this.user._id, this.pdoc.docId, true) .sort({ _id: -1 }).limit(10).toArray(); } this.response.template = 'problem_submit.html'; const path = [ ['Hydro', '/'], ['contest_main', '/c'], [this.tdoc.title, `/c/${tid}`, true], [this.pdoc.title, `/c/${tid}/p/${pid}`, true], ['contest_detail_problem_submit', null], ]; this.response.body = { tdoc: this.tdoc, pdoc: this.pdoc, tsdoc: this.tsdoc, udoc: this.udoc, attended: this.attend, path, rdocs, }; } async post({ domainId, tid, lang, code, }) { await this.limitRate('add_record', 60, 100); const rid = await record.add(domainId, { pid: this.pdoc.docId, uid: this.user._id, tid: this.tdoc.docId, lang, code, hidden: true, }); await contest.updateStatus(domainId, this.tdoc.docId, this.user._id, rid, this.pdoc.docId, false, 0); if (!this.canShowRecord(this.tdoc)) { this.response.body = { tid }; this.response.redirect = `/c/${tid}`; } else { this.response.body = { rid }; this.response.redirect = `/r/${rid}`; } } } class ContestCreateHandler extends ContestHandler { async prepare() { this.checkPerm(PERM_CREATE_CONTEST); } async get() { this.response.template = 'contest_edit.html'; const rules = {}; for (const i in contest.RULES) { rules[i] = contest.RULES[i].TEXT; } const now = new Date(); let ts = now.getTime(); ts = ts - (ts % (15 * 60 * 1000)) + 15 * 60 * 1000; const dt = new Date(ts); const path = [ ['Hydro', '/'], ['contest_main', '/c'], ['contest_create', null], ]; this.response.body = { rules, path, page_name: 'contest_create', date_text: `${dt.getFullYear()}-${dt.getMonth() + 1}-${dt.getDate()}`, time_text: `${dt.getHours()}:${dt.getMinutes()}`, pids: '1000, 1001', }; } async post({ domainId, title, content, rule, beginAtDate, beginAtTime, duration, pids, }) { let beginAt; try { beginAt = new Date(Date.parse(`${beginAtDate} ${beginAtTime.replace('-', ':')}`)); } catch (e) { throw new ValidationError('beginAtDate', 'beginAtTime'); } const endAt = new Date(beginAt.getTime() + duration * 3600 * 1000); if (beginAt >= endAt) throw new ValidationError('duration'); pids = await this.verifyProblems(domainId, pids); const tid = await contest.add(domainId, title, content, this.user._id, rule, beginAt, endAt, pids); this.response.body = { tid }; this.response.redirect = `/c/${tid}`; } } async function apply() { Route('/c', module.exports.ContestListHandler); Route('/c/:tid', module.exports.ContestDetailHandler); Route('/c/:tid/edit', module.exports.ContestEditHandler); Route('/c/:tid/scoreboard', module.exports.ContestScoreboardHandler); Route('/c/:tid/export/:ext', module.exports.ContestScoreboardDownloadHandler); Route('/c/:tid/p/:pid', module.exports.ContestProblemHandler); Route('/c/:tid/p/:pid/submit', module.exports.ContestProblemSubmitHandler); Route('/contest/create', module.exports.ContestCreateHandler); } global.Hydro.handler.contest = module.exports = { ContestListHandler, ContestDetailHandler, ContestEditHandler, ContestScoreboardHandler, ContestScoreboardDownloadHandler, ContestProblemHandler, ContestProblemSubmitHandler, ContestCreateHandler, apply, };