const user = require('./user'); const problem = require('./problem'); const { ValidationError, ContestNotFoundError, ContestAlreadyAttendedError, ContestNotAttendedError, ProblemNotFoundError, ContestScoreboardHiddenError, } = require('../error'); const { PERM_VIEW_CONTEST_HIDDEN_SCOREBOARD } = require('../permission'); const validator = require('../lib/validator'); const ranked = require('../lib/rank'); const document = require('./document'); const acm = { TEXT: 'ACM/ICPC', check: () => { }, showScoreboard: () => true, showRecord: (tdoc, now) => now > tdoc.endAt, stat: (tdoc, journal) => { const naccept = {}; const effective = {}; const detail = []; let accept = 0; let time = 0; for (const j in journal) { if (tdoc.pids.includes( && !(effective.includes( && effective[].accept)) { effective[] = j; } if (!j.accept) naccept[]++; } function _time(jdoc) { const real = jdoc.rid.generationTime - Math.floor(tdoc.begin_at / 1000); const penalty = 20 * 60 * naccept[]; return real + penalty; } for (const j of effective) detail.push({ ...j, naccept: naccept[], time: _time(j) }); for (const d of detail) { accept += d.accept; if (d.accept) time += d.time; } return { accept, time, detail }; }, scoreboard(isExport, _, tdoc, rankedTsdocs, udict, pdict) { const columns = [ { type: 'rank', value: _('Rank') }, { type: 'user', value: _('User') }, { type: 'solved_problems', value: _('Solved Problems') }, ]; if (isExport) { columns.push({ type: 'total_time', value: _('Total Time (Seconds)') }); columns.push({ type: 'total_time_str', value: _('Total Time') }); } for (const i in tdoc.pids) { if (isExport) { columns.push({ type: 'problem_flag', value: '#{0} {1}'.format(i + 1, pdict[tdoc.pids[i]].title), }); columns.push({ type: 'problem_time', value: '#{0} {1}'.format(i + 1, _('Time (Seconds)')), }); columns.push({ type: 'problem_time_str', value: '#{0} {1}'.format(i + 1, _('Time')), }); } else { columns.push({ type: 'problem_detail', value: '#{0}'.format(i + 1), raw: pdict[tdoc.pids[i]], }); } } const rows = [columns]; for (const [rank, tsdoc] of rankedTsdocs) { const tsddict = {}; if (tdoc.detail) { for (const item of tsdoc.detail) tsddict[] = item; } const row = []; row.push( { type: 'string', value: rank }, { type: 'user', value: udict[tsdoc.uid].uname, raw: udict[tsdoc.uid] }, { type: 'string', value: tsdoc.accept || 0 }, ); if (isExport) { row.push( { type: 'string', value: tsdoc.time || 0.0 }, { type: 'string', value: tsdoc.time || 0.0 }, ); } for (const pid of tdoc.pids) { let rdoc; let colAccepted; let colTime; let colTimeStr; if ((tsddict[pid] || {}).accept) { rdoc = tsddict[pid].rid; colAccepted = _('Accepted'); colTime = tsddict[pid].time; colTimeStr = colTime; } else { rdoc = null; colAccepted = '-'; colTime = '-'; colTimeStr = '-'; } if (isExport) { row.push({ type: 'string', value: colAccepted }); row.push({ type: 'string', value: colTime }); row.push({ type: 'string', value: colTimeStr }); } else { row.push({ type: 'record', value: '{0}\n{1}'.format(colAccepted, colTimeStr), raw: rdoc, }); } rows.push(row); } } return rows; }, }; const oi = { TEXT: 'OI', check: () => { }, stat: (tdoc, journal) => { const detail = {}; let score = 0; for (const j in journal) { if (tdoc.pids.includes( { detail[] = j; score += j.score; } } return { score, detail }; }, showScoreboard(tdoc, now) { return now > tdoc.endAt; }, showRecord(tdoc, now) { return now > tdoc.endAt; }, scoreboard(isExport, _, tdoc, rankedTsdocs, udict, pdict) { const columns = [ { type: 'rank', value: _('Rank') }, { type: 'user', value: _('User') }, { type: 'total_score', value: _('Total Score') }, ]; for (const i in tdoc.pids) { if (isExport) { columns.push({ type: 'problem_score', value: '#{0} {1}'.format(i + 1, pdict[tdoc.pids[i]].title), }); } else { columns.push({ type: 'problem_detail', value: '#{0}'.format(i + 1), raw: pdict[tdoc.pids[i]], }); } } const rows = [columns]; for (const [rank, tsdoc] of rankedTsdocs) { const tsddict = {}; if (tsdoc.journal) { for (const item of tsdoc.journal) tsddict[] = item; } const row = []; row.push({ type: 'string', value: rank }); row.push({ type: 'user', value: udict[tsdoc.uid].uname, raw: udict[tsdoc.uid] }); row.push({ type: 'string', value: tsdoc.score || 0 }); for (const pid of tdoc.pids) { row.push({ type: 'record', value: (tsddict[pid] || {}).score || '-', raw: (tsddict[pid] || {}).rid || null, }); } rows.push(row); } return rows; }, rank: (tdocs) => ranked(tdocs, (a, b) => a.score === b.score), }; const RULES = { acm, oi, }; /** * @typedef {import('bson').ObjectID} ObjectID * @typedef {import('../interface').Tdoc} Tdoc */ /** * @param {string} domainId * @param {string} title * @param {string} content * @param {number} owner * @param {string} rule * @param {Date} beginAt * @param {Date} endAt * @param {ObjectID[]} pids * @param {object} data * @returns {ObjectID} tid */ function add(domainId, title, content, owner, rule, beginAt = new Date(), endAt = new Date(), pids = [], data = {}) { validator.checkTitle(title); validator.checkContent(content); if (!this.RULES[rule]) throw new ValidationError('rule'); if (beginAt >= endAt) throw new ValidationError('beginAt', 'endAt'); Object.assign(data, { content, owner, title, rule, beginAt, endAt, pids, attend: 0, }); this.RULES[rule].check(data); return document.add(domainId, content, owner, document.TYPE_CONTEST, null, null, null, {, title, rule, beginAt, endAt, pids, attend: 0, }); } /** * @param {string} domainId * @param {ObjectID} tid * @param {object} $set * @returns {Tdoc} tdoc after modification */ async function edit(domainId, tid, $set) { if ($set.title) validator.checkTitle($set.title); if ($set.content) validator.checkIntro($set.content); if ($set.rule) { if (!this.RULES[$set.rule]) throw new ValidationError('rule'); } if ($set.beginAt && $set.endAt) { if ($set.beginAt >= $set.endAt) { throw new ValidationError('beginAt', 'endAt'); } } const tdoc = await document.get(domainId, document.TYPE_CONTEST, tid); if (!tdoc) throw new ContestNotFoundError(tid); this.RULES[$set.rule || tdoc.rule].check(Object.assign(tdoc, $set)); return await document.set(domainId, document.TYPE_CONTEST, tid, $set); } /** * @param {string} domainId * @param {ObjectID} tid * @returns {Tdoc} */ async function get(domainId, tid) { const tdoc = await document.get(domainId, document.TYPE_CONTEST, tid); if (!tdoc) throw new ContestNotFoundError(tid); return tdoc; } async function updateStatus(domainId, tid, uid, rid, pid, accept, score) { await get(domainId, tid); const tsdoc = await document.revPushStatus(domainId, document.TYPE_CONTEST, tid, uid, 'journal', { rid, pid, accept, score, }); if (!tsdoc.value.attend) throw new ContestNotAttendedError(tid, uid); } function getStatus(domainId, tid, uid) { return document.getStatus(domainId, tid, uid); } async function getListStatus(domainId, uid, tids) { const r = {}; // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop for (const tid of tids) r[tid] = await getStatus(domainId, tid, uid); return r; } async function attend(domainId, tid, uid) { try { await document.cappedIncStatus(domainId, document.TYPE_CONTEST, tid, uid, 'attend', 1, 0, 1); } catch (e) { throw new ContestAlreadyAttendedError(tid, uid); } await, document, document.TYPE_CONTEST, tid, 'attend', 1); return {}; } function getMultiStatus(query) { return document.getMultiStatus(query); } function isNew(tdoc, days = 1) { const now = new Date().getTime(); const readyAt = tdoc.beginAt.getTime(); return (now < readyAt - days * 24 * 3600 * 1000); } function isUpcoming(tdoc, days = 1) { const now = new Date().getTime(); const readyAt = tdoc.beginAt.getTime(); return (now > readyAt - days * 24 * 3600 * 1000 && now < tdoc.beginAt); } function isNotStarted(tdoc) { return (new Date()) < tdoc.beginAt; } function isOngoing(tdoc) { const now = new Date(); return (tdoc.beginAt <= now && now < tdoc.endAt); } function isDone(tdoc) { return tdoc.endAt <= new Date(); } const ContestHandlerMixin = (c) => class extends c { canViewHiddenScoreboard() { return this.user.hasPerm(PERM_VIEW_CONTEST_HIDDEN_SCOREBOARD); } canShowRecord(tdoc, allowPermOverride = true) { if (RULES[tdoc.rule].showRecord(tdoc, new Date())) return true; if (allowPermOverride && this.canViewHiddenScoreboard(tdoc)) return true; return false; } canShowScoreboard(tdoc, allowPermOverride = true) { if (RULES[tdoc.rule].showScoreboard(tdoc, new Date())) return true; if (allowPermOverride && this.canViewHiddenScoreboard(tdoc)) return true; return false; } async getScoreboard(domainId, tid, isExport = false) { const tdoc = await get(domainId, tid); if (!this.canShowScoreboard(tdoc)) throw new ContestScoreboardHiddenError(tid); const tsdocs = await getMultiStatus(domainId, tid) .sort(RULES[tdoc.rule].statusSort).toArray(); const uids = []; for (const tsdoc of tsdocs) uids.push(tsdoc.uid); const [udict, pdict] = await Promise.all([ user.getList(uids), problem.getList(domainId, tdoc.pids), ]); const rankedTsdocs = RULES[tdoc.rule].rank(tsdocs); const rows = RULES[tdoc.rule].scoreboard(isExport, (str) => (str ? str.toString().translate(this.user.language) : ''), tdoc, rankedTsdocs, udict, pdict); return [tdoc, rows, udict]; } async verifyProblems(domainId, pids) { // eslint-disable-line class-methods-use-this const r = []; for (const pid of pids) { const res = await problem.get(domainId, pid); // eslint-disable-line no-await-in-loop if (res) r.push(res.docId); else throw new ProblemNotFoundError(pid); } return r; } }; function setStatus(domainId, tid, uid, $set) { return document.setStatus(domainId, document.TYPE_CONTEST, tid, uid, $set); } global.Hydro.model.contest = module.exports = { RULES, ContestHandlerMixin, add, getListStatus, attend, edit, get, updateStatus, getStatus, count: (query) => document.count({ ...query, docType: document.TYPE_CONTEST }), getMulti: (query = {}) => document.getMulti({ ...query, docType: document.TYPE_CONTEST }), setStatus, isNew, isUpcoming, isNotStarted, isOngoing, isDone, statusText: (tdoc) => ( isNew(tdoc) ? 'New' : isUpcoming(tdoc) ? 'Ready (☆▽☆)' : isOngoing(tdoc) ? 'Live...' : 'Done'), getStatusText: (tdoc) => ( isNotStarted(tdoc) ? 'not_started' : isOngoing(tdoc) ? 'ongoing' : 'finished'), }; /* def _get_status_journal(tsdoc): # Sort and uniquify journal of the contest status document, by rid. return [list(g)[-1] for _, g in itertools.groupby(sorted(tsdoc['journal'], key=journal_key_func), key=journal_key_func)] @argmethod.wrap async def recalc_status(domainId: str, doc_type: int, cid: objeccid.Objeccid): if doc_type not in [document.TYPE_CONTEST, document.TYPE_HOMEWORK]: raise error.InvalidArgumentError('doc_type') tdoc = await document.get(domainId, doc_type, cid) async with document.get_multi_status(domainId=domainId, doc_type=doc_type, doc_id=tdoc.docId) as tsdocs: async for tsdoc in tsdocs: if 'journal' not in tsdoc or not tsdoc['journal']: continue journal = _get_status_journal(tsdoc) stats = RULES[tdoc['rule']].stat_func(tdoc, journal) await document.rev_set_status(domainId, doc_type, cid, tsdoc['uid'], tsdoc['rev'], return_doc=False, journal=journal, **stats) */